17 research outputs found

    Influence of External Electromagnetic Screen on Efficiency of Impact Electromechanical Converter of Disk Configuration

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    Based on a mathematical model, the influence of the disk and cylindrical parts of the outside of the electromagnetic screen on the efficiency of a given electromechanical converter taking into consideration the electrodynamics that acts on them is revealed. The basic theoretical concepts and reliability of the math ematical model are confirmed by experimental research

    A research of technical condition of a paint and varnish covering of a body of the car before holding repair actions

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    © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. In the article "Investigation of the technical state of paint and varnish coating of the body of a car before and after repairs" the main results of studies of the technical state of the paint coating of the car body panels in the process of operation before the occurrence of the road accident and after the repair are presented. The relevance of scientific research in this work is that the issues related to the assessment of the technical condition of the body paintwork are not fully understood, especially for cars that are repainted due to damage of varying degrees of complexity as a result of emergencies, mainly after road accidents. The data obtained in this article can be used to analyse the technology of body repair, improve the methods for calculating damage caused by the accident, correcting the amount of natural physical wear of the vehicle, in the educational process for secondary special (professional) and higher educational institutions in the preparation of auto-oriented students. The results of the work make a significant contribution to increasing the efficiency of the operation of cars based on the technical condition of the protective coating of the tail of the body before and after the repair activities related to the preparation and painting operations. The scientific novelty of the article is to obtain the results of observations of the technical condition of the paintwork at the factory and repair painting of the body

    High-Efficiency Impact Electromechanical Converter

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    An algorithm for choosing the parameters of the impact electromechanical converter based on the genetic algorithms and the flexible polyhedron method joint use is developed. The spatial temporal distribu tion of integral and local electrodynamics forces that act on the accelerated anchor is found

    Групповая классификация нелинейных уравнений колмогоровского типа

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    Розглядаються нелінійні рівняння колмогорівського типу, в які входить довільна функція. Одним із методів розв’язування диференціальних рівнянь з частинними похідними є теоретико-груповий метод. За допомогою цього методу вдається проінтегрувати ті рівняння, які мають нетривіальну групу симетрії. Тому задача групової класифікації є актуальною. Проведено групову класифікацію нелінійних рівнянь колмогорівського типу. За допомогою знайдених неперервних перетворень еквівалентності виділені нееквівалентні підкласи цих рівнянь. Для всіх підкласів обчислені максимальні алгебри інваріантності. З використанням знайдених підалгебр алгебри інваріантності для деяких нелінійних рівнянь зроблено симетрійну редукцію до рівнянь з меншою кількістю незалежних змінних. Вдалося проінтегрувати редуковані рівняння та отримати точні розв’язки відповідних нелінійних рівнянь.We consider Kolmogorov nonlinear equations with an arbitrary function. The group-theoretical method is one of the methods for solving partial differential problem. Using this method, we integrate equations with a non-trivial symmetry group. Therefore, group classification is high priority. Specifically, we conduct the group classification of Kolmogorov nonlinear equations. Using obtained continuous equivalence transformations, we present nonequivalent subclasses of these equations. We calculate maximum invariance algebras for all these subclasses. By employing the obtained subalgebras of invariance algebras for some nonlinear equations, symmetry is reduced to equations with a smaller number of independent variables. The reduced equations are integrated and exact solutions of the corresponding nonlinear equations are obtained.Рассматриваются нелинейные уравнения колмогоровского типа, в которые входит произвольная функция. Одним из методов решения дифференциальных уравнений с частными производными является теоретико-групповой метод. С помощью этого метода удается проинтегрировать уравнения, имеющие нетривиальную группу симметрии. Поэтому задача групповой классификации является актуальной. Проведена групповая классификация нелинейных уравнений колмогоровского типа. С помощью полученных непрерывных преобразований эквивалентности выделены неэквивалентные подклассы этих уравнений. Для всех подклассов вычислены максимальные алгебры инвариантности. С использованием найденных подалгебр алгебры инвариантности для некоторых нелинейных уравнений проведена симметрийная редукция к уравнениям с меньшим числом независимых переменных. Удалось проинтегрировать редуцированные уравнения и получить точные решения соответствующих нелинейных уравнений

    Functional hybrid organo-inorganic composite materials of the incorporative type for the recovery of articular cartilage defects

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    The concept of obtaining a functional hybrid organo-inorganic composite material of the incorporation type with a binder based on polyacrylic acid and a nanocrystalline filler of a frag- mentary structure has been developed. Ca3(PO4)2 particles contain two phases with a semicohe-rent boundary between them. Structuring of the composite takes place at five levels: in the volume of the polymer binder, in the interfacial layer and the polymer matrix adjacent to it, and in the outer and inner layers of the calcium phosphate filler. The effects of composition, structure, and the ratio of the initial components on the properties of the composite were studied. The use of the composite causes the growth of young tissue of the articular cartilage with the restoration of its structures

    A research of technical condition of a paint and varnish covering of a body of the car before holding repair actions

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    © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. In the article "Investigation of the technical state of paint and varnish coating of the body of a car before and after repairs" the main results of studies of the technical state of the paint coating of the car body panels in the process of operation before the occurrence of the road accident and after the repair are presented. The relevance of scientific research in this work is that the issues related to the assessment of the technical condition of the body paintwork are not fully understood, especially for cars that are repainted due to damage of varying degrees of complexity as a result of emergencies, mainly after road accidents. The data obtained in this article can be used to analyse the technology of body repair, improve the methods for calculating damage caused by the accident, correcting the amount of natural physical wear of the vehicle, in the educational process for secondary special (professional) and higher educational institutions in the preparation of auto-oriented students. The results of the work make a significant contribution to increasing the efficiency of the operation of cars based on the technical condition of the protective coating of the tail of the body before and after the repair activities related to the preparation and painting operations. The scientific novelty of the article is to obtain the results of observations of the technical condition of the paintwork at the factory and repair painting of the body