60 research outputs found

    State-to-State Kinetic Theory Approach for Transport and Relaxation Processes in Viscous Reacting Gas Flows

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    Abstract. In the paper, the description of non-equilibrium reacting gas flows taking into account detailed vibrational and chemical kinetics is considered on the basis of the kinetic theory methods. The kinetic models for transport and relaxation processes are presented, and peculiar features of transport coefficients in the state-to-state approach for reacting flows are demonstrated. Contribution of different dissipative processes to the diffusion velocity and heat flux is discussed. The statedependent rate coefficients for vibrational energy transitions, dissociation, recombination and exchange chemical reactions are studied in the zero-and first-order approximations of modified Chapman-Enskog method. Practical applications of proposed models for non-equilibrium gas-dynamics problems are discussed

    State-to-State Kinetic Theory Approach for Transport and Relaxation Processes in Viscous Reacting Gas Flows

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    Abstract. In the paper, the description of non-equilibrium reacting gas flows taking into account detailed vibrational and chemical kinetics is considered on the basis of the kinetic theory methods. The kinetic models for transport and relaxation processes are presented, and peculiar features of transport coefficients in the state-to-state approach for reacting flows are demonstrated. Contribution of different dissipative processes to the diffusion velocity and heat flux is discussed. The statedependent rate coefficients for vibrational energy transitions, dissociation, recombination and exchange chemical reactions are studied in the zero-and first-order approximations of modified Chapman-Enskog method. Practical applications of proposed models for non-equilibrium gas-dynamics problems are discussed

    Millimeter and X-Ray Emission from the 5 July 2012 Solar Flare

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    The 5 July 2012 solar flare SOL2012-07-05T11:44 (11:39 – 11:49 UT) with an increasing millimeter spectrum between 93 and 140 GHz is considered. We use space and ground-based observations in X-ray, extreme ultraviolet, microwave, and millimeter wave ranges obtained with the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, Radio Solar Telescope Network, and Bauman Moscow State Technical University millimeter radio telescope RT-7.5. The main parameters of thermal and accelerated electrons were determined through X-ray spectral fitting assuming the homogeneous thermal source and thick-target model. From the data of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly/SDO and differential-emission-measure calculations it is shown that the thermal coronal plasma gives a negligible contribution to the millimeter flare emission. Model calculations suggest that the observed increase of millimeter spectral flux with frequency is determined by gyrosynchrotron emission of high-energy (≳300 ≳300  keV) electrons in the chromosphere. The consequences of the results are discussed in the light of the flare-energy-release mechanisms.</p

    On the origin of 140 GHz emission from the 4 July 2012 solar flare

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    The sub-THz event observed on the 4 July 2012 with the Bauman Moscow State Technical University Radio Telescope RT-7.5 at 93 and 140~GHz as well as Kislovodsk and Mets\"ahovi radio telescopes, Radio Solar Telescope Network (RSTN), GOES, RHESSI, and SDO orbital stations is analyzed. The spectral flux between 93 and 140 GHz has been observed increasing with frequency. On the basis of the SDO/AIA data the differential emission measure has been calculated. It is shown that the thermal coronal plasma with the temperature above 0.5~MK cannot be responsible for the observed sub-THz flare emission. The non-thermal gyrosynchrotron mechanism can be responsible for the microwave emission near 1010~GHz but the observed millimeter spectral characteristics are likely to be produced by the thermal bremsstrahlung emission from plasma with a temperature of about 0.1~MK.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    The ESA "Plasma Laboratory in Space" study

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    The European Space Agency has initiated, in the context of its General Studies Programme, a study of the possible use of space for studies in pure and applied plasma physics, in areas not traditionally covered by “space plasma physics”. A team of experts has been set-up to review a broad range of area including industrial plasma physics and pure plasma physics, astrophysical and solar-terrestrial areas. A set of experiments have been identified that can potentially provide access to new phenomena and to allow advances in several fields of plasma science. These experiments concern phenomena on spatial scale (102 to104 m) intermediate between what is achievable on ground experiment and usual solar system plasma observations

