886 research outputs found

    Torts -- Dignity As a Legally Protectable Interest

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    Overstating the evidence - double counting in meta-analysis and related problems

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    Background: The problem of missing studies in meta-analysis has received much attention. Less attention has been paid to the more serious problem of double counting of evidence. Methods: Various problems in overstating the precision of results from meta-analyses are described and illustrated with examples, including papers from leading medical journals. These problems include, but are not limited to, simple double-counting of the same studies, double counting of some aspects of the studies, inappropriate imputation of results, and assigning spurious precision to individual studies. Results: Some suggestions are made as to how the quality and reliability of meta-analysis can be improved. It is proposed that the key to quality in meta-analysis lies in the results being transparent and checkable. Conclusions: Existing quality check lists for meta-analysis do little to encourage an appropriate attitude to combining evidence and to statistical analysis. Journals and other relevant organisations should encourage authors to make data available and make methods explicit. They should also act promptly to withdraw meta-analyses when mistakes are found

    Esparsette (Onobrychis viciifolia) als mögliche Futterpflanze zur Kontrolle von Magen-Darm-Strongyliden bei Schafen

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    In der Schaf- und Ziegenhaltung stellt der Befall mit Magen-Darm-Strongyliden (MDS) einen wesentlichen Problemfaktor fĂŒr die Tiergesundheit dar. Klinische und subklinische Erkrankungen können von erheblicher wirtschaftlicher Relevanz sein. Eine zunehmende Resistenzentwicklung gegen seit langem eingesetzte Anthelminthika hat derzeit einen intensivierten Einsatz dieser Wirkstoffe zur Folge und verschĂ€rft das Problem somit zusĂ€tzlich. Die Entwicklung und Bereitstellung komplementĂ€rer Kontrollstrategien könnte zu einer erheblichen Reduktion des Anthelminthika-Einsatzes beitragen. Eine mögliche Strategie stellt der Einsatz tanninhaltiger Futterpflanzen dar. Wir beschreiben Ergebnisse aus einem in vivo Versuch zur antiparasitischen Wirkung von Esparsettenheu und Esparsettensilage (6,2 % und 4,4 % Tannine / Trockensubstanz) gegen Haemonchus contortus und Cooperia curticei in experimentell infizierten LĂ€mmern. Nach 16-tĂ€giger FĂŒtterung mit Esparsettenheu war die H. contortus WurmbĂŒrde im Vergleich zu einer isoproteisch und isoenergetisch gefĂŒtterten Kontrollgruppe (0,1 % Tannine / Trockensubstanz) um 53 % reduziert (P < 0,05). Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass LĂ€mmer, die mit Esparsettenheu gefĂŒttert wurden, bereits 10 Tage nach Versuchsbeginn 44 % (P < 0,05) weniger H. contortus Eier pro Gramm Kot (EpG) ausschieden als die Kontrolltiere. Bei Versuchsende (16 Tage nach FĂŒtterungsbeginn) war die H. contortus Eiausscheidung im Vergleich zur Kontrolle um 58 % reduziert (P < 0,01). Die Tagesgewichtszunahme der LĂ€mmer in der Esparsettenheu-Gruppe war im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe tendenziell besser (163 g/Tag und 96 g/Tag; P = 0,07). Die FĂŒtterung mit Esparsettensilage reduzierte die H. contortus Eiausscheidung verglichen mit der Kontrolle um 48 %. Dieses Resultat war allerdings nicht signifikant (P = 0,075). Im Vergleich zu den Kontrollgruppen wurde die C. curticei Eiausscheidung durch Esparsettenheu um 74 % (P < 0,001) und durch Esparsettensilage um 81 % (P < 0,001) reduziert. Es handelt sich bei dieser Studie um die erste, welche die fĂŒr den Praxiseinsatz wichtige Verwendung einer konservierten, tanninhaltigen Futterpflanze gezielt gegen H. contortus und C. curticei untersucht

    Unterschiede im Leistungsverhalten von Gesunden zwischen Fahrrad- und Laufbandergometrie

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    Problemstellung: Zur ÜberprĂŒfung des Ausdauertrainingseffektes wĂ€hrend einer Terrainkur ist die Laufbandergometrie der Belastung auf dem Fahrrad vorzuziehen, da hierbei dieselben Muskeln beansprucht werden wie wĂ€hrend des Trainings. Allerdings gelingt es wegen der frĂŒhzeitigen subjektiven Erschöpfung der Kurpatienten nur selten, MilchsĂ€urewerte oberhalb der aeroben/anaeroben Schwelle zu erzielen. Gegenstand: Die vorliegende Studie mit Gesunden befaßt sich mit den Fragen, warum sich Kurpatienten auf dem Laufband metabolisch betrachtet nicht genĂŒgend ausbelasten lassen, und welches die entscheidenden Unterschiede in der Art der Belastung zwischen Laufband- und Fahrradergometer sind. Versuchsplan: 27 gesunde Testpersonen wurden auf dem Fahrrad- und Laufbandergometer submaximal belastet. Die Belastung wurde nach einem standardisierten Verfahren in 0,33 W/kg-Schritten gesteigert. Wichtigste Meßparameter waren Herzfrequenz und MilchsĂ€urespiegel. Ergebnisse: WĂ€hrend der Laufbandergometrie lagen Herzfrequenz und Sauerstoffbedarf des Myokards zum Erreichen der gleichen Wattstufe signifikant höher (1,0 W/kg:p≀0,001; 1,33 W/kg: p≀0,01; 2,0 W/kg: n.s.; Erholung: p≀0,001) als auf dem Fahrrad. Dagegen zeigte sich bei gegebener Herzfrequenz von 130/min und bei derselben höchsten erreichten Wattstufe auf dem Laufband ein um 0,7 mmol/1 bzw. l,0mmol/l signifikant (p≀0,01) niedrigerer Laktatanstieg als auf dem Fahrradergometer. Schlußfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse zeigten somit eine stĂ€rkere kardiale Ausschöpfung auf dem Laufbandergometer. Die aeroben/anaerobe Schwelle wird dagegen auf dem Laufband spĂ€ter als auf dem Fahrrad erreicht

