51 research outputs found

    Epigenetic regulation of caloric restriction in aging

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    The molecular mechanisms of aging are the subject of much research and have facilitated potential interventions to delay aging and aging-related degenerative diseases in humans. The aging process is frequently affected by environmental factors, and caloric restriction is by far the most effective and established environmental manipulation for extending lifespan in various animal models. However, the precise mechanisms by which caloric restriction affects lifespan are still not clear. Epigenetic mechanisms have recently been recognized as major contributors to nutrition-related longevity and aging control. Two primary epigenetic codes, DNA methylation and histone modification, are believed to dynamically influence chromatin structure, resulting in expression changes of relevant genes. In this review, we assess the current advances in epigenetic regulation in response to caloric restriction and how this affects cellular senescence, aging and potential extension of a healthy lifespan in humans. Enhanced understanding of the important role of epigenetics in the control of the aging process through caloric restriction may lead to clinical advances in the prevention and therapy of human aging-associated diseases

    Loss of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase 4 (MAP3K4) Reveals a Requirement for MAPK Signalling in Mouse Sex Determination

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    The boygirl (byg) mouse mutant reveals that MAP3K4-mediated signaling is necessary for normal SRY expression and testis specification in the developing mouse gonad

    Controls on δ26Mg variability in three Central European headwater catchments characterized by contrasting bedrock chemistry and contrasting inputs of atmospheric pollutants.

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    Magnesium isotope ratios (26Mg/24Mg) can provide insights into the origin of Mg pools and fluxes in catchments where Mg sources have distinct isotope compositions, and the direction and magnitude of Mg isotope fractionations are known. Variability in Mg isotope compositions was investigated in three small, spruce-forested catchments in the Czech Republic (Central Europe) situated along an industrial pollution gradient. The following combinations of catchment characteristics were selected for the study: low-Mg bedrock + low Mg deposition (site LYS, underlain by leucogranite); high-Mg bedrock + low Mg deposition (site PLB, underlain by serpentinite), and low-Mg bedrock + high Mg deposition (site UDL, underlain by orthogneiss). UDL, affected by spruce die-back due to acid rain, was the only investigated site where dolomite was applied to mitigate forest decline. The δ26Mg values of 10 catchment compartments were determined on pooled subsamples. At LYS, a wide range of δ26Mg values was observed across the compartments, from -3.38 ‰ (bedrock) to -2.88 ‰ (soil), -1.48% (open-area precipitation), -1.34 ‰ (throughfall), -1.19 ‰ (soil water), -0.99 ‰ (xylem), -0.95 ‰ (needles), -0.82 ‰ (bark), -0.76 ‰ (fine roots), and -0.76 ‰ (runoff). The δ26Mg values at UDL spanned 1.32 ‰ and were thus less variable, compared to LYS. Magnesium at PLB was isotopically relatively homogeneous. The δ26Mg systematics was consistent with geogenic control of runoff Mg at PLB. Mainly atmospheric/biological control of runoff Mg was indicated at UDL, and possibly also at LYS. Our sites did not exhibit the combination of low-δ26Mg runoff and high-δ26Mg weathering products (secondary clay minerals) reported from several previously studied sites. Six years after the end of liming at UDL, Mg derived from dolomite was isotopically undetectable in runoff

    Mg, Ca and Sr isotope dynamics in a small forested catchment underlain by paragneiss: The role of geogenic, atmospheric, and biogenic sources of base cations

