1,580 research outputs found

    Natural zeolites and white wines from Campania region (Southern Italy): a new contribution for solving some oenological problems

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    The purpose of this research is to provide a new mixture of Campanian zeolitized tuffs for solving two specific problems in the production of white wines: the protein and tartaric stability. In fact, a very frequent cause of turbidity and formation of organic deposits in white wines is the occurrence of thermolabile and thermostable proteins colloidal suspensions which precipitate in time, especially in summertime and during the storage and transport. Normally, to mitigate this risk wine producers use organic and inorganic stabilizers and clarifiers. The best known treatment, recognized also by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) foresees the use of bentonite with a montmorillonite content not lower than 80%. The present paper aims at evaluating the use of two high zeolite grade Italian volcanoclastites such as the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) and the Yellow Facies of the Campanian Ignimbrite (YFCI), in the treatment of three peculiar white wines of the Campanian region (Southern Italy): Falanghina, Fiano di Avellino and Greco di Tufo. Granulates were produced starting from tuff blocks as provided by quarries. Some grain size fractions have been prepared to investigate the zeolite content (phillipsite + chabazite + analcime) by X-ray diffraction (XRD). A 2-5 mm grain size fraction was chosen for NYT and a 5-10 mm for YFCI. Three Campanian monocultivar white wines were used for the test: the Falanghina 2006 vintage, the Fiano di Avellino DOCG 2007 vintage, and the Greco di Tufo DOCG 2008 vintage. 48 samples with mixture of the zeolitized tuffs, 1 sample with mixture of a synthetic zeolite A and 1 sample with mixture of a commercial sodium activated bentonite were prepared. ICP-OES analysis for the determination of ECEC, Ion Chromatography (IC) analyses for the determination of some major cations and Turbidimetric tests for the definition of the protein stabilization process before and after treatments were also carried out. It was evidenced that high zeolitized tuff/wine ratios enable the protein stabilization whereas a significant decrease of potassium ion after the treatment with a zeolite-rich powder improves the tartaric stability, a serious problem in all the wine productions. The results of these tests refer to a laboratory scale research. A transfer of the experiment to a pilot plant scale is in progress

    Weak Lensing Mass Reconstruction of the Galaxy Cluster Abell 209

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    Weak lensing applied to deep optical images of clusters of galaxies provides a powerful tool to reconstruct the distribution of the gravitating mass associated to these structures. We use the shear signal extracted by an analysis of deep exposures of a region centered around the galaxy cluster Abell 209, at redshift z=0.2, to derive both a map of the projected mass distribution and an estimate of the total mass within a characteristic radius. We use a series of deep archival R-band images from CFHT-12k, covering an area of 0.3 deg^2. We determine the shear of background galaxy images using a new implementation of the modified Kaiser-Squires-Broadhurst pipeline for shear determination, which we has been tested against the ``Shear TEsting Program 1 and 2'' simulations. We use mass aperture statistics to produce maps of the 2 dimensional density distribution, and parametric fits using both Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) and singular-isothermal-sphere profiles to constrain the total mass. The projected mass distribution shows a pronounced asymmetry, with an elongated structure extending from the SE to the NW. This is in general agreement with the optical distribution previously found by other authors. A similar elongation was previously detected in the X-ray emission map, and in the distribution of galaxy colours. The circular NFW mass profile fit gives a total mass of M_{200} = 7.7^{+4.3}_{-2.7} 10^{14} solar masses inside the virial radius r_{200} = 1.8\pm 0.3 Mpc. The weak lensing profile reinforces the evidence for an elongated structure of Abell 209, as previously suggested by studies of the galaxy distribution and velocities.Comment: accepted by A&A, 15 pages, 11 figure

    Egg numbers and fecundity traits in nine species of Mantella poison frogs from arid grasslands and rainforests of Madagascar (Anura: Mantellidae)

