8 research outputs found

    Modelling OpenComRTOS tasks interaction

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    The model of tasks interaction in Open Communication Real Time Operation System (OpenComRTOS) is developed and discussed in the paper. The main feature of the proposed approach is the using the intermediate hub entity for decoupling interacting tasks. Different temporal semantics (waiting, non waiting and waiting timeout) of tasks synchronization mechanism is introduced. Emerging the effects (i.e. synchronisation or the absence of it) in the case when the tasks actions have different temporal semantics is analysed. The different approaches for expanding the hub model with using TLA and Hoare triplets are proposed.У статті розроблюється й обговорюється модель взаємодії задач в операційній системі реального часу OpenComRTOS. Головна особливість запропонованого підходу – використання сутності синхронізації Hub як проміжної ланки в механізмі взаємодії задач. Проаналізована різна часова семантика процесу синхронізації задач (очікування, неочікування, очікування протягом періоду часу). Розглянуто виникнення ефекту синхронізації у випадку, коли дії задач мають різну часову семантику. Запропоновані різні підходи для розширення моделі Hub з використанням TLA (Temporal Logic of Actions) і трійок Hoare (Hoare triplets).В статье разрабатывается и обсуждается модель взаимодействия задач в операционной системе реального времени OpenComRTOS. Главная особенность предложенного подхода – использование сущности синхронизации Hub как промежуточного звена в механизме взаимодействия задач. Проанализирована различная временная семантика процесса синхронизации задач (ожидание, неожидание, ожидание в течение периода времени). Рассмотрено возникновение эффекта синхронизации в случае, когда действия задач имеют различную временную семантику. Предложены различные подходы для расширения модели Hub с использованием TLA (Temporal Logic of Actions) и троек Hoare (Hoare triplets)

    Russia and the diffusion of political norms: the perfect rival?

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    Russian norm diffusion has been studied mainly as the mirror image of the EU’s, but deserves to be studied in its own right and complexity. Three core categories of political norms are explored: sovereign choice, regime and conservative ideas. It is argued that Russia does not promote a coherent political model, by lack of one, but rather diffuses a disparate set of conservative ideas and non-democratic practices. Russia’s normative positioning is equivocal. It champions established international norms like sovereignty, placing itself within the dominant normative community, but contesting the application by the West. When it comes to certain liberal political norms (often reduced to a strawman version), it questions their validity and rejects them, placing itself outside the dominant normative community, but claiming to defend ‘genuine’ European values. This makes Russia an ambiguous norm contester, rather than the perfect normative rival of the EU. The complexity of its norm contestation follows from exogenous motives: it is predominantly an anti-hegemonic reaction against what it perceives as the Western imposition of norms, harming vital Russian interests

    Development and Application of the Problem-Oriented Language FORTU for the Design of Non-Standard Mechanical Constructions

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    Abstract This paper introduces a new problem-oriented language FORTU, which allows engineers to easily develop various methods for the design and analysis of non-standard mechanical constructions. It is implemented in the FORTU-FEM Computer-Aided Design (CAD) system which mathematical base is the Finite-Element Method (FEM). Due to using FORTU language, FORTU-FEM has an open architecture and allows its users to change the schema of computation. An example of FORTU-FEM application for computation of the tensional and the deformed states of mechanical constructions is considered


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    Предметом розгляду статті є уніфікована мова моделювання UML (Unified Modeling Language), зокрема доцільність її застосування для проектування систем озброєння та військової техніки. Дана загальна характеристика UML, проаналізовані її переваги та вади, визначені шляхи подолання недоліків «універсального» підходу до моделювання предметних областей.Предметом рассмотрения статьи является унифицированный язык моделирования UML (Unified Modeling Language), в частности, целесообразность его применения для проектирования систем вооружения и военной техники. Дана общая характеристика UML, проанализированы его преимущества и изъяны, определены пути преодоления недостатков «универсального» подхода к моделированию предметных областей.The Unified Modelling Language (UML), especially expediency of its application for designing systems of armament and military technique is a subject of consideration in the paper. The general characteristic of UML, its advantages and flaws is given, the ways of overcoming deficiencies of the "universal" approach to modelling of subject domains are defined

    Input Information in the Approximate Calculation of Two-Dimensional Integral from Highly Oscillating Functions (Irregular Case)

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    Nowadays, methods for digital signal and image processing are widely used in scientific and technical areas. Current stage of research in astronomy, radiology, computed tomography, holography, and radar is characterized by broad use of digital technologies, algorithms, and methods. Correspondingly, an issue of development of new or improvement of known mathematical models arose, especially for new types of input information. There are the cases when input information about function is given on the set of traces of the function on planes, the set of traces of the function on lines, and the set of values of the function in the points. The paper is dedicated to the improvement of mathematical models of digital signal processing and imaging by the example of constructing formulas of approximate calculation of integrals of highly oscillating functions of two variables (irregular case). The feature of the proposed methods is using the input information about function as a set of traces of function on lines. The estimation of proposed method has been done for the Lipschitz class and class of differentiable functions. The proposed formula is based on the algorithm, which is also effective for a class of discontinuous functions