209 research outputs found

    Architecture for Fault Tolerance in Mobile Cloud Computing using Disease Resistance Approach

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    The mobile cloud computing (MCC) is one of the emerging fields in the distributed computing. MCC is an integration of both mobile computing and cloud computing. The limitations of the mobile devices are storage, battery and processing proficiency.These sensitive characteristics of mobile devices can be effectively handled with the introduction of cloud computing. The increasing functionality of the cloud and complexity of the applications causes resource failures in the cloud computing and it reduces the overall performance of the MCC environment. On the other hand, the existing approaches for resource scheduling in MCC proposed several architectures and they are only concentrated on the allocation of resources. The existing architectures are lack of fault tolerance mechanism to handle the faulty resources. To overcome the issues stated above, this paper proposes architecture for fault tolerance in MCC using Disease Resistance approach (DRFT). The main aim of the DRFT approach is to effectively handle the faultyVMs in the MCC. This DRFT approach utilizes the human disease resistance mechanism which is used as materials and methods in the proposed model. The DRFT is capable of identifying the faulty virtual machines and reschedules the tasks to the identified suitable virtual machines. This procedure ultimately leads to minimization of makespan value and it improves the overall performance of the scheduling process. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, a series of simulations has been carried out using CloudSim simulator. The performance of the proposed DRFT approach is compared with the Dynamic group based fault tolerance approach (DGFT-approach). The makespan value of DRFT is reduced to 7% and the performance of DRFT is increased when compare to the DGFT approach. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Power System Oscillation Damping Using New Facts Device

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    This paper presents about improving stability of the system which can be possible with new FACTS device with more convenient. FACTS devices come under the influence of power electronics equipment. Distributed Power Flow Controller is a FACTS device used for damping low frequency oscillation with new controlling approach. It is valid for a wide range of the operating condition. In this work explain the basic model and its steady state operation, mathematical analysis injection of current control model of the DPFC. Using damping controller used in DPFC facts device as input to implement the task of power oscillation damping .Here this work had a brief study on damping, terminal voltage and excitation voltage at different load conditions, simulation results demonstrate damping low frequency oscillation at nominal, light and heavy loading condition

    Web Search using Improved Concept Based Query Refinement

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    The information extracted from Web pages can be used for effective query expansion. The aspect needed to improve accuracy of web search engines is the inclusion of metadata, not only to analyze Web content, but also to interpret. With the Web of today being unstructured and semantically heterogeneous, keyword-based queries are likely to miss important results. . Using data mining methods, our system derives dependency rules and applies them to concept-based queries. This paper presents a novel approach for query expansion that applies dependence rules mined from a large Web World, combining several existing techniques for data extraction and mining, to integrate the system into COMPACT, our prototype implementation of a concept-based search engine

    An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of behavioral modification therapy on nocturnal enuresis among children of primary care givers (6-12years) at selected urban area, Vellore

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    Childhood holds a very important place in the life of every human being. Children can have emotional and behavioral problems that are real and painful. The behavioral problems seen in middle childhood are stuttering, pica, sleep problems, enuresis, encopresis and tics. STATEMENT: An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of behavioral modification therapy on nocturnal enuresis among children of primary care givers (6-12 years) at selected urban area, Vellore. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the levels of nocturnal enuresis among children of primary care givers. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of behavioral modification therapy on nocturnal Enuresis among children of primary care givers. 3. To find out association between the post assessment scores of nocturnal enuresis and the selected demographic variables. METHODS: The research design selected was Pre Experimental, one group pre and post test design. Judgemental sampling Technique was adopted to selected 35 children of primary care givers. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analysis and interpretation of data. RESULTS: Least number of children 3(9%) had mild levels of nocturnal enuresis, 7 (20%) had moderate levels of nocturnal enuresis, more than one quarter of the children 10(28%) had severe levels of nocturnal enuresis, nearly half of the children 15(43%) had profound levels of nocturnal enuresis during pre assessment, whereas after behavioral modification therapy, nearly half of the children 14(40%) had mild levels of nocturnal enuresis, less than half of the children 12(34%) had moderate levels of nocturnal enuresis, less than one quarter 7(20%) children had severe levels of nocturnal enuresis and least number of children 2(6%) had profound levels of nocturnal enuresis. • Less than one quarter of the children 4(12%) had mild levels of nocturnal enuresis, more than half of the children 19 (54%) had moderate levels of nocturnal enuresis, less than half of the children 10(28%) had severe levels of nocturnal enuresis during pre-test. After behavioral modification therapy, majority of the children 27(77%) had mild levels of nocturnal enuresis, below the one quarter of the children 8(23%) had moderate levels of nocturnal enuresis, none had severe levels of nocturnal enuresis. • The post assessment findings revealed that there was a significant difference at (p<0.001) in the mean difference score of pre and post assessment on effectiveness of behavioral modification therapy. There was an improvement in levels of nocturnal enuresis scores among children after behavior modification therapy, hence hypothesis 1 was accepted. • There was a significant association (p<0.05) between the post assessment scores of nocturnal enuresis and the selected demographic variables such as age of the child, sex of the child and past history of enuresis in siblings. The above result indicate that the behavioral modification therapy had a significant effect in reducing the levels of nocturnal enuresis among children. CONCLUSION: From the study findings, it can be concluded that the behavioral modification therapy was effective in improving the levels of nocturnal enuresis among children

