36 research outputs found

    The slit receptor Rig-1/Robo3 controls midline crossing by hindbrain precerebellar neurons and axons.

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    During development, precerebellar neurons migrate dorsoventrally from the rhombic lip to the floor plate. Some of these neurons cross the midline while others stop. We have identified a role for the slit receptor Rig-1/Robo3 in directing this process. During their tangential migration, neurons of all major hindbrain precerebellar nuclei express high levels of Rig-1 mRNA. Rig-1 expression is rapidly downregulated as their leading process crosses the floor plate. Interestingly, most precerebellar nuclei do not develop normally in Rig-1-deficient mice, as they fail to cross the midline. In addition, inferior olivary neurons, which normally send axons into the contralateral cerebellum, project ipsilaterally in Rig-1 mutant mice. Similarly, neurons of the lateral reticular nucleus and basilar pons are unable to migrate across the floor plate and instead remain ipsilateral. These results demonstrate that Rig-1 controls the ability of both precerebellar neuron cell bodies and their axons to cross the midline

    IL-9/IL-9 receptor signaling selectively protects cortical neurons against developmental apoptosis

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    In mammals, programmed cell death (PCD) is a central event during brain development. Trophic factors have been shown to prevent PCD in postmitotic neurons. Similarly, cytokines have neurotrophic effects involving regulation of neuronal survival. Nevertheless, neuronal PCD is only partially understood and host determinants are incompletely defined. The present study provides evidence that the cytokine interleukin-9 (IL-9) and its receptor specifically control PCD of neurons in the murine newborn neocortex. IL-9 antiapoptotic action appeared to be time-restricted to early postnatal stages as both ligand and receptor transcripts were mostly expressed in neocortex between postnatal days 0 and 10. This period corresponds to the physiological peak of apoptosis for postmitotic neurons in mouse neocortex. In vivo studies showed that IL-9/IL-9 receptor pathway inhibits apoptosis in the newborn neocortex. Furthermore, in vitro studies demonstrated that IL-9 and its receptor are mainly expressed in neurons. IL-9 effects were mediated by the activation of the JAK/STAT (janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription) pathway, whereas nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) or Erk pathways were not involved in mediating IL-9-induced inhibition of cell death. Finally, IL-9 reduced the expression of the mitochondrial pro-apoptotic factor Bax whereas Bcl-2 level was not significantly affected. Together, these data suggest that IL-9/IL-9 receptor signaling pathway represents a novel endogenous antiapoptotic mechanism for cortical neurons by controlling JAK/STAT and Bax levels

    Floor-plate-derived netrin-1 is dispensable for commissural axon guidance

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    International audienceNetrin-1 is an evolutionarily conserved, secreted extracellular matrix protein involved in axon guidance at the central nervous system midline. Netrin-1 is expressed by cells localized at the central nervous system midline, such as those of the floor plate in vertebrate embryos. Growth cone turning assays and three-dimensional gel diffusion assays have shown that netrin-1 can attract commissural axons. Loss-of-function experiments further demonstrated that commissural axon extension to the midline is severely impaired in the absence of netrin-1 (refs 3, 7, 8, 9). Together, these data have long supported a model in which commissural axons are attracted by a netrin-1 gradient diffusing from the midline. Here we selectively ablate netrin-1 expression in floor-plate cells using a Ntn1 conditional knockout mouse line. We find that hindbrain and spinal cord commissural axons develop normally in the absence of floor-plate-derived netrin-1. Furthermore, we show that netrin-1 is highly expressed by cells in the ventricular zone, which can release netrin-1 at the pial surface where it binds to commissural axons. Notably, Ntn1 deletion from the ventricular zone phenocopies commissural axon guidance defects previously described in Ntn1-knockout mice. These results show that the classical view that attraction of commissural axons is mediated by a gradient of floor-plate-derived netrin-1 is inaccurate and that netrin-1 primarily acts locally by promoting growth cone adhesio