49 research outputs found

    Weed management in maize (Zea mays ) in western Indo-Gangetic Plains through tank-mix herbicide application

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    To evaluate the bio-efficacy of pre-emergence tank-mix and sequential application (pre-emergence followed by (fb) post-emergence) of herbicides on weeds particularly Cyperus rotundus L. in maize (Zea mays L.), a field experiment was conducted in 2010 and 2011 at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. It was observed that the tank-mix pre-emergence application of pendimethalin 0.75 kg/ha + imazethapyr 0.050 kg/ha with or without KNO3 (6%) and pendimethalin 0.75 kg/ha + chlorimuron-p- ethyl 0.006 kg/ha resulted in significant suppression of Cyperus rotundus, broad leaved and grassy weeds, and caused a significant reduction in total weed population and dry weight. These tank-mixes were superior to other weed control treatments and resulted in higher weed control efficiency and weed control index. However, the pre-emergence tank-mix application of pendimethalin 0.75 kg/ha + imazethapyr 0.050 kg/ ha resulted in comparable maize yield with weed-free check in both years, but the yields in this treatment were higher than in other weed control treatments. This treatment, excluding weed-free check, resulted in the highest net returns and net benefit:cost. Atrazine 1.0 kg/ha + mustard residue mulch @ 5 tonnes/ha was the next best treatment, resulting in higher maize yield through concurrent reduction in weed competition


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    The period of high technology development sees large-scale works concerning replacement of conventional materials applied in engineering, in other words metals are replaced by progressive polymer and composite materials, various plastics.Composite materials have found their new application with every passing day in aircraft industry, shipbuilding, electrical engineering, radio engineering, automobile and tractor industry and in other industries displacing conventional ones.Glass-reinforced plastic is considered as one of sufficiently available and widely applicable composite materials because products made of this material are characterized by high physical and mechanical strength indices that surpass steel in performance. This material is not subjected to corrosion and it is resistant to chemically hostile media and environment. These factors determine glass-reinforced plastic longevity. Appearance of a final product plays rather significant role in selection of the required material. Glass-reinforced plastic products can have various shapes preserving their rigidity, strength and small weight.The paper contains a comparative analysis of glass-reinforced plastic properties and it reveals physical and mechanical characteristics of products made of glass-reinforced plastic. The paper also describes peculiar features of glass-reinforced plastic products and their advantages.В период развития высоких технологий ведутся широкомасштабные работы по замене традиционных материалов, применяемых в технике, т. е. металлов, на прогрессивные полимерные и композиционные материалы, различные пластмассы.В авиастроении, судостроении, электротехнике, радиотехнике, автотракторостроении и других областях промышленности композиционные материалы с каждым днем находят все новое применение, вытесняя традиционные материалы.Один достаточно доступный и широко применяемый из композиционных материалов – стеклопластик. Изделия из этого материала имеют высокие физико-механические показатели прочности, по которым могут превосходить сталь. Он не подвержен коррозии, устойчив к химически агрессивным средам, стоек к воздействию окружающей среды. Эти факторы определяют долговечность стеклопластика. Далеко не последнее место при выборе материала занимает внешний вид конечного изделия. Изделия из стеклопластика можно изготавливать любой формы, при этом сохраняя жесткость, прочность и малый вес.Проведен сравнительный анализ свойств стеклопластика.  Показаны физико-механические характеристики изделий из стеклопластика. Описаны особенности изделий из стеклопластика и их преимущества

    Синтез 5-арилизоксазол-3-карбоксилатов длинноцепных первичных спиртов

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    Synthesis of 5-arylisoxazole-3-carboxylates of the long chain primary alcohols hav been described.Представлен синтез 5-арилизоксазол-3-карбоксилатов длинноцепных спиртов, полученных этерифика- цией додекан-1-ола, пентадекан-1-ола, гексадекан-1-ола и гептадекан-1-ола хлорангидридами 5-арилизоксазол-3-карбоновых кислот в среде сухого диэтилового эфира в присутствии триэтиламина при 20-23 °С с выходом78-89%

    Синтез и изучение окислительно-восстановительных свойств некоторых производных ферроцена циклической вольтамперометрией и методом PM7

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    The synthesis of some ferrocene derivatives and investigation of their redox properties by cyclic voltamperometry and PM7 methods has been described.Описан синтез и изучены окислительно-восстановительные свойства некоторых производных ферроцена с использованием методов циклической вольтамперометрии и РМ7

    Mechanisms for primordial black hole production in string theory

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    We consider mechanisms for producing a significant population of primordial black holes (PBHs) within string inspired single field models of inflation. The production of PBHs requires a large amplification in the power spectrum of curvature perturbations between scales associated with CMB and PBH formation. In principle, this can be achieved by temporarily breaking the slow-roll conditions during inflation. In this work, we identify two string setups that can realise this process. In string axion models of inflation, subleading non-perturbative effects can superimpose steep cliffs and gentle plateaus onto the leading axion potential. The cliffs can momentarily violate the slow-roll conditions, and the plateaus can lead to phases of ultra slow-roll inflation. We thus achieve a string motivated model which both matches the Planck observations at CMB scales and produces a population of light PBHs, which can account for an order one fraction of dark matter. In DBI models of inflation, a sharp increase in the speed of sound sourced by a steep downward step in the warp factor can drive the amplification. In this scenario, discovery of PBHs could indicate non-trivial dynamics in the bulk, such as flux-antibrane annihilation at the tip of a warped throat

    Anti-D3 branes and moduli in non-linear supergravity

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    Anti-D3 branes and non-perturbative effects in flux compactifications spontaneously break supersymmetry and stabilise moduli in a metastable de Sitter vacua. The low energy 4D effective field theory description for such models would be a supergravity theory with non-linearly realised supersymmetry. Guided by string theory modular symmetry, we compute this non-linear supergravity theory, including dependence on all bulk moduli. Using either a constrained chiral superfield or a constrained vector field, the uplifting contribution to the scalar potential from the anti-D3 brane can be parameterised either as an F-term or Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term. Using again the modular symmetry, we show that 4D non-linear supergravities that descend from string theory have an enhanced protection from quantum corrections by non-renormalisation theorems. The superpotential giving rise to metastable de Sitter vacua is robust against perturbative string-loop and α\alpha' corrections.Comment: 33 page

    Organizational issues: How to open up government data?

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    Governments create and collect enormous amounts of data, for instance concerning voting results, transport, energy, education, and employment. These datasets are often stored in an archive that is not accessible for others than the organization’s employees. To attain benefits such as transparency, engagement, and innovation, many governmental organizations are now also providing public access to this data. However, in opening up their data, these organizations face many issues, including the lack of standard procedures, the threat of privacy violations when releasing data, accidentally releasing policy-sensitive data, the risk of data misuse, challenges regarding the ownership of data and required changes at different organizational layers. These issues often hinder the easy publication of government data.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Information and Communication Technolog