    Evaluation of nootropic activity of Curcuma longa leaves in diazepam and scopolamine-induced amnesic mice and rats

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    Background: The present study was undertaken to assess the nootropic activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Curcuma longa leaves (HAECL) in diazepam-induced amnesia in mice using Morris water maze method and scopolamine-induced amnesia in rats by using elevated plus maze behavioral paradigm and its effect on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and reduced glutathione (GSH) level were carried out.Methods: Amnesia was induced by administration of diazepam (1 mg/kg i.p.) and scopolamine (0.4 mg/kg i.p.) and treatment groups received HAECL (200 and 400 mg/kg p.o) for 14 and 10 days in scopolamine and diazepam-induced amnesia model, respectively. The extent of improvement in memory was measured by behavioral paradigm. Finally, animals were sacrificed, and the whole brain was isolated for estimation of concentration of AChE and reduced GSH levels.Results: The oral treatment with HAECL with a dose 400 mg/kg has shown an enhancement in the memory function compared to 200 mg/kg.Conclusion: This could be by inhibiting the levels of cholinesterase concentration  of enzyme and thereby increasing the concentration of acetylcholine level in brain and improving cognition-memory performance

    Diagnóstico y propuesta de mejoramiento de la planta de tratamiento de agua potable del municipio de La Palma - departamento Cundinamarca- Colombia

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl objetivo principal fue realizar el diagnóstico y propuestas de mejoramiento de la planta de tratamiento de agua potable (PTAP) del municipio de La Palma- Cundinamarca- Colombia. El estudio se concentró en realizar el análisis tanto del funcionamiento hidráulico de las estructuras y los parámetros fisicoquímicos la calidad del agua. Con los resultados obtenidos se realizó una propuesta de mejoramiento, con el fin de obtener un mejor recurso hídrico final para los usuarios del municipio. Este proceso se llevó a cabo mediante la evaluación de los parámetros hidráulicos en cada una de las estructuras (canaleta Parshall, floculador, sedimentador, filtro y clorador), en donde se observó que el total de estructuras se encuentra en malas condiciones y necesitan un nuevo diseño, el cual fue elaborado y presentado. Para los parámetros fisicoquímicos de calidad del agua se llevaron a cabo pruebas de laboratorio, y su posterior análisis estadístico para la evaluación sobre la eficiencia de los procesos realizados en la PTAP. Finalmente se presentan las recomendaciones y conclusiones de la investigación desarrollada.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. EVALUACIÓN DEL FUNCIONAMIENTO HIDRAULICO Y OPERACIÓN DE LA PLANTA DE TRATAMIENTO DE AGUA POTABLE DEL MUNICIPIO 3. ANÁLISIS DE PARÁMETROS FISICOQUÍMICOS DE LA CALIDAD DEL AGUA 4. PROPUESTA DE MEJORAMIENTO DE LOS PROCESOS DE LA PLANTA DE TRATAMIENTO DE AGUA POTABLE 5. CONCLUSIONES 6. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Microbial prevalence and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern in diabetic infections

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    Objective: This study was conducted to examine the anticancer activities in the extracts of marine seaweeds Gracilariacorticata.Methods: The acetone, chloroform, ethanol, methanol and aqueous extracts of collected seaweeds were tested for their anticancer properties in vitro against HeLa cancer cell lines.Results: The anticancer activity of the seaweed extracts was observed at 24hours, 48 hours and 72 h in which chloroform and ethanol extracts of G. corticata showed a greater activity with an IC50 value of 341.82 µg/ml and 244.7 µg/ml respectively for 48hours. P-values were determined by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The morphology of the treated cells showed a great variation when compared to the control cells. Thus, the in vitro assay indicates that the extracts of seaweeds are the significant source of a noble anticancer agent.Conclusion: This study also infers that G. corticata could be a potential candidate for cancer therapy in the near future