6,144 research outputs found
An efficient, parametric fixpoint algorithm for analysis of java bytecode
Abstract interpretation has been widely used for the analysis of object-oriented languages and, in particular, Java source and bytecode. However, while most existing work deals with the problem of flnding expressive abstract domains that track accurately the characteristics of a particular concrete property, the underlying flxpoint algorithms have received comparatively less attention. In fact, many existing (abstract interpretation based—) flxpoint algorithms rely on relatively inefHcient techniques for solving inter-procedural caligraphs or are speciflc and tied to particular analyses. We also argüe that the design of an efficient fixpoint algorithm is pivotal to supporting the analysis of large programs. In this paper we introduce a novel algorithm for analysis of Java bytecode which includes a number of optimizations in order to reduce the number of iterations. The algorithm is parametric -in the sense that it is independent of the abstract domain used and it can be applied to different domains as "plug-ins"-, multivariant, and flow-sensitive. Also, is based on a program transformation, prior to the analysis, that results in a highly uniform representation of all the features in the language and therefore simplifies analysis. Detailed descriptions of decompilation solutions are given and discussed with an example. We also provide some performance data from a preliminary implementation of the analysis
Symmetric random walks on Homeo+(R)
We study symmetric random walks on finitely generated groups of
orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the real line. We establish an
oscillation property for the induced Markov chain on the line that implies a
weak form of recurrence. Except for a few special cases, which can be treated
separately, we prove a property of "global stability at a finite distance":
roughly speaking, there exists a compact interval such that any two
trajectories get closer and closer whenever one of them returns to the compact
interval. The probabilistic techniques employed here lead to interesting
results for the study of group actions on the line. For instance, we show that
under a suitable change of the coordinates, the drift of every point becomes
zero provided that the action is minimal. As a byproduct, we recover the fact
that every finitely generated group of homeomorphisms of the real line is
topologically conjugate to a group of (globally) Lipschitz homeomorphisms.
Moreover, we show that such a conjugacy may be chosen in such a way that the
displacement of each element is uniformly bounded
A generic, context sensitive analysis framework for object oriented programs
Abstract interpreters rely on the existence of a nxpoint algorithm that calculates a least upper bound approximation of the semantics of the program. Usually, that algorithm is described in terms of the particular language in study and therefore it is not directly applicable to programs written in a different source language. In this paper we introduce
a generic, block-based, and uniform representation of the program control flow graph and a language-independent nxpoint algorithm that can be applied to a variety of languages and, in particular, Java. Two major characteristics of our approach are accuracy (obtained through a topdown, context sensitive approach) and reasonable efficiency (achieved by means of memoization and dependency tracking techniques). We have also implemented the proposed framework and show some initial experimental
results for standard benchmarks, which further support the
feasibility of the solution adopted
Customizable resource usage analysis for java bytecode
Automatic cost analysis of programs has been traditionally studied in terms of a number of concrete, predefined resources such as execution steps, time, or memory. However, the increasing relevance of analysis applications such as static debugging and/or certification of user-level properties (including for mobile code) makes it interesting to develop analyses for resource notions that are actually applicationdependent. This may include, for example, bytes sent or received by an application, number of files left open, number of SMSs sent or received, number of accesses to a database, money spent, energy consumption, etc. We present a fully automated analysis for inferring upper bounds on the usage that a Java bytecode program makes
of a set of application programmer-definable resources. In our context, a resource is defined by programmer-provided annotations which state the basic consumption that certain program elements make of that resource. From these definitions our analysis derives functions which return an upper bound on the usage that the whole program (and individual blocks) make of that resource for any given set of input data sizes. The analysis proposed is independent of the particular resource. We also present some experimental results from a prototype implementation of the approach covering an ample set of interesting resources
Efficient top-down set-sharing analysis using cliques
Abstract. We study the problem of efficient, scalable set-sharing analysis of logic programs. We use the idea of representing sharing information as a pair of abstract substitutions, one of which is a worst-case sharing
representation called a clique set, which was previously proposed for the case of inferring pair-sharing. We use the clique-set representation for (1) inferring actual set-sharing information, and (2) analysis within a
top-down framework. In particular, we define the new abstract functions required by standard top-down analyses, both for sharing alone and also for the case of including freeness in addition to sharing. We use cliques both as an alternative representation and as widening, defining several
widening operators. Our experimental evaluation supports the conclusión that, for inferring set-sharing, as it was the case for inferring pair-sharing, precisión losses are limited, while useful efficieney gains are obtained. We
also derive useful conclusions regarding the interactions between thresholds, precisión, efficieney and cost of widening. At the limit, the clique-set representation allowed analyzing some programs that exceeded memory
capacity using classical sharing representations
User-definable resource usage bounds analysis for java bytecode
Automatic cost analysis of programs has been traditionally concentrated on a reduced number of resources such as execution steps, time, or memory. However, the increasing relevance of analysis applications such as static debugging and/or certiflcation of user-level properties (including for mobile code) makes it interesting to develop analyses for resource notions that are actually application-dependent. This may include, for example, bytes sent or received by an application, number of files left open, number of SMSs sent or received, number of accesses to a datábase, money spent, energy consumption, etc. We present a fully automated analysis for inferring upper bounds on the usage that a Java bytecode program makes of a set of application programmer-deflnable resources. In our context, a resource is defined by programmer-provided annotations which state the basic consumption that certain program elements make of that resource. From these deflnitions our analysis derives functions which return an upper bound on the usage that the whole program (and individual blocks) make of that resource for any given set of input data sizes. The analysis proposed is independent of the particular resource. We also present some experimental results from a prototype implementation of the approach covering a signiflcant set of interesting resources
An efficient, parametric fixpoint algorithm for incremental analysis of java bytecode
Abstract interpretation has been widely used for the analysis of object-oriented languages and, more precisely, Java source and bytecode. However, while most of the existing work deals with the problem of finding expressive abstract domains that track accurately the characteristics of a particular concrete property, the underlying fixpoint
algorithms have received comparatively less attention. In fact, many existing (abstract interpretation based) fixpoint algorithms rely on relatively inefficient techniques to solve inter-procedural call graphs or are specific and tied to particular analyses. We argue that the design of an efficient fixpoint algorithm is pivotal to support the analysis of large programs. In this paper we introduce a novel algorithm for analysis of Java bytecode which includes a number of optimizations in order to reduce the number of iterations. Also, the algorithm is parametric in the sense that it is independent of the abstract domain used and it can be applied to different domains as "plug-ins". It is also incremental in the sense that, if desired, analysis data can be saved so that only a reduced amount of reanalysis is needed after a small program change, which can be instrumental for large programs. The algorithm is also multivariant and flowsensitive. Finally, another interesting characteristic of the algorithm is that it is based on a program transformation, prior to the analysis, that results in a highly uniform representation of all the features in the language and therefore simplifies analysis. Detailed descriptions of decompilation solutions are provided and discussed with an example
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