    Plasma kinetics issues in an ESA study for a plasma laboratory in space

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    A study supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), in the context of its General Studies Programme, performed an investigation of the possible use of space for studies in pure and applied plasma physics, in areas not traditionally covered by ‘space plasma physics’. A set of experiments have been identified that can potentially provide access to new phenomena and to allow advances in several fields of plasma science. These experiments concern phenomena on a spatial scale (101–104 m) intermediate between what is achievable on the ground and the usual solar system plasma observations. Detailed feasibility studies have been performed for three experiments: active magnetic experiments, largescale discharges and long tether–plasma interactions. The perspectives opened by these experiments are discussed for magnetic reconnection, instabilities, MHD turbulence, atomic excited states kinetics, weakly ionized plasmas,plasma diagnostics, artificial auroras and atmospheric studies. The discussion is also supported by results of numerical simulations and estimates

    Analysis of the Reaction Rate Coefficients for Slow Bimolecular Chemical Reactions

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    Simple bimolecular reactions A1+A2A3+A4A_1+A_2\rightleftharpoons A_3+A_4 are analyzed within the framework of the Boltzmann equation in the initial stage of a chemical reaction with the system far from chemical equilibrium. The Chapman-Enskog methodology is applied to determine the coefficients of the expansion of the distribution functions in terms of Sonine polynomials for peculiar molecular velocities. The results are applied to the reaction H2+ClHCl+HH_2+Cl\rightleftharpoons HCl+H, and the influence of the non-Maxwellian distribution and of the activation-energy dependent reactive cross sections upon the forward and reverse reaction rate coefficients are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, to appear in vol.42 of the Brazilian Journal of Physic

    Subset currents on free groups

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    We introduce and study the space of \emph{subset currents} on the free group FNF_N. A subset current on FNF_N is a positive FNF_N-invariant locally finite Borel measure on the space CN\mathfrak C_N of all closed subsets of FN\partial F_N consisting of at least two points. While ordinary geodesic currents generalize conjugacy classes of nontrivial group elements, a subset current is a measure-theoretic generalization of the conjugacy class of a nontrivial finitely generated subgroup in FNF_N, and, more generally, in a word-hyperbolic group. The concept of a subset current is related to the notion of an "invariant random subgroup" with respect to some conjugacy-invariant probability measure on the space of closed subgroups of a topological group. If we fix a free basis AA of FNF_N, a subset current may also be viewed as an FNF_N-invariant measure on a "branching" analog of the geodesic flow space for FNF_N, whose elements are infinite subtrees (rather than just geodesic lines) of the Cayley graph of FNF_N with respect to AA.Comment: updated version; to appear in Geometriae Dedicat

    Kinetic Theory of Plasmas: Translational Energy

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    In the present contribution, we derive from kinetic theory a unified fluid model for multicomponent plasmas by accounting for the electromagnetic field influence. We deal with a possible thermal nonequilibrium of the translational energy of the particles, neglecting their internal energy and the reactive collisions. Given the strong disparity of mass between the electrons and heavy particles, such as molecules, atoms, and ions, we conduct a dimensional analysis of the Boltzmann equation. We then generalize the Chapman-Enskog method, emphasizing the role of a multiscale perturbation parameter on the collisional operator, the streaming operator, and the collisional invariants of the Boltzmann equation. The system is examined at successive orders of approximation, each of which corresponding to a physical time scale. The multicomponent Navier-Stokes regime is reached for the heavy particles, which follow a hyperbolic scaling, and is coupled to first order drift-diffusion equations for the electrons, which follow a parabolic scaling. The transport coefficients exhibit an anisotropic behavior when the magnetic field is strong enough. We also give a complete description of the Kolesnikov effect, i.e., the crossed contributions to the mass and energy transport fluxes coupling the electrons and heavy particles. Finally, the first and second principles of thermodynamics are proved to be satisfied by deriving a total energy equation and an entropy equation. Moreover, the system of equations is shown to be conservative and the purely convective system hyperbolic, thus leading to a well-defined structure