112 research outputs found
Fish culture in marine farm at Mandapam
The large-scale monoculture and polyculture of the milkfish, Chanos chanos were reported earlier form Southeast Asian countries.This article highlights some interesting and encouraging results obtained during the experiments of milkfish monoculture and polyculture of milkfish with mullet in Mandapam ponds. In the monoculture of milkfish the average size of the fish as well as the production rate could be substantially stepped up by resorting to supplementary feeding. In the polyculture of milkfish, the average growth rate was found to be more or less similar in both the fertilized and unfertilized ponds but the survival and production rates were higher in unfertilized pond. The yield of milkfish under monoculture in the present study is comparable to that of Ceylon, where selective harvesting followed by replenishment gave a production of 799 to 1159 kg/ha/annum. A production rate of 1405 kg/ha/10 months obtained in the present experimental polyculture of milkfish
Further observations on polyculture of finfishes and Prawns in saltwater ponds and in a net-pen at Mandapam
The paper deals with the results of polyculture experiments with milkfish.
mullets, Sillago and prawns in salt water ponds and in a netpen in the coastal
waters of Palk Bay at Mandapam, during the period 1979-82. The growth of
mullet and Sillago was better in the netpen than in the pond, whereas milkfish
showed better growth in the pond. Significant differences in production from fertilized
and unfertilized ponds have not been noticed, the result of which is attributed
to poor soil conditions of the farm. Mullets sharply reacted to low levels of oxygen
in ponds. During 1979-80 period, in experiment I, the production per hectare was
671.1 kg for Chanos chanos, 68.9 kg for Valamugil seheli, 593. 3 kg for Liza macrolepis
and 31.1 kg for Penaeus indicus, thereby recorded the total of 1364.4 kg.
In experiment II, the production was 1286. 7 kg for C. chanos, 551.1 kg for V.
seheli md 26.7 kg for Sillago sihama with the total of 1864.5 kg. In 1980-81 experiment,
the total production was 1600 kg with the combination of 1266.7 kg C.
chanos and 333.3 kg V. seheli in the fertilized pond and 1422.2 kg with the combination
of 1205.5 kg of C. chanos and 216.7 kg of V. seheli in the unfertilized
pond. During 1981-82 period, the total production was 1377.8 kg in which C. chanos
showed 1288.9 kg and V. seheli 88.9 kg in the fertilized pond, and in the unfertilized
pond it was 1469.9 kg with 1405.5 kg of C. chanos and 64.4 kg of V. seheli
Culture of the sea bass Lates calcarifer
Studies on the growth of Lates calcarifer cultured in coastal
ponds and net cages in the three different places at Tuticorin
showed an increase of 16.2-23.2 mm/ 18.6- 53.2 g/ month at
Karapad, 21.1-29.8mm/19.3- 36.3 g / month at Veppalodai in
coastal ponds and 21.6-32.4 mm/ 31.4-55.0 g / month in a net
cage in the Tuticorin Bay. The growth in Karapad pond, where
supplementary feed was provided was better than in Veppalodai
pond. The highest growth rate was obtained in net cage culture
at Tuticorin Bay. Length-frequency analysis of samples from
commercial catch reveal a faster growth in the wild than in the
culture systems. The better growth in the brackishwater culture
and in the wild is attributed to the lower salinity and better
live feed availability in brackishwater. In the pond system, the
growth can be improved by maintaining proper water exchange
so as to maintain the salinity equivalent to open sea/bay/
brackishwaters and by providing supplementary feed
Further observations on the suitability of the marine fish farm at Mandapam for the culture of milkfish and grey mullets
The paper gives an account on the culture of milkflsh Chanos chanos and the grey mullet Valamugil
seheli under mono and polyculture systems in the saltwater ponds at Mandapam during the period 1982-
1983. Ponds of 2,400 mS (two ponds), 450 m2 (2 ponds) and 200m2 (3 ponds) were used for conducting
the culture experiments. The stocks were fed with a supplementary feed. The growth of fish was better
in polyculture experiments. The rate of production of Chanos chanos was 354-443 kg/ha with a survival
of 73.2-79.9% in monoculture and 422-872 kg/ha with 56.7-70.0% survival in polyculture experiments.
