319 research outputs found
Railway route optimization
Предмет истраживања у овој дисертацији је траса железничке пруге у појединим фазама њеног планирања и пројектовања, односно анализа варијантних решења трасе, њихово вредновање и рангирање. Циљ истраживања је дефинисање методологије за одређивање најповољније варијанте трасе железничке пруге са аспекта захтева који се постављају савременој саобраћајној инфрастрктури. Многе анализе, везане за објекте железничке инфраструктуре настале у прошлости, указују на честе инвестиционе промашаје и појаву негативних последица у току њихове изградње и експлоатације. Постоји више разлога који су доводили до ових појава, а један од њих везан је за недостатке тада примењиваних како методологија планирања и пројектовања, тако и методологије вредновања варијантних решења ових објеката. Mетодологија предложена у овој дисертацији предвиђа примену системског приступа и итеративног оптимизационог процеса који осим финансијско-економског критеријума укључује и примену техничко-технолошких, саобраћајних, просторних и еколошких критеријума. Разлог за примену оваквог процеса је што железничке пруге припадају скупу дискретних система за чији опис се не може формулисати свеобухватни математички модел, него се морају генерисати варијантна решења трасе железничке пруге. То захтева да се у оквиру овог процеса, на основу усвојеног општег циља и листе критеријума, примени прво прелиминарно одлучивање (рангирање и избор допустивих варијантних решења), а затим и финално одлучивање (избор најповољнијег решења). За решавање избора најповољније трасе железничке пруге у оквиру дисертације коришћена је метода ВИКОР, метода заснована на компромисном програмирању. Предложени модел за оптимизацију трасе железничке пруге тестиран је на примеру рангирања креираних варијантних решења за реконструкцију деонице постојеће једноколосечне пруге Инђија - Нови Сад и потврдио је своју практичну примену и употребљивост...The subject of the research in this Doctoral Dissertation is the railway route in its phases of planning and designing, the analysis of alternatives, its assessment and ranking. The aim of the research is defining the methodology for finding the most favourable alternative of railway route from the aspect of demands for the contemporary transport infrastructure. Many analyses of railway infrastructure objects built in the past indicate often investment failures and its negative consequences during its construction and exploitation. There are many reasons that brought to these consequences and one of them is linked to the applied methodologies for planning and designing and also methodology for finding the most favourable alternative of railway route. The suggested methodology implies the application of systematic approach and iterative optimization process that, apart from the financial-economic criterion applies technical-technological, traffic, spatial and ecological criteria. The reason for such process application is that railroads belong to the set of discreet systems that the general mathematical model can not be formulated for, but alternatives for the railway routes must be generated. It demands that within this process, and based on the generally adopted aim and the list of criteria, the preliminary decision making is firstly applied (ranking and the choice of permissible variant solutions) and than the final decision making is applied (the choice of the most favourable solution). For choosing the most favourable railway route, VIKOR method based on the compromise programming is used in this thesis. The suggested model for the railway route optimization is tested on the example of ranking created variant solutions for reconstruction of the existing part of the one-track railroad Indjija-Novi Sad and confirmed its practical application and usefulness..