    Development of a monitoring instrument to assess the performance of the Swiss primary care system.

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    The Swiss health system is customer-driven with fee-for-service paiement scheme and universal coverage. It is highly performing but expensive and health information systems are scarcely implemented. The Swiss Primary Care Active Monitoring (SPAM) program aims to develop an instrument able to describe the performance and effectiveness of the Swiss PC system. Based on a Literature review we developed a conceptual framework and selected indicators according to their ability to reflect the Swiss PC system. A two round modified RAND method with 24 inter-/national experts took place to select primary/secondary indicators (validity, clarity, agreement). A limited set of priority indicators was selected (importance, priority) in a third round. A conceptual framework covering three domains (structure, process, outcome) subdivided into twelve sections (funding, access, organisation/ workflow of resources, (Para-)Medical training, management of knowledge, clinical-/interpersonal care, health status, satisfaction of PC providers/ consumers, equity) was generated. 365 indicators were pre-selected and 335 were finally retained. 56 were kept as priority indicators.- Among the remaining, 199 were identified as primary and 80 as secondary indicators. All domains and sections are represented. The development of the SPAM program allowed the construction of a consensual instrument in a traditionally unregulated health system through a modified RAND method. The selected 56 priority indicators render the SPAM instrument a comprehensive tool supporting a better understanding of the Swiss PC system's performance and effectiveness as well as in identifying potential ways to improve quality of care. Further challenges will be to update indicators regularly and to assess validity and sensitivity-to-change over time

    Increased genetic marker density reveals high levels of admixture between red deer and introduced Japanese sika in Kintyre, Scotland

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    Hybridization is a natural process at species range boundaries, but increasing numbers of species are hybridizing due to direct or indirect human activities. In such cases of anthropogenic hybridization, subsequent introgression can threaten the survival of native species. To date, many such systems have been studied with too few genetic markers to assess the level of threat resulting from advanced backcrossing. Here, we use 44,999 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the ADMIXTURE program to study two areas of Scotland where a panel of 22 diagnostic microsatellites previously identified introgression between native red deer (Cervus elaphus) and introduced Japanese sika (Cervus nippon). In Kintyre, we reclassify 26% of deer from the pure species categories to the hybrid category whereas in the NW Highlands we only reclassify 2%. As expected, the reclassified individuals are mostly advanced backcrosses. We also investigate the ability of marker panels selected on different posterior allele frequency criteria to find hybrids assigned by the full marker set and show that in our data, ancestry informative markers (i.e. those that are highly differentiated between the species, but not fixed) are better than diagnostic markers (those markers that are fixed between the species) because they are more evenly distributed in the genome. Diagnostic loci are concentrated on the X chromosome to the detriment of autosomal coverage

    CoCo trial: Color-coded blood pressure Control, a randomized controlled study

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    BACKGROUND: Inadequate blood pressure (BP) control is a frequent challenge in general practice. The objective of this study was to determine whether a color-coded BP booklet using a traffic light scheme (red, >180 mmHg systolic BP and/or >110 mmHg diastolic BP; yellow, >140–180 mmHg systolic BP or >90–110 mmHg diastolic BP; green, ≀140 mmHg systolic BP and ≀90 mmHg diastolic BP) improves BP control and adherence with home BP measurement. METHODS: In this two-group, randomized controlled trial, general practitioners recruited adult patients with a BP >140 mmHg systolic and/or >90 mmHg diastolic. Patients in the control group received a standard BP booklet and the intervention group used a color-coded booklet for daily home BP measurement. The main outcomes were changes in BP, BP control (treatment goal <140/90 mmHg), and adherence with home BP measurement after 6 months. RESULTS: One hundred and twenty-one of 137 included patients qualified for analysis. After 6 months, a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic BP was achieved in both groups, with no significant difference between the groups (16.1/7.9 mmHg in the intervention group versus 13.1/8.6 mmHg in the control group, P=0.3/0.7). BP control (treatment target <140/90 mmHg) was achieved significantly more often in the intervention group (43% versus 25%; P=0.037; number needed to treat of 5). Adherence with home BP measurement overall was high, with a trend in favor of the intervention group (98.6% versus 96.2%; P=0.1) CONCLUSION: Color-coded BP self-monitoring significantly improved BP control (number needed to treat of 5, meaning that every fifth patient utilizing color-coded self-monitoring achieved better BP control after 6 months), but no significant between-group difference was observed in BP change. A markedly higher percentage of patients achieved BP values in the normal range. This simple, inexpensive approach of color-coded BP self-monitoring is user-friendly and applicable in primary care, and should be implemented in the care of patients with arterial hypertension