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    The body size and number of eggs in dissected females were analysed in nine species of the Malagasy frog genus Mantella basing upon preserved specimens. These species were distinguished in terms of habitat and grouped as ‘grassland species’ (included M. betsileo, M. expectata, M. viridis), and ‘rainforest species’ (M. baroni, M. crocea, M. cowani, M. laevigata, M. nigricans, M. pulchra). The species with the lowest egg - number was M. cowani with a mean egg number of 37 ± 15, while the species with the highest egg-number was M. viridis with 115 ± 21 eggs. In general, the grassland species are characterised by a higher number of relatively small eggs. Moreover, their fecundity was positively and significantly correlated to female body size. Rainforest species were smaller in size and with a lower number of eggs. We interpreted these differences as possible consequences of habitat adaptations. Among the studied species, the Critically Endangered Mantella cowani is also featured by a low number and large size of eggs. This is likely correlated with the high elevation site of the central highlands where this species occurs

    Three-body decay of 6^{6}Be

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    Three-body correlations for the ground-state decay of the lightest two-proton emitter 6^{6}Be are studied both theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical studies are performed in a three-body hyperspherical-harmonics cluster model. In the experimental studies, the ground state of 6^{6}Be was formed following the α\alpha decay of a 10^{10}C beam inelastically excited through interactions with Be and C targets. Excellent agreement between theory and experiment is obtained demonstrating the existence of complicated correlation patterns which can elucidate the structure of 6^{6}Be and, possibly, of the A=6 isobar.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures, 5 table

    Protein structure analysis of the interactions between SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the human ACE2 receptor: from conformational changes to novel neutralizing antibodies

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    The recent severe acute respiratory syndrome, known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread so much rapidly and severely to induce World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a state of emergency over the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. While several countries have chosen the almost complete lock-down for slowing down SARS-CoV-2 spread, the scientific community is called to respond to the devastating outbreak by identifying new tools for diagnosis and treatment of the dangerous COVID-19. With this aim, we performed an in silico comparative modeling analysis, which allows gaining new insights into the main conformational changes occurring in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, at the level of the receptor-binding domain (RBD), along interactions with human cells angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, that favor human cell invasion. Furthermore, our analysis provides (1) an ideal pipeline to identify already characterized antibodies that might target SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD, aiming to prevent interactions with the human ACE2, and (2) instructions for building new possible neutralizing antibodies, according to chemical/physical space restraints and complementary determining regions (CDR) mutagenesis of the identified existing antibodies. The proposed antibodies show in silico high affinity for SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD and can be used as reference antibodies also for building new high-affinity antibodies against present and future coronaviruses able to invade human cells through interactions of their spike proteins with the human ACE2. More in general, our analysis provides indications for the set-up of the right biological molecular context for investigating spike RBD–ACE2 interactions for the development of new vaccines, diagnostic kits, and other treatments based on the targeting of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

    Current exposure of Italian women of reproductive age to PFOS and PFOA: a human biomonitoring study

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    Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) concentrations were determined in serum samples collected in 2011-2012 from 549 nulliparous Italian women of reproductive age who resided in six different Italian Regions. Assessment of exposure to perfluorinated compounds was part of a large human biomonitoring study (Project Life Plus "Womenbiopop") that aimed at examining the exposure of women of reproductive age to priority organic pollutants. The median concentrations of PFOS and PFOA were 2.43, and 1.55ngg-1, respectively. Significant differences in the concentrations of both compounds were observed among the six Regions. Women from central Italy had the highest levels of both compounds, followed by women from northern Italy, and southern Italy. No differences in the PFOS concentrations were found between women from urban/industrial areas and women from rural areas, whereas the levels of PFOA were significantly higher in women residing in urban/industrial areas than in women residing in rural areas. Taken together, the observed concentrations confirm that the overall exposure of the Italian population is among the lowest observed in industrialized countries. A downward temporal trend in exposure was observed for both compounds when comparing the results from the present study with those assessed in a study conducted in 2008

    Selected amino acid changes in HIV-1 subtype-C gp41 are associated with specific gp120(V3) signatures in the regulation of co-receptor usage

