95 research outputs found

    Оптична система виявлення динамічних об'єктів для БПЛА

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    This work presents an optical flow based method for obstacle detection by using a single CCDcamera. Computed optical flow is used to detect dynamic obstacles in front of the camera and toadjust rotor's control to avoid them. The proposed system is based on optical flow estimation with weighted image blocks from the streamed video. Hardware simulation is performed to prove theapplicability of this system. Methods and algorithms described in this paper are versatile enough andcan be implemented for various vehicles with autonomous navigation system. The feasibility of theproposed system for UAVs is discussedВ работе представлена технология на основе метода оптического потока ПЗС-камеры. Оптический поток используется для обнаружения динамических препятствий перед камерой, спомощью которого формируется сигнал управления на облет препятствия. Предлагаемая система основана на оценке оптического потока с взвешенными блоков изображения в потоко-вый видеопоследовательности. Проведенные практические испытания доказывают работоспособность этой системы. Методы и алгоритмы, описанные в данной роботе, являются достаточно универсальными и реализуются в различных областях, которые используют автономную систему навигации. Система разрабатывалась для использования на БПЛАУ роботі представлена технологія на основі методу оптичного потоку ПЗС-камери. Оптичний потік використовується для виявлення динамічних перешкод перед камерою, за допомогою якого формується сигнал управління на обліт перешкоди. Пропонована система заснована наоцінці оптичного потоку з зваженими блоків зображення в потоковій відео послідовності. Проведені практичні випробування доводять робото спроможність цієї системи. Методи і алгоритми, описані в даній роботі, є досить універсальними і реалізуються в різних областях, які використовують автономну систему навігації. Система розробляється для використанняна БПЛ

    Phenomenon of an Irrational in Eastern Direction in Thinking

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    Indian mythology and the Vedic image of the world built on its basis are of exceptional importance for understanding the entire Eastern culture. The mythological complex of Indian representations is the most ancient (researchers attribute its formation to the III millennium BC) and surprisingly persistent. The Vedic image of the world combines the features of proper mythology and religion and philosophy; it becomes the initial model for the formation of later religious and philosophical doctrines. Recall that it was the Vedic image of the world that formed the Brahmanism ideology prevailing in Ancient India and then formed the foundation of modern Hinduism through a modification of the Brahmin doctrine. Moreover, even religious-philosophical systems opposed to Brahmanism, such as Jainism, Bhagavatism, Buddhism, which questioned Rigveda and other Samhitas's sanctity, maintained a standard worldview continuity and solidarity with the fundamental images of the Vedic world model. Of course, Indian mythology, especially at the early stages of its formation, has much in common with mythological representations of other peoples of the world. At a particular stage in the development of mythic consciousness, we can everywhere find syncretic and anthropomorphic motifs, echoes of totemism or animism, the influence of matriarchy, and, of course, the tendency to overcome polytheistic traditions and the tendency to theistic monism. However, in the East, all these elements of mythological consciousness acquired an exceptional fundamental sound, making it possible to raise the question of the specifically Eastern way of world relations and the key importance of Vedic images in the general model of the world built by the East

    Pseudo-restricted self-diffusion of molecules in biporous structures: Study by pulsed field gradient NMR

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    The mobility of liquid (n-decane) that fills the system of primary and secondary pores of a biporous sample (granular Vycor porous glass) is studied by the pulsed field gradient NMR technique. The anomalous time dependence of the slow component of diffusion decay is revealed: the self-diffusion coefficient decreases with an increase in diffusion time t d and, at large t d values, this dependence satisfies the feature of completely restricted self-diffusion. It is established that this component is related to the mobility of liquid molecules filling the system of primary pores. By use of computer simulation, it is shown that the effect of "pseudo- restricted" diffusion is explained by the exchange processes between the phases, where the molecules of the liquid that are present in the systems of primary and secondary pores and differ in self-diffusion coefficients are understood as the phases. The effect of interfacial exchange is confirmed by the time dependence of the fraction of molecules with the lowest self-diffusion coefficients. The revealed phenomenon of "pseudo-restricted" diffusion is not related to real spatial constraints and can be observed in any systems with two (or more) phases with different self-diffusion coefficients, provided that these "phases" are bulky and can be subjected to molecular exchange. © 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of interethnic and interreligious tolerance of high school students in the process of teaching social science subjects

