305 research outputs found

    Features of statistical distribution of organic carbon in continental permafrost of arctic shores (East Siberian Sea) : extended abstract

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    Heavy-Ion Beam Acceleration of Two-Charge States from an Ecr Ion Source

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    This paper describes a design for the front end of a superconducting (SC) ion linac which can accept and simultaneously accelerate two charge states of uranium from an ECR ion source. This mode of operation increases the beam current available for the heaviest ions by a factor of two. We discuss the 12 MeV/u prestripper section of the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) driver linac including the LEBT, RFQ, MEBT and SC sections, with a total voltage of 112 MV. The LEBT consists of two bunchers and electrostatic quadrupoles. The fundamental frequency of both bunchers is half of the RFQ frequency. The first buncher is a multiharmonic buncher, designed to accept more than 80% of each charge state and to form bunches of extremely low longitudinal emittance (rms emittance is lower than 0.2 keV/u nsec) at the output of the RFQ. The second buncher is located directly in front of the RFQ and matches the velocity of each charge-state bunch to the design input velocity of the RFQ. We present full 3D simulations of a two-charge-state uranium beam including space charge forces in the LEBT and RFQ, realistic distributions of all electric and magnetic fields along the whole prestripper linac, and the effects of errors, evaluated for several design options for the prestripper linac. The results indicate that it is possible to accelerate two charge states while keeping emittance growth within tolerable limits.Comment: LINAC2000, MOD0


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    An achievement of maximum accuracy characteristics of aircraft area navigation is possible only using the optimal pair of navigational aids. This paper considers proposed algorithm for choice of the optimal pair of distance, angular or angular-distance navigational aids, that is based on a typical record of an optimization problem with its solution by one of the integer linear programming methods. An efficiency of the proposed algorithm is verified by simulation using trajectory information.Достижение максимальных точностных характеристик зональной навигации воздушного судна возможно только при использовании оптимальной пары радионавигационных средств. В статье предложен алгоритм выбора оптимальной пары дальномерных, угломерных или угломерно-дальномерных радиомаяков, который основывается на типичной записи оптимизационной задачи с ее решением одним из методов целочисленного линейного программирования. Работоспособность предложенного алгоритма проверена путем имитационного моделирования с использованием траекторной информации

    Application of ILC super conducting cavities for acceleration of protons

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    Beam acceleration in the International Linear Collider (ILC) will be provided by 9-cell 1300 MHz superconducting (SC) cavities. The cavities are designed for effective acceleration of charged particles moving with the speed of light and are operated on {pi}-mode to provide maximum accelerating gradient. Significant R&D effort has been devoted to develop ILC SC technology and its RF system which resulted excellent performance of ILC cavities. Therefore, the proposed 8-GeV proton driver in Fermilab is based on ILC cavities above {approx}1.2 GeV. The efficiency of proton beam acceleration by ILC cavities drops fast for lower velocities and it was proposed to develop squeezed ILC-type (S-ILC) cavities operating at 1300 MHz and designed for {beta}{sub G} = 0.81, geometrical beta, to accelerate protons or H{sup -} from {approx}420 MeV to 1.2 GeV. This paper discusses the possibility of avoiding the development of new {beta}{sub G} = 0.81 cavities by operating ILC cavities on 8/9{pi}-mode of standing wave oscillations

    Multiplicities of secondaries in interactions of 1.8 GeV/nucleon Fe-56 nuclei with photoemulsion and the cascade evaporation model

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    A nuclear photographic emulsion method was used to study the charge-state, ionization, and angular characteristics of secondaries produced in inelastic interactions of Fe-56 nuclei at 1.8 GeV/nucleon with H, CNO, and AgBr nuclei. The data obtained are compared with the results of calculations made in terms of the Dubna version of the cascade evaporation model (DCM). The DCM has been shown to satisfactorily describe most of the interaction characteristics for two nuclei in the studied reactions. At the same time, quantitative differences are observed in some cases

    Target fragments in collisions of 1.8 GeV/nucleon Fe-56 nuclei with photoemulsion nuclei, and the cascade-evaporation model

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    Nuclear photographic emulsion is used to study the dependence of the characteristics of target-nucleus fragments on the masses and impact parameters of interacting nuclei. The data obtained are compared in all details with the calculation results made in terms of the Dubna version of the cascade-evaporation model (DCM)

    Long-Wave Instability of Advective Flows in Inclined Layer with Solid Heat Conductive Boundaries

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    We investigate the stability of the steady convective flow in a plane tilted layer with ideal thermal conductivity of solid boundaries in the presence of uniform longitudinal temperature gradient. Analytically found the stability boundary with respect to the long-wave perturbations, find the critical Grashof number for the most dangerous among them of even spiral perturbation.Comment: in Russian, 18 pages, 5 figures, submited to Appl. mechanics and physics, RAS Siberian brunch, Novosibirsk, Russia; Key words: advective flow, oblique layer, a longitudinal temperature gradient, long-wave instabilit