New Approaches to Neurophysiological Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetic Vitreal Hemorrhages
When bleeding from neovascularization of the disc or neovascularization of the retina may develop preretinal
hemorrhage or vitreous hemorrhage. The risk of vitreous hemorrhage is higher with extensive disc or retinal
neovascularization. Hemorrhages usually occur spontaneously and cause a sudden appearance of floating
opacities. New approaches to neurophysiological diagnostics and treatment of diabetic vitreal hemorrhages were
studied in the work. To achieve the goal, an experiment was conducted with the participation of 83 patients. For
the study, the patient's demographic data, indication for injection, intrauterine injection type, systemic risk
factors and ocular complications were used. It has been established that anti-VEGF injections play an important
role in the treatment of patients. The method studied can be used to dynamically evaluate the function of the
visual analyzer
Effect of low temperature on rooting rate and carbohydrate content of Fritillaria meleagris bulbs formed in culture in vitro
Projekat ministarstva br. 143026
Formation of Innovative Strategies of Regional Economic Development
The new contours of innovative development of economic systems associated with the appearance of network models of innovation and new types of innovation: social, sustainable, user and inclusive, differ from the traditional approach to the functioning of the raw material model of the economy. The role and place of innovation infrastructure of economic systems in the development of national innovation systems remains paramount. In this research, the essence of the definition of "innovation infrastructure" in relation to economic systems is supplemented and expanded. In doing so, it specifies the factors providing the formation of the infrastructure of innovative activity of the economic systems which have an impact on the innovativeness of elements of economic systems at the micro-, meso- and macro level. The subject-object structure of information infrastructure of innovative activity of economic systems including business environment, innovative environment, information environment and communication environment is proposed. In addition, it also proposes the model of development of infrastructure of innovative activity focused on technological innovations on the basis of implementation of technological platforms. The worked out model of development of technological infrastructure of innovative activity of the economic system (macro level) contains the directions of transformation of the meso- and micro level where a special role is assigned to the creation of free economic zones which contribute to the development of new forms of interaction of the R&D sector with the real sector of the economy, which will increase the susceptibility of the economic system of Russia and society as a whole to innovation and lead to the development of technological entrepreneurship and the formation of an innovative economy of a new type
Model Independent Extraction of Without Heavy Quark Symmetry
A new method to extract is proposed based on a sum--rule for
semileptonic decays of the meson. The method relies on much weaker
assumptions than previous approaches which are based on heavy--quark symmetry.
This sum--rule only relies on the assumption that the virtual
pair content of the meson can be neglected. The extraction of the CKM
matrix element also requires that the sum--rule saturates in the kinematically
accessible region.Comment: 10 pages revtex3 manuscript. No figures, U. of MD PP #94--086. With
our apologies, some innocuous errors corrected and some references added that
had been brought to our attentio
Does fix the Electromagnetic Form Factor at ?
We show that the decay is a reliable
source of information for the electromagnetic form factor of the pion at
by using general arguments to estimate, or
rather, put upper bounds on, the background processes that could spoil this
extraction. We briefly comment on the significance of the resulting
.Comment: 10 pages revtex manuscript, one figure--not included, U. of MD PP
Neutral Meson Photoproduction in PT
We present the results for the electric dipole amplitude for at threshold at the level in SU(3) chiral perturbation
theory. We find that the SU(3) results differ only slightly from the
SU(2) results. At the level one encounters new, unknown
counterterms to fix which one is likely to need the threshold photoproduction
data themselves, thus losing predictive power. We suggest, instead, that the
{\it difference} between the proton and neutron photoproduction
amplitudes may provide a test of the convergence properties of the PT in
the present context. We urge that the neutron's electric dipole amplitude be
measured.Comment: Revised version with corrected value of the Kaon loop contributio
Timelike form factors at high energy
The difference between the timelike and spacelike meson form factors is
analysed in the framework of perturbative QCD with Sudakov effects included. It
is found that integrable singularities appear but that the asymptotic behavior
is the same in the timelike and spacelike regions. The approach to asymptotia
is quite slow and a rather constant enhancement of the timelike value is
expected at measurable large . This is in agreement with the trend
shown by experimental data.Comment: 17 pages, report DAPNIA/SPhN 94 0
The seismic microzonation of level 3 of Sant’Agata Fossili (northern Italy) based on a multidisciplinary approach.
In this paper the results of a detailed seismic microzonation, performed at Sant’Agata Fossili (Piemonte region, northern Italy) are presented. We study the local seismic response of this small village using a level 3, that is the most accurate level following the Italian code of seismic microzonation. The activity steps consist in a gradual widening of knowledge of the different aspects of the amplification phenomena. A multidisciplinary approach has been performed to obtain the local seismic response: including a study of local geology, geophysical and geotechnical characterization of the lithologies, and numerical and experimental analyses. We finally compare the obtained elastic response spectra to the prescribed spectra of the Italian Building Code (in Italian: Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni). Our results show the geologic and geophysical differences of the subsoil, that produce different local seismic response in terms of amplification factors and acceleration response spectra.PublishedS01893T. Pericolosità sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischio5T. Sorveglianza sismica e operatività post-terremotoJCR Journalope
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