964 research outputs found

    Fusion product losses due to fishbone instabilities in deuterium JET plasmas

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    During development of a high-performance hybrid scenario for future deuteriumtritium experiments on the Joint European Torus, an increased level of fast ion losses in the MeV energy range was observed during the instability of high-frequency n=1 fishbones. The fishbones are excited during deuterium neutral beam injection combined with ion cyclotron heating. The frequency range of the fishbones, 10 – 25 kHz, indicates that they are driven by a resonant interaction with the NBI-produced D beam ions in the energy range ≤120 keV. The fast particle losses in a much higher energy range are measured with a fast ion loss detector, and the data show an expulsion of deuterium plasma fusion products, 1 MeV tritons and 3 MeV protons, during the fishbone bursts. An MHD mode analysis with the MISHKA code combined with the nonlinear wave-particle interaction code HAGIS shows that the loss of toroidal symmetry caused by the n=1 fishbones affects strongly the confinement of nonresonant high energy fusion-born tritons and protons by perturbing their orbits and expelling them. This modelling is in a good agreement with the experimental data.EURATOM 633053RCUK Energy Programme EP/P012450/

    Excitation of Alfvén eigenmodes by fusion-born alpha-particles in D-3He plasmas on JET

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    Alfvén eigenmode (AE) instabilities driven by alpha-particles have been observed in D-3He fusion experiments on the Joint European Torus (JET) with the ITER-like wall. For the efficient generation of fusion alpha-particles from D-3He fusion reaction, the three-ion radio frequency scenario was used to accelerate the neutral beam injection 100 keV deuterons to higher energies in the core of mixed D-3He plasmas at high concentrations of 3He. A large variety of fast-ion driven magnetohydrodynamic modes were observed, including the elliptical Alfvén eigenmodes (EAEs) with mode numbers n = -1 and axisymmetric modes with n = 0 in the frequency range of EAEs. The simultaneous observation of these modes indicates the presence of rather strong alpha-particle population in the plasma with a 'bump-on-tail' shaped velocity distribution. Linear stability analysis and Fokker-Planck calculations support the observations. Experimental evidence of the AEs excitation by fusion-born alpha-particles in the D-3He plasma is provided by neutron and gamma-ray diagnostics as well as fast-ion loss measurements. We discