231 research outputs found

    Substance abuse and psychiatric co-morbidities: a case study of patients at Mathari Psychiatric Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya

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    Substance abuse co-morbidity with psychiatric disorders is common and has been widely reported, except in Kenya. This study aimed to determine the prevalence, pattern and socio-economic burden of a dual diagnosis of substance abuse disorder and other psychiatric conditions. This was a cross-sectional descriptive study of 691 patients admitted at Mathari hospital. Only 42 patients had a first working diagnosis of substance abuse but nearly thirty-five percent of the patients scored for a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition) diagnosis of alcohol dependance/abuse. There was high co-morbidity of alcohol abuse/dependence with opiate, sedative and 'khat' use, as well as with mood and other psychotic disorders. Substance abuse disorders correlated significantly with other psychiatric disorders. Only 12 patients were in a drug rehabilitation unit, all of whom had a dual psychiatric diagnosis of affective disorder. There were high co-morbidity rates of substance abuse in both general psychiatric wards and drug rehabilitation units. KEY WORDS: substance abuse, co-morbidity, psychiatric disorders, Keny

    Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage Systems

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    The feasibility of storing thermal energy at temperatures of 450 C to 535 C in the form of latent heat of fusion was examined for over 30 inorganic salts and salt mixtures. Alkali carbonate mixtures were chosen as phase-change storage materials in this temperature range because of their relatively high storage capacity and thermal conductivity, moderate cost, low volumetric expansion upon melting, low corrosivity, and good chemical stability. Means of improving heat conduction through the solid salt were explored

    Winding number and non-BPS bound states of walls in nonlinear sigma models

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    Non-supersymmetric multi-wall configurations are generically unstable. It is proposed that the stabilization in compact space can be achieved by introducing a winding number into the model. A BPS-like bound is studied for the energy of configuration with nonvanishing winding number. Winding number is implemented in an N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model with two chiral scalar fields and a bound states of BPS and anti-BPS walls is found to exist in noncompact spaces. Even in compactified space S1S^1, this nontrivial bound state persists above a critical radius of the compact dimension.Comment: 20pages, 14 figures, minor misprint corrections, figures added, explanation of winding number adde

    An Extension for Direct Gauge Mediation of Metastable Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We study the direct mediation of metastable supersymmetry breaking by a \Phi^2-deformation to the ISS model and extend it by splitting both Tr\Phi and Tr\Phi^2 terms in the superpotential and gauging the flavor symmetry. We find that with such an extension the enough long-lived metastable vacua can be obtained and the proper gaugino masses can be generated. Also, this allows for constructing a kind of models which can avoid the Landau pole problem. Especially, in our metastable vacua there exist a large region for the parameter m_3 which can satisfy the phenomenology requirements and allow for a low SUSY breaking scale (\sim 100 TeV).Comment: version in Europhys. Let

    Non-Abelian Walls in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    The Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) multi-wall solutions are constructed in supersymmetric U(N_C) gauge theories in five dimensions with N_F(>N_C) hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation. Exact solutions are obtained with full generic moduli for infinite gauge coupling and with partial moduli for finite gauge coupling. The generic wall solutions require nontrivial configurations for either gauge fields or off-diagonal components of adjoint scalars depending on the gauge. Effective theories of moduli fields are constructed as world-volume gauge theories. Nambu-Goldstone and quasi-Nambu-Goldstone scalars are distinguished and worked out. Total moduli space of the BPS non-Abelian walls including all topological sectors is found to be the complex Grassmann manifold SU(N_F) / [SU(N_C) x SU(N_F-N_C) x U(1)] endowed with a deformed metric.Comment: 62 pages, 17 figures, the final version in PR

    Composite Higgs Search at the LHC

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    The Higgs boson production cross-sections and decay rates depend, within the Standard Model (SM), on a single unknown parameter, the Higgs mass. In composite Higgs models where the Higgs boson emerges as a pseudo-Goldstone boson from a strongly-interacting sector, additional parameters control the Higgs properties which then deviate from the SM ones. These deviations modify the LEP and Tevatron exclusion bounds and significantly affect the searches for the Higgs boson at the LHC. In some cases, all the Higgs couplings are reduced, which results in deterioration of the Higgs searches but the deviations of the Higgs couplings can also allow for an enhancement of the gluon-fusion production channel, leading to higher statistical significances. The search in the H to gamma gamma channel can also be substantially improved due to an enhancement of the branching fraction for the decay of the Higgs boson into a pair of photons.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figure

