924 research outputs found

    Spin - glass transition in Kondo lattice with quenched disorder

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    We use the Popov-Fedotov representation of spin operators to construct an effective action for a Kondo lattice model with quenched disorder at finite temperatures. We study the competition between the Kondo effect and frozen spin order in Ising-like spin glass. We present the derivation of new mean-field equations for the spin-glass order parameter and analyze the effects of screening of localized spins by conduction electrons on the spin-glass phase transition.Comment: 6 pages, jetpl style included, to appear in JETP Letter

    Kælvningsfeber. Foredrag i det kgl. Landhusholdningsselskab d. 30te Januar 1884.

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    Kælvningsfeber. Foredrag i det kgl. Landhusholdningsselskab d. 30te Januar 1884

    Critical disorder effects in Josephson-coupled quasi-one-dimensional superconductors

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    Effects of non-magnetic randomness on the critical temperature T_c and diamagnetism are studied in a class of quasi-one dimensional superconductors. The energy of Josephson-coupling between wires is considered to be random, which is typical for dirty organic superconductors. We show that this randomness destroys phase coherence between the wires and T_c vanishes discontinuously when the randomness reaches a critical value. The parallel and transverse components of the penetration depth are found to diverge at different critical temperatures T_c^{(1)} and T_c, which correspond to pair-breaking and phase-coherence breaking. The interplay between disorder and quantum phase fluctuations results in quantum critical behavior at T=0, manifesting itself as a superconducting-normal metal phase transition of first-order at a critical disorder strength.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Faraday Rotation as a diagnostic of Galactic foreground contamination of CMB maps

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    The contribution from the residuals of the foreground can have a significant impact on the temperature maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Mostly, the focus has been on the galactic plane, when foreground cleaning has taken place. However, in this paper, we will investigate the possible foreground contamination, from sources outside the galactic plane in the CMB maps. We will analyze the correlation between the Faraday rotation map and the CMB temperature map. The Faraday rotation map is dependent on the galactic magnetic field, as well as the thermal electron density, and both may contribute to the CMB temperature. We find that the standard deviation for the mean cross correlation deviate from that of simulations at the 99.9% level. Additionally, a comparison between the CMB temperature extrema and the extremum points of the Faraday rotation is also performed, showing a general overlap between the two. Also we find that the CMB Cold Spot is located at an area of strong negative cross correlation, meaning that it may be explained by a galactic origin. Further, we investigate nearby supernova remnants in the galaxy, traced by the galactic radio loops. These super nova remnants are located at high and low galactic latitude, and thus well outside the galactic plane. We find some correlation between the Faraday Rotation and the CMB temperature, at select radio loops. This indicate, that the galactic foregrounds may affect the CMB, at high galactic latitudesComment: 13 pages, 22 figures, 6 table

    Fermionic SK-models with Hubbard interaction: Magnetism and electronic structure

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    Models with range-free frustrated Ising spin- and Hubbard interaction are treated exactly by means of the discrete time slicing method. Critical and tricritical points, correlations, and the fermion propagator, are derived as a function of temperature T, chemical potential \mu, Hubbard coupling U, and spin glass energy J. The phase diagram is obtained. Replica symmetry breaking (RSB)-effects are evaluated up to four-step order (4RSB). The use of exact relations together with the 4RSB-solutions allow to model exact solutions by interpolation. For T=0, our numerical results provide strong evidence that the exact density of states in the spin glass pseudogap regime obeys \rho(E)=const |E-E_F| for energies close to the Fermi level. Rapid convergence of \rho'(E_F) under increasing order of RSB is observed. The leading term resembles the Efros-Shklovskii Coulomb pseudogap of localized disordered fermionic systems in 2D. Beyond half filling we obtain a quadratic dependence of the fermion filling factor on the chemical potential. We find a half filling transition between a phase for U>\mu, where the Fermi level lies inside the Hubbard gap, into a phase where \mu(>U) is located at the center of the upper spin glass pseudogap (SG-gap). For \mu>U the Hubbard gap combines with the lower one of two SG-gaps (phase I), while for \mu<U it joins the sole SG-gap of the half-filling regime (phase II). We predict scaling behaviour at the continuous half filling transition. Implications of the half-filling transition between the deeper insulating phase II and phase I for delocalization due to hopping processes in itinerant model extensions are discussed and metal-insulator transition scenarios described.Comment: 29 pages, 26 Figures, 4 jpeg- and 3 gif-Fig-files include

    Disorder-driven superconductor-normal metal phase transition in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors

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    Effects of non-magnetic disorder on the critical temperature T_c and on diamagnetism of quasi-one-dimensional superconductors are reported. The energy of Josephson-coupling between wires is considered to be random, which is typical for dirty organic superconductors. We show that this randomness destroys phase coherence between wires and that T_c vanishes discontinuously at a critical disorder-strength. The parallel and transverse components of the penetration-depth are evaluated. They diverge at different critical temperatures T_c^{(1)} and T_c, which correspond to pair-breaking and phase-coherence breaking respectively. The interplay between disorder and quantum phase fluctuations is shown to result in quantum critical behavior at T=0, which manifests itself as a superconducting-normal metal phase transition of first-order at a critical disorder strength.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Harmonic crossover exponents in O(n) models with the pseudo-epsilon expansion approach

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    We determine the crossover exponents associated with the traceless tensorial quadratic field, the third- and fourth-harmonic operators for O(n) vector models by re-analyzing the existing six-loop fixed dimension series with pseudo-epsilon expansion. Within this approach we obtain the most accurate theoretical estimates that are in optimum agreement with other theoretical and experimental results.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. Final version accepted for publicatio

    Random Matrix Theory of a Chaotic Andreev Quantum Dot

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    A new universality class distinct from the standard Wigner-Dyson ones is identified. This class is realized by putting a metallic quantum dot in contact with a superconductor, while applying a magnetic field so as to make the pairing field effectively vanish on average. A random-matrix description of the spectral and transport properties of such a quantum dot is proposed. The weak-localization correction to the tunnel conductance is nonzero and results from the depletion of the density of states due to the coupling with the superconductor. Semiclassically, the depletion is caused by a a mode of phase-coherent long-range propagation of electrons and holes.Comment: minor changes, 4 REVTeX page

    Schwinger-Keldysh semionic approach for quantum spin systems

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    We derive a path-integral Schwinger-Keldysh approach for quantum spin systems. This is achieved by means of a semionic representation of spins as fermions with imaginary chemical potential. The major simplifying feature in comparison with other representations (Holstein-Primakoff, Dyson-Maleev, slave bosons/fermions etc) is that the local constraint is taken into account exactly. As a result, the standard diagram technique with usual Feynman codex is constructed. We illustrate the application of this technique for the N\'eel and spin-liquid states of the AFM Heisenberg model.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 EPS figures included, corrected some typos, minor corrections in the tex

    Field Theory of Mesoscopic Fluctuations in Superconductor/Normal-Metal Systems

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    Thermodynamic and transport properties of normal disordered conductors are strongly influenced by the proximity of a superconductor. A cooperation between mesoscopic coherence and Andreev scattering of particles from the superconductor generates new types of interference phenomena. We introduce a field theoretic approach capable of exploring both averaged properties and mesoscopic fluctuations of superconductor/normal-metal systems. As an example the method is applied to the study of the level statistics of a SNS-junction.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, two eps-figures included; submitted to JETP letter
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