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    © 2017. revistaESPACIOS.com. Interethnic and interreligious tolerance are multifarious socio-psychological phenomena of interethnic and interreligious interaction. These types of tolerance serve as a characteristic feature of the social development of a multi-ethnic society. This situation is also typical for Russian society. Due to the processes of globalization, the ethnic diversity of specific countries is sure to grow. This expansion can hamper the processes of intergroup and interpersonal interaction of representatives of various ethnic groups and confessions and provoke conflict situations. Evidently, starting from school stage, it is important to form interethnic and interreligious tolerance in polyethnic societies, to which Russia belongs. The article presents the theoretical analysis of the concepts of "interethnic tolerance" and "interreligious tolerance", specifies the place of curricula of social science subjects in their formation, analyzes the results of the introduction of an elective social science course to the study of interethnic and interreligious tolerance, and determines the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful formation of interethnic and interreligious tolerance

    Innovative approaches to representing learning material in the educational literature on culturology

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    © 2017.This paper analyzes the use of innovative approaches to representing learning material in the educational literature on culturology. It looks into specific issues in designing new-style textbooks for institutions of higher learning. The authors examine some of the key requirements for putting together the textual component of textbooks. Based on the research reported in this publication, the authors arrive at the following conclusions: - developing quality educational literature requires factoring in the theoretical tenets of textbook theory, making use of the various resources available within the information environment to expand the volume of learning material and properly organize student learning activity, and encouraging the active participation of college instructors in the development of new-style textbooks; - the efficient organization of student learning activity will be facilitated by the use of a new style of textbook - a textbook which print version will have hyperlinks in the form of pictograms that will be active in its electronic version; - the use of ideas and concepts from systemic and information approaches, supplemented with a psychological-didactic approach, helps to ensure the proper and efficient development of new quality study books and proper assessment of the quality of existing ones

    Surface self-diffusion of organic molecules adsorbed in porous silicon

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    The pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance method has been employed to probe self-diffusion of organic guest molecules adsorbed in porous silicon with a 3.6 nm pore size. The molecular self-diffusion coefficient and intrapore adsorption were simultaneously measured as a function of the external vapor pressure. The latter was varied in a broad range to provide pore loading from less than monolayer surface coverage to full pore saturation. The measured diffusivities are found to be well-correlated with the adsorption isotherms. At low molecular concentrations in the pores, corresponding to surface coverages of less than one monolayer, the self-diffusion coefficient strongly increases with increasing concentration. This observation is attributed to the occurrence of activated diffusion on a heterogeneous surface. Additional experiments in a broad temperature range and using binary mixtures confirm this hypothesis. © 2005 American Chemical Society

    Concentration-dependent self-diffusion of adsorbates in mesoporous materials

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    The pulsed-field gradient NMR method has been applied to study self-diffusion of liquids in mesoporous materials with different pore sizes and morphologies as a function of pore loading. It is found that the effective diffusivities of adsorbate molecules in mesopores at partial loadings are related to two mechanisms, the Knudsen diffusion through the gaseous phase in the pore space and the diffusion within the layer of molecules adsorbed on the pore walls. The relative contributions of these modes, which are determined by the details of the interphase equilibrium, change with variation of the pore loading, leading to a complex behavior of the effective self-diffusion coefficient. The impact of the pore size and the adsorbate-surface interaction on self-diffusion is elucidated. Possible reasons for an experimentally obtained hysteresis in the diffusivities measured on adsorption and desorption in mesopores are discussed. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Arctic Investment Protocol - Guidelines for Responsible Investment in the Arctic

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    The Arctic is a diverse, rapidly-changing and environmentally sensitive region that is home for its four million residents and also an emerging global investment opportunity. To balance these dimensions, the Investment Protocol of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on the Arctic aspires to promote sustainable and equitable economic growth in the region that furthers community well-being and builds resilient societies in a fair, inclusive and environmentally sound manner