571 research outputs found

    Silk biomaterial for skeletal tissue engineering

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    70-77Increased fracture rates and problems connected with missing bones as a result of accidents or various illnesses cause serious socio-health issues. Tissue engineering strives to provide a technique for promoting the healing or restoration of injured tissue as closely as feasible to the original tissue. The construction of scaffolds made from recombinant proteins is one of the most important alternatives proposed by this specialisation. Silk in bone tissue engineering has been extensively studied and the current study summarises the literature on such materials and their fabrication

    Pressure effects on single wall carbon nanotube bundles

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    We report high pressure Raman studies on single wall carbon nanotube bundles under hydrostatic conditions using two different pressure transmitting media, alcohol mixture and pure water. The radial and tangential modes show a blue shift when SWNT bundle is immersed in the liquids at ambient pressures. The pressure dependence of the radial modes is the same in both liquids. However, the pressure derivatives dω/dP of the tangential modes are slightly higher for the water medium. Raman results are compared with studies under non-hydrostatic conditions and with recent high-pressure X-ray studies. It is seen that the mode frequencies of the recovered sample after pressure cycling from 26 GPa are downshifted by ~7-10 cm−1 as compared to the starting sample

    Pressure-induced phase transformation and structural resilience of single-wall carbon nanotube bundles

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    We report here an in situ X-ray diffraction investigation of the structural changes in carbon single-wall nanotube bundles under quasihydrostatic pressures up to 13 GPa. In contrast with a recent study [Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1887 (2000)] our results show that the triangular lattice of the carbon nanotube bundles continues to persist up to ~10 GPa. The lattice is seen to relax just before the phase transformation that is observed at ~10 GPa. Further, our results display the reversibility of the two-dimensional lattice symmetry even after compression up to 13 GPa well beyond the 5 GPa value observed recently. These experimental results explicitly validate the predicted remarkable mechanical resilience of the nanotubes

    On the nature of the dhcp to fcc transition under pressure in Pr and Pr-Th alloys

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    The results of electrical resistance (R), thermoelectric power (TEP) and X-ray diffraction measurements on praseodymium (Pr) and its alloys with thorium under pressure are reported. The maximum inR vsP curve exhibited by Pr persists only in the dhcp phase of PrTh alloy. X-ray measurements confirmed that in the alloys also the maximum inR vsP curve is due to the dhcp → fcc transition. Thus the behaviour of Pr and Pr-Th alloys is different from that of La and its alloys with Ce and Th where the maximum in theR vsP curve is electronic in origin and is exhibited by the dhcp, fcc and dist fcc phases

    Differential and temperature dependent regulation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase by specific chromosome in wheat grains

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    A stock of disomic chromosome substitution (DCS) lines having specific chromosome of wheat variety C591 substituted in the background of rest of Chinese spring chromosomes, were used to analyze grain yield components as a function of enzyme activity of ADP–glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), a starch biosynthesis enzyme in wheat grains. Associations between yield characteristics, grain growth rate (GGR) and AGPase enzyme activity of DCS lines suggested a major involvement of chromosome 3A, 4B, 7D and 2D in a temperature dependent manner. Assessment of AGPase assay at different developmental stages such as 14, 21, 28 days post anthesis (DPA) embodied that gene(s) for this enzyme are present on specific chromosomes and operate at different stages of grain development. The DCS line with 7D chromosome has a major contribution in determining the grain starch content. In this line, AGPase enzyme activity was highest at 21 DPA and was the most crucial determinant in its high GGR. Line 4B performed well at only early stage (14 DPA) suggesting that line 4B AGPase requires a lower temperature range for activation as compared to 7D line. Line 3A had substantially reduced (40%) test weights revealing the presence of few down-regulatory elements on chromosome 3A to reduce the activity of AGPase. The DCS line 2D showed higher test weights and grain number than all other lines ascribed to a consistent AGPase activity along with an efficient mechanism for translocation of photosynthates from source to sink. The chromosome 2D shows positive relation with yield attributes therefore, it can be employed to improve wheat productivity via analytical breeding programme

    High pressure phase transitions in organic solids. I: α → β transition in resorcinol

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    An experimental program has been started to study polymorphic phase transitions under pressure in organic solids using the Be gasketing technique developed by us. This allows us to obtain x-ray diffraction patterns of low symmetry organic solids with high resolution, employing CuK α radiation. The first organic solid studied is α-resorcinol. At 0.5 GPa, it transforms to its high temperature and denser modification, β-resorcinol. The transformation mechanism is discussed with the help of molecular packing calculations