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    Knowledge of the origin of magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) in soil solutions and catchment runoff helps to predict forest ecosystems’ vulnerability to deficiencies in essential nutrients in an era of climate change, environmental pollution and bark-beetle calamities. Here we discuss isotope aspects of Mg, Ca and strontium (Sr) cycling in a spruce-forested headwater catchment in a relatively unpolluted part of Central Europe. We investigated to what extent Mg and Ca isotope signatures of runoff reflect the isotope compositions of specific Mg- and Ca-rich minerals that easily dissolve during the weathering of paragneiss, and compared the isotope variability of Mg and Ca in fresh bedrock minerals, soils and other ecosystem reservoirs. We also compared conclusions from Mg and Ca isotope systematics with inferences from catchment input–output mass budgets. Long-term input–output monitoring in the studied catchment situated near the Czech–German border (Central Europe) revealed 3.5–7 times higher outputs of Mg, Ca, and Sr via surface runoff relative to their present-day atmospheric inputs. It follows that hydrological exports of recent atmospheric Mg, Ca and Sr are minor. Release of geogenic base cations into the runoff results from the interplay between mineral abundances, concentrations of the studied elements in the minerals, and their dissolution rates. Chemical depletion fractions for the studied elements from bedrock to the soil were 50–70 %, and the losses of dominant soluble minerals in the soil were 30–80 %. Exports of residual Mg, Ca and Sr following partial incorporation of these elements into secondary phyllosilicates are probably low because newly-formed clay minerals are not abundant in the soil. Residual Ca following preferential incorporation of isotopically light Ca into growing tree biomass may contribute to the isotopically heavy runoff Ca. Isotope ratios of base cations were obtained for six minerals (plagioclase, orthoclase, biotite, muscovite, apatite, and ilmenite). Mineral fractions differ greatly in δ²⁶Mg and δ⁴⁴Ca values and ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratios. 80–97 % of each of the three studied base cations are present in the bedrock in a single relatively easily dissolvable mineral: Mg in biotite, and Ca and Sr in plagioclase. The isotope composition of Mg in biotite was similar to the isotope composition of Mg in runoff. The isotope compositions of Ca and Sr in plagioclase were also similar to Ca and Sr isotope compositions in runoff. Thus, the dominant geogenic source of each of the studied elements (Mg, Ca and Sr) in the investigated paragneiss catchment can be represented by one relatively soluble mineral.ISSN:0016-7061ISSN:1872-625

    Quality improvement in determination of chemical oxygen demand in samples considered difficult to analyze, through participation in proficiency-testing schemes

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    Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a critical analytical parameter in waste and wastewater treatment, more specifically in anaerobic digestion, although little is known about the quality of measuring COD of anaerobic digestion samples. Proficiency testing (PT) is a powerful tool that can be used to test the performance achievable in the participants' laboratories, so we carried out a second PT of COD determination in samples considered " difficult" to analyze (i.e. solid samples and liquid samples with high concentrations of suspended solids). The results obtained (based on acceptable z-score values) may be considered satisfactory. When compared with the results of a previous similar scheme, the overall performance improved by around 30%, again demonstrating that analytical performance can be improved by regular participation in PT.La demande chimique en oxyg\ue8ne (DCO) [COD en anglais] constitue un param\ue8tre analytique essentiel dans le traitement des d\ue9chets et des eaux us\ue9es, plus particuli\ue8rement dans la digestion ana\ue9robie. Toutefois, on sait peu de choses sur la qualit\ue9 des mesures de la DCO d\u2019\ue9chantillons de digestion ana\ue9robie. L\u2019essai d\u2019aptitude (EA) [Proficiency testing ou PT en anglais] est un outil puissant utilisable pour v\ue9rifier la performance que l\u2019on peut obtenir dans les laboratoires participants. Nous avons donc men\ue9 un deuxi\ue8me EA pour d\ue9terminer la DCO d\u2019\ue9chantillons jug\ue9s \uab difficiles \ubb \ue0 analyser (c\u2019est-\ue0-dire des \ue9chantillons solides et des \ue9chantillons liquides ayant une concentration \ue9lev\ue9e de particules solides en suspension). Les r\ue9sultats obtenus (fond\ue9s sur des scores z acceptables) peuvent \ueatre consid\ue9r\ue9s comme satisfaisants. En les comparant avec des r\ue9sultats obtenus ant\ue9rieurement dans un syst\ue8me similaire, la performance globale s\u2019est am\ue9lior\ue9e d\u2019environ 30 %, d\ue9montrant une fois de plus qu\u2019il est possible d\u2019am\ue9liorer la performance analytique en participant r\ue9guli\ue8rement \ue0 des EA.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye