355 research outputs found

    View of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of familial benign pemphigus (Hailey — Hailey disease). Literature review

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    The article describes modern views on predisposing factors, histological and genetic changes, the role of ATP2C1 encoding a mutant gene, localized on chromosome 3 in the pathogenesis of Hailey — Hailey disease. Diagnostic criteria, differential diagnostics with other diseases and methods of modern treatment of this disease are presented

    Analytical approximation of spectrum for pulse X-ray tubes

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    Among the main characteristics of the pulsed X-ray apparatuses the spectral energy characteristics are the most important ones: the spectral distribution of the photon energy, effective and maximum energy of quanta. Knowing the spectral characteristics of the radiation of pulse sources is very important for the practical use of them in non-destructive testing. We have attempted on the analytical approximation of the pulsed X-ray apparatuses spectra obtained in the different experimental papers. The results of the analytical approximation of energy spectrum for pulse X-ray tube are presented. Obtained formulas are adequate to experimental data and can be used by designing pulsed X-ray apparatuses

    Oil recovery forecast during reevaluation of visean clastic deposits reserves of north-east Volga-Ural oil and gas province

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    It is statistically proved that in the context of geological information uncertainty reliable prompt statistical evaluation of oil recovery factor (ORF) is helpful. It is especially relevant in case of design and specification of oil recovery from the developing field at the stage of prospecting and exploration planning. The bases for such express evaluation are geological and technological conditions of field development. The analysis of implementation reliability of existing models for oil recovery factor evaluation was done for Visean producing deposits at North-East part of Volga-Ural oil and gas province. Implementation possibilities of the methods were analyzed taking into account scenarios of natural depletion and pressure maintenance for Visean producing deposits. Calculation results show significant deviation of theoretical oil recovery from approved values in design project. The methodology for oil recovery factor evaluation was developed and adopted to the actual conditions of development of Volga-Ural oil and gas province (OGP). It is proved that analysis have to be done separately for the fields at natural depletion and pressure maintenance (PM) stages. Geological and technological informative parameters that influence final oil recovery were determined thanks to statistical processing methods. Oil recovery forecast was done based on multi-dimensional law, where arguments are geological and technological development parameters. In order to simplify its use in practice laws are built in two types in accordance with geological state of knowledge. In the first case only geological parameters represent initial information. That allows performing forecast evaluation of the field oil recovery while its exploration. In the second case technological parameters of development are considered as well. That allows most likely forecasting geological and exploration works. Obtained models significantly specify oil recovery from Visean deposits forecast. Is helps to increase truthfulness of geological and economic evaluation of prospecting, geological and exploration works

    Analysis of innovative technologies in industry: the blockchain and the internet of things

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    The rapid development of modern information technologies introduces significant changes in the work of all spheres of activity, especially in industry. The technologies, using in industry have been analyzed in the article. The prospects for the development of the blockchain technology and the industrial Internet were considered and possible problems for their implementation and development have been highlighted, such as: high cost, unemployment, long distances and long transit times, cold climate, insuffi quality of cartographic services


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    У статті висвітлено показання до спеціалізованої ортопедичної підготовки порожнини рота при ревматоїдному артриті, що заключається у функціональному зішліфовуванні скатів горбків, видаленні висунутих зубів, вирівнюванні оклюзійної поверхні, перебудові міотатичного рефлексу, відновленні міжоклюзійної висоти та нормалізації рухів нижньої щелепи. Мета дослідження – провести аналіз сучасної вітчизняної та зарубіжної літератури щодо спеціальної ортопедичної підготовки пацієнтів із деформаціями зубних рядів на фоні ревматоїдного артриту. Матеріали і методи. У дослідженні застосовано бібліосемантичний та аналітичний методи. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Під час виконання дослідження було проведено огляд та аналіз останніх даних вітчизняної та зарубіжної науково-медичної літератури щодо питання ортопедичної підготовки пацієнтів із деформаціями зубних рядів на фоні ревматоїдного артриту. Висновки. На сьогодні питання важливості спеціальної ортопедичної допомоги пацієнтам із деформаціями зубних рядів при ревматоїдному артриті є недостатньо вивченими. Ортопедична допомога особам із частковою втратою зубів і захворюваннями скронево-нижньощелепного суглоба (СНЩС) здійснюється строго індивідуально і комплексно після проведення загального лікування й у період ремісії ревматоїдного артриту


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    This article presents information about the distribution of antigens of the second class in patients with papulo-pustular and nodulous forms of acne. Class II antigens distribution was estimated as the total Group and groups of patients allocated depending on the severity of the clinical picture. Association revealed the presence of severe acne with antigens of histocompatibility of HLA-complex that confirms the importance of immunogenetic factors in the pathogenesis of this condition

    Stromal and Tumor Glioma-Derived Cells with Similar Characteristics have Differences in α-Smooth Muscle Actin Expression and Localization

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    Gliomas are solid brain tumors composed of tumor cells and recruited heterogenic stromal components. The study of the interactions between the perivascular niche and its surrounding cells is of great value in unraveling mechanisms of drug resistance in malignant gliomas. In this study, we isolated the stromal diploid cell population from oligodendroglioma and a mixed population of tumor aneuploid and stromal diploid cells from astrocytoma specimens. The stromal cells expressed neural stem/progenitor and mesenchymal markers showing the same discordant phenotype that is typical for glioma cells. Moreover, some of the stromal cells expressed CD133. For the first time, we demonstrated that this type of stromal cells had the typical myofibroblastic phenotype as the α-SMA+ cells formed α-SMA fibers and exhibited the specific function to deposit extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins at least in vitro. Immunofluorescent analysis showed diffuse or focal α-SMA staining in the cytoplasm of the astrocytoma-derived, A172, T98G, and U251MG glioma cells. We could suggest that α-SMA may be one of the main molecules, bearing protective functions. Possible mechanisms and consequences of α-SMA disruptions in gliomas are discussed