48 research outputs found
Compact Star Clusters in the M31 Disk
We have carried out a survey of compact star clusters (apparent size <3
arcsec) in the southwest part of the M31 galaxy, based on the high-resolution
Suprime-Cam images (17.5 arcmin x 28.5 arcmin), covering ~15% of the
deprojected galaxy disk area. The UBVRI photometry of 285 cluster candidates (V
< 20.5 mag) was performed using frames of the Local Group Galaxies Survey. The
final sample, containing 238 high probability star cluster candidates (typical
half-light radius r_h ~ 1.5 pc), was selected by specifying a lower limit of
r_h > 0.15 arcsec (>0.6 pc). We derived cluster parameters based on the
photometric data and multiband images by employing simple stellar population
models. The clusters have a wide range of ages from ~5 Myr (young objects
associated with 24 um and/or Ha emission) to ~10 Gyr (globular cluster
candidates), and possess mass in a range of 3.0 < log(m/M_sol) < 4.3 peaking at
m ~ 4000 M_sol. Typical age of these intermediate-mass clusters is in the range
of 30 Myr < t < 3 Gyr, with a prominent peak at ~70 Myr. These findings suggest
a rich intermediate-mass star cluster population in M31, which appears to be
scarce in the Milky Way galaxy.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap
Исследование влияния рамиприла и эпросартана на диастолическую дисфункцию, функциональный класс сердечной недостаточности и инсулинорезистентность при длительном лечении гипертензивной болезни
IMSP Institutul de Cardiologie, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican Timofei Moșneaga, IP USMF Nicolae Testemițanu, Spitalul Clinic de Recuperare Iași, RomâniaHipertensiunea arterială (HTA) și insulinorezistența (IR) coexistă frecvent ca niște condiții-satelit, agravând evoluția sindromului metabolic. Prezența disfuncției diastolice (DD) a ventriculului stâng (VS) categorizează pacienții hipertensivi ca având un risc cardiovascular înalt, indiferent de masa ventriculară sau nivelul TA. Unele studii care au vizat pacienții cu IR au evidențiat și compromiterea funcției diastolice a VS, iar gradul alterării acesteia ar fi dependent de nivelul perturbărilor metabolismului carbohidraților. Luând în considerare rolul activării neurohumorale în dezvoltarea și perpetuarea HTA ce duce la afectarea organului-țintă și insufi ciență cardiacă (IC), precum și interrelația cu IR, am considerat necesară evaluarea acțiunii terapiei convenționale active asupra sistemului renină-angiotensină-aldosteron (SRAA) și a impactului acesteia asupra funcției diastolice, clasei funcționale NYHA a IC și IR. Studiul a demonstrat o efi ciență comparabilă a IEC ramipril și ARA II eprosartan în restaurarea indicilor fi ziologici lusitropici, ameliorarea clasei funcționale NYHA a IC și a indicilor metabolismului carbohidraților (HOMAIR), dar cu o superioritate statistic semnifi cativă la administrarea ARA II eprosartan, fenomen explicat prin efectele simpatolitice adiționale, specifi ce moleculei de eprosartan.Hypertension and insulin resistance (IR) that oft en coexist satellite conditions aggravating the evolution of metabolic syndrome. Association of HT and insulin resistance (IR) are related to higher cardio metabolic risk and enhancement of target organ damages (TOD). Studies focused on patients with IR revealed compromised diastolic function and the alteration’s degree would be dependent on carbohydrate metabolism disturbances. Considering the key-role of the neurohumoral activation in pathophysiology of both heart failure and IR, we have considered the assessment of conventional therapy acting on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and its impact on diastolic function, NYHA functional class of heart failure and IR. The study demonstrated a comparable efficacy of both ACEI Ramipril and ARB Eprosartan on restoration of physiological indices of lusitropy, improvement of functional class of heart failure and carbohydrate metabolism indices (HOMAIR), but with greater efficiency in the Eprosartanmedicated arm, probably due to additional sympatholytic effect of its moiety.Эссенциальная гипертензия и инсулинорезистентность часто сосуществуют и усугубляют течение метаболического синдрома. Наличие диастолической дисфункции левого желудочка автоматически переводят человека в группу высокого сердечно-сосудистого риска, независимо от уровня артериального давления и массы миокарда левого желудочка. Некоторые исследования, которые включали пациентов с инсулинорезистентностью, выявили нарушения диастолической функции, и степень этих нарушений коррелировала с тяжестью пертурбаций углеводного обмена. Принимая во внимание важность нейрогуморальной активации в развитии поражений органов-мишени, сердечной недостаточности и взаимосвязи с инсулинорезистентностью, мы исследовали эффективность терапии, влияющей на ренин-ангиотензин-альдостероновую систему (РААС), на показатели диастолической функции, функциональный класс сердечной недостаточности и инсулинорезистентность. Исследование доказало сравнимую эффективность ИАПФ рамиприла и АРА II эпросартана на восстановление физиологических показателей диастолической функции, улучшение функционального класса NYHA сердечной недостаточности и инсулинорезистентности. В то же время, было установлено статистически достоверное превосходство эпросартана и улучшение вышеперечисленных показателей в сравнение с рамиприлом, что объясняется дополнительным симпатолитическими эффектами молекулы эпросартана
A study of the centrally produced pi0pi0pi0 channel in pp interactions at 450 GeV/c
The reaction pp -> pf (pi0pi0pi0) ps has been studied at 450 GeV/c. The
pi0pi0pi0 effective mass spectrum shows clear eta(547) and pi2(1670) signals.
Branching ratios for the eta(547) and pi_2(1670) are given as well as upper
limits for the decays of the omega(782), a1(1260) and a2(1320) into 3pi0.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 4 Figure
Modeling the Radial Color Profile of M31
We present a preliminary study of a fragment of the radial color profile of the spiral galaxy M 31 in terms of 2-D model accounting for internal extinction in the disk. The two stellar population disk model was assumed. The old dust-free disk population is represented by the double exponential law, and the young disk population, well mixed with the dust, resides in spiral arms of various scale-heights. We find a good agreement among the radial color B-R profiles produced by this simple model and the profile measured around the spiral arm S4 of M 31