247 research outputs found

    Deriving relativistic momentum and energy. II. Three-dimensional case

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    We generalise a recent derivation of the relativistic expressions for momentum and kinetic energy from the one-dimensional to the three-dimensional case.Comment: 7 page

    The Contribution of the Cosmological Constant to the Relativistic Bending of Light Revisited

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    We study the effect of the cosmological constant Λ\Lambda on the bending of light by a concentrated spherically symmetric mass. Contrarily to previous claims, we show that when the Schwarzschild-de Sitter geometry is taken into account, Λ\Lambda does indeed contribute to the bending.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Relativistic Hall Effect

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    We consider the relativistic deformation of quantum waves and mechanical bodies carrying intrinsic angular momentum (AM). When observed in a moving reference frame, the centroid of the object undergoes an AM-dependent transverse shift. This is the relativistic analogue of the spin Hall effect, which occurs in free space without any external fields. Remarkably, the shifts of the geometric and energy centroids differ by a factor of 2, and both centroids are crucial for the correct Lorentz transformations of the AM tensor. We examine manifestations of the relativistic Hall effect in quantum vortices, and mechanical flywheels, and also discuss various fundamental aspects of this phenomenon. The perfect agreement of quantum and relativistic approaches allows applications at strikingly different scales: from elementary spinning particles, through classical light, to rotating black-holes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Light Deflection, Lensing, and Time Delays from Gravitational Potentials and Fermat's Principle in the Presence of a Cosmological Constant

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    The contribution of the cosmological constant to the deflection angle and the time delays are derived from the integration of the gravitational potential as well as from Fermat's Principle. The findings are in agreement with recent results using exact solutions to Einstein's equations and reproduce precisely the new Λ\Lambda-term in the bending angle and the lens equation. The consequences on time delay expressions are explored. While it is known that Λ\Lambda contributes to the gravitational time delay, it is shown here that a new Λ\Lambda-term appears in the geometrical time delay as well. Although these newly derived terms are perhaps small for current observations, they do not cancel out as previously claimed. Moreover, as shown before, at galaxy cluster scale, the Λ\Lambda contribution can be larger than the second-order term in the Einstein deflection angle for several cluster lens systems.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, matches version published in PR

    The equivalence principle, uniformly accelerated reference frames, and the uniform gravitational field

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    The relationship between uniformly accelerated reference frames in flat spacetime and the uniform gravitational field is examined in a relativistic context. It is shown that, contrary to previous statements in the pages of this journal, equivalence does not break down in this context. No restrictions to Newtonian approximations or small enclosures are necessary

    Reciprocal relativity of noninertial frames: quantum mechanics

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    Noninertial transformations on time-position-momentum-energy space {t,q,p,e} with invariant Born-Green metric ds^2=-dt^2+dq^2/c^2+(1/b^2)(dp^2-de^2/c^2) and the symplectic metric -de/\dt+dp/\dq are studied. This U(1,3) group of transformations contains the Lorentz group as the inertial special case. In the limit of small forces and velocities, it reduces to the expected Hamilton transformations leaving invariant the symplectic metric and the nonrelativistic line element ds^2=dt^2. The U(1,3) transformations bound relative velocities by c and relative forces by b. Spacetime is no longer an invariant subspace but is relative to noninertial observer frames. Born was lead to the metric by a concept of reciprocity between position and momentum degrees of freedom and for this reason we call this reciprocal relativity. For large b, such effects will almost certainly only manifest in a quantum regime. Wigner showed that special relativistic quantum mechanics follows from the projective representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group. Projective representations of a Lie group are equivalent to the unitary reprentations of its central extension. The same method of projective representations of the inhomogeneous U(1,3) group is used to define the quantum theory in the noninertial case. The central extension of the inhomogeneous U(1,3) group is the cover of the quaplectic group Q(1,3)=U(1,3)*s H(4). H(4) is the Weyl-Heisenberg group. A set of second order wave equations results from the representations of the Casimir operators

    Fields of accelerated sources: Born in de Sitter

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    This paper deals thoroughly with the scalar and electromagnetic fields of uniformly accelerated charges in de Sitter spacetime. It gives details and makes various extensions of our Physical Review Letter from 2002. The basic properties of the classical Born solutions representing two uniformly accelerated charges in flat spacetime are first summarized. The worldlines of uniformly accelerated particles in de Sitter universe are defined and described in a number of coordinate frames, some of them being of cosmological significance, the other are tied naturally to the particles. The scalar and electromagnetic fields due to the accelerated charges are constructed by using conformal relations between Minkowski and de Sitter space. The properties of the generalized `cosmological' Born solutions are analyzed and elucidated in various coordinate systems. In particular, a limiting procedure is demonstrated which brings the cosmological Born fields in de Sitter space back to the classical Born solutions in Minkowski space. In an extensive Appendix, which can be used independently of the main text, nine families of coordinate systems in de Sitter spacetime are described analytically and illustrated graphically in a number of conformal diagrams.Comment: 37 pages, 23 figures, reformatted version of the paper published in JMP; low-resolution figures due to arXiv size restrictions; for the version with high-resolution figures see http://utf.mff.cuni.cz/~krtous/papers

    Enhancing Acceleration Radiation from Ground-State Atoms via Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

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    When ground state atoms are accelerated through a high Q microwave cavity, radiation is produced with an intensity which can exceed the intensity of Unruh acceleration radiation in free space by many orders of magnitude. The cavity field at steady state is described by a thermal density matrix under most conditions. However, under some conditions gain is possible, and when the atoms are injected in a regular fashion, the radiation can be produced in a squeezed state

    Charges and fields in a current-carrying wire

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    Charges and fields in a straight, infinite, cylindrical wire carrying a steady current are determined in the rest frames of ions and electrons, starting from the standard assumption that the net charge per unit length is zero in the lattice frame and taking into account a self-induced pinch effect. The analysis presented illustrates the mutual consistency of classical electromagnetism and Special Relativity. Some consequences of the assumption that the net charge per unit length is zero in the electrons frame are also briefly discussed

    Classical 5D fields generated by a uniformly accelerated point source

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    Gauge fields associated with the manifestly covariant dynamics of particles in (3,1)(3,1) spacetime are five-dimensional. In this paper we explore the old problem of fields generated by a source undergoing hyperbolic motion in this framework. The 5D fields are computed numerically using absolute time Ď„\tau-retarded Green-functions, and qualitatively compared with Maxwell fields generated by the same motion. We find that although the zero mode of all fields coincides with the corresponding Maxwell problem, the non-zero mode should affect, through the Lorentz force, the observed motion of test particles.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure
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