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    The majority of studies have characterized the tropism of HIV-1 subtype-B isolates, but little is known about the determinants of tropism in other subtypes. So, the goal of the present study was to genetically characterize the envelope of viral proteins in terms of co-receptor usage by analyzing 356 full-length env sequences derived from HIV-1 subtype-C infected individuals. The co-receptor usage of V3 sequences was inferred by using the Geno2Pheno and PSSM algorithms, and also analyzed to the "11/25 rule". All reported env sequences were also analyzed with regard to N-linked glycosylation sites, net charge and hydrophilicity, as well as the binomial correlation phi coefficient to assess covariation among gp120(V3) and gp41 signatures and the average linkage hierarchical agglomerative clustering were also performed. Among env sequences present in Los Alamos Database, 255 and 101 sequences predicted as CCR5 and CXCR4 were selected, respectively. The classical V3 signatures at positions 11 and 25, and other specific V3 and gp41 amino acid changes were found statistically associated with different co-receptor usage. Furthermore, several statistically significant associations between V3 and gp41 signatures were also observed. The dendrogram topology showed a cluster associated with CCR5-usage composed by five gp41 mutated positions, A22V, R133M, E136G, N140L, and N166Q that clustered with T2V(V3) and G24T(V3) (bootstrap=1). Conversely, a heterogeneous cluster with CXCR4-usage, involving S11GR(V3), 13-14insIG/LG(V3), P16RQ(V3), Q18KR(V3), F20ILV(V3), D25KRQ(V3), Q32KR(V3) along with A30T(gp41), S107N(gp41), D148E(gp41), A189S(gp41) was identified (bootstrap=0.86). Our results show that as observed for HIV-1 subtype-B, also in subtype-C specific and different gp41 and gp120V3 amino acid changes are associated individually or together with CXCR4 and/or CCR5 usage. These findings strengthen previous observations that determinants of tropism may also reside in the gp41 protein

    Cardiovascular events and treatment of children with high risk medulloblastoma

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    Background: Children with high-risk medulloblastoma are treated with chemotherapeutic protocols which may affect heart function. We aimed to assesscardiovascular events (CVE) in children with medulloblastoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET). Methods: We retrospectively collected data from a case series of 22 children with high-risk medulloblastoma/PNET admitted to the Santobono-Pausilipon Hospital, Naples, Italy from 2008 to 2016. All patients received the Milan HART protocol for high-risk brain malignancies as first line treatment (induction phase), followed by a consolidation phase with Thiotepa and hematopoietic stem cells transplantation, except for 1 patient who received the Milan HART as second line therapy. Four patients also received second line treatment, while 4 patients also received maintenance therapy. Patients underwent cardiac examination, including ECG, echocardiography and serum biomarkers, before antineoplastic treatment initiation and then when clinically needed. Six patients developed CVE (CVE group); 16 patients had no CVE (NO-CVE group). Findings: In the CVE group, 3 patients presented acute CVE during chemotherapy (2 patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction, 1 patient with arterial hypertension), while 3 patients presented chronic CVE after chemotherapy completion (2 patients with LV dysfunction, 1 patient with ectopic atrial tachycardia). After a 51 months median follow-up, 9 patients died: 4 from the CVE group (in 2 cases heart failure-related deaths) and 5 from the NO-CVE group (progression of disease). Interpretation: A relevant percentage of children treated for medulloblastoma/PNET develops CVE. Heart failure potentially due to chemotherapy may represent a cause of death. Hence, in these patients, strict cardiac surveillance is essential. Funding: No funding was associated with this study

    Service Orientation and the Smart Grid state and trends

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    The energy market is undergoing major changes, the most notable of which is the transition from a hierarchical closed system toward a more open one highly based on a “smart” information-rich infrastructure. This transition calls for new information and communication technologies infrastructures and standards to support it. In this paper, we review the current state of affairs and the actual technologies with respect to such transition. Additionally, we highlight the contact points between the needs of the future grid and the advantages brought by service-oriented architectures.