    Domain Wall Junction in N=2 Supersymmetric QED in four dimensions

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    An exact solution of domain wall junction is obtained in N=2 supersymmetric (SUSY) QED with three massive hypermultiplets. The junction preserves two out of eight SUSY. Both a (magnetic) Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term and complex masses for hypermultiplets are needed to obtain the junction solution. There are zero modes corresponding to spontaneously broken translation, SUSY, and U(1). All broken and unbroken SUSY charges are explicitly worked out in the Wess-Zumino gauge in N=1 superfields as well as in components. The relation to models in five dimensions is also clarified.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, comments on zero modes added, a few references adde

    Dynamics of Weyl Scale Invariant non-BPS p=3 Branes

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    In this paper a Weyl scale invariant p=3p=3 brane scenario is introduced, with the brane embedded in a higher dimensional bulk space with N=1,5DN=1, 5D Super--Weyl symmetry. Its action, which describes its long wave oscillation modes into the ambient superspace and breaks the target symmetry down to the lower dimensional Weyl W(1,3) symmetry, is constructed by the approach of coset method.Comment: 12 pages, modified versio

    Nonanomalous Discrete R-Symmetry and Light Gravitino

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    We discuss nonanomalous R-symmetry in the supersymmetric grand unified theories. In particular, we explore anomaly-free solutions predicting the gravitino mass in the range of 10^{-3} eV \lsim m_{3/2} \lsim 1 TeV when the μ\mu-parameter is fixed to be μ1TeV\mu \simeq 1 TeV. In the minimal SU(5) GUT, we have shown that μ1TeV\mu \simeq 1 TeV is obtained only if the gravitino is ultralight with mass m3/2103eVm_{3/2} \sim 10^{-3} eV. If extra fields 55{\bf 5}\oplus{\bf 5^*} or 1010{\bf 10}\oplus{\bf 10^*} are introduced, many solutions predicting m_{3/2} \gsim 10^{-3} eV are found. The R-parity is violated due to the vacuum expectation value of the superpotential, but it is controlled by the discrete R-symmetry. We find that the R-parity violating couplings are naturally suppressed much below the experimental bounds for some charge assignments. These charge assignments predict light gravitino with masses of order O(103eV){\cal O}(10^{-3} eV)--O(1MeV){\cal O}(1 MeV). These discrete R-symmetries can be considered as solutions to the μ\mu-problem in low energy supersymmetry breaking models such as the gauge mediation.Comment: 20 pages, no figure. v2: minor corrections, references added, "Note Added" in Summary adde

    The Two Faces of Anomaly Mediation

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    Anomaly mediation is a ubiquitous source of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking which appears in almost every theory of supergravity. In this paper, we show that anomaly mediation really consists of two physically distinct phenomena, which we dub "gravitino mediation" and "Kahler mediation". Gravitino mediation arises from minimally uplifting SUSY anti-de Sitter (AdS) space to Minkowski space, generating soft masses proportional to the gravitino mass. Kahler mediation arises when visible sector fields have linear couplings to SUSY breaking in the Kahler potential, generating soft masses proportional to beta function coefficients. In the literature, these two phenomena are lumped together under the name "anomaly mediation", but here we demonstrate that they can be physically disentangled by measuring associated couplings to the goldstino. In particular, we use the example of gaugino soft masses to show that gravitino mediation generates soft masses without corresponding goldstino couplings. This result naively violates the goldstino equivalence theorem but is in fact necessary for supercurrent conservation in AdS space. Since gravitino mediation persists even when the visible sector is sequestered from SUSY breaking, we can use the absence of goldstino couplings as an unambiguous definition of sequestering.Comment: 21 pages, 1 table; v2, references added, extended discussion in introduction and appendix; v3, JHEP versio