V. seheli indicated a production of 200-290 kg/ha and 67-89 kg/ha with the survival rates of 22-91 % and
13.3-20.7% in mono and polyculture experiments respectively
Status and new operation modes of the versatile VLT/NACO
This paper aims at giving an update on the most versatile adaptive optics fed
instrument to date, the well known and successful NACO . Although NACO is only
scheduled for about two more years at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), it keeps
on evolving with additional operation modes bringing original astronomical
results. The high contrast imaging community uses it creatively as a test-bench
for SPHERE and other second generation planet imagers. A new visible wavefront
sensor (WFS) optimized for Laser Guide Star (LGS) operations has been installed
and tested, the cube mode is more and more requested for frame selection on
bright sources, a seeing enhancer mode (no tip/tilt correction) is now offered
to provide full sky coverage and welcome all kind of extragalactic
applications, etc. The Instrument Operations Team (IOT) and Paranal engineers
are currently working hard at maintaining the instrument overall performances
but also at improving them and offering new capabilities, providing the
community with a well tuned and original instrument for the remaining time it
is being used. The present contribution delivers a non-exhaustive overview of
the new modes and experiments that have been carried out in the past months.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, SPIE 2010 Astronomical Instrumentation
Fish mortality due to pollution by industrial effluents in inshore waters of Kayalpatnam
Mortality of fishes and aquatic organisms due to pollution was observed in inshore waters
of Kayalpatnam and adjacent area. A brief account of this incident with results of analysis of relevant parameters is described in this paper
Abundance of milkfish fry in relation to lunar periodicity in the nearshore waters around Manoli Island, Gulf of Mannar
Observations on the occurrence of fry of milkfish Chanos chanos carried out at ManoIi Island
from April 1983 to June 1984 in relation to the lunar periodicity are presented in this paper. During
this period 137, I75 fry were obtained, with a peak occurrence in May. Large quantities of fry were
collected during day time of new moon period. The study also indicated the peak occurrence of fry
in the initial flow of water during h i b ti&. The possibilities of large scale collection from the
adjoining areas appear to be bright
Induced spawning and larval rearing of the grey Mullet Liza macrolepis (Smith)
The paper deals with the results of experiments on induced spawning and
larval rearing of Liza mecrolepis (Smith) during the years 1981 and 1982 at
Mandapam. Major carp pituitary glands and chorionic gonadotropin were used
for hypophysation. The effective dosages varied between 600 and 1200 mg and
110000 and 340000 I.U. per kg body weight of the fish in the case of major carp
pituitary gland and chorionic gonadotropin, respectively.' In the combination of
both, the dose required was 1200 mg and 12000 to 15000 I.U. The size of fully
mature egg ranged from 0.70 to 0.74 mm and that of fertilized egg from 0.74 to
0.78 mm. The newly hatched larva measured 1.43 mm. Mouth formation was
observed at 42 h after hatching when the larvae were 2.36 mm. High mortality
occurred on the third day. The larvae could be reared for seven days, when they
attained a size of 2.47 mm. The larval development is described in detail
Preliminary experiments on the culture of grey mullets at Mandapam
The paper deals with experiments on the culture of grey mullets Valamugil seheli, Liza vaigiensis and Liza macrolepis in monoculture and polyculture systems in seawater ponds and a pen erected in coastal waters at Mandapam
Threadfin breams and lizard fish resources in the shelf waters of the Indian EEZ
The regional and seasonal distribution and abundance of threadfin breams and
lizard fish are presented as revealed by the bottom trawling operations of FORV
Sagar Sampada during cruises 56-91 (1989 and 1992). The threadfin breams
occurred in 49 and lizard fish in 25% of the total number of bottom trawhng stations
surveyed. The most productive grounds for threadfin breams were located in the
southwest coast between 8┬░ and 15┬░ N latitudinal zones, with the area 11775┬░
yielding the highest average catch rate of 1794 kg/hr. Very high congregation and
concentration of threadfin breams, composed mainly of Nemipterus mesoprion and
N. japonicus, was observed in the southwest in 41- 80 m depth zones during
southwest monsoon period. Lizard fish resources, composed mainly of Saurida
tumbil and S. undosquamis were also relatively more dominant in the southwest
coast than along the east coast and in the EEZ of Andaman-Nicobar islands. The size
distribution of N. japonicus and A', mesoprion showed that smaller modal groups
were dominant in shallower depth zones. The potential yield of threadfin breams in
the southwest zone was estimated to be 2.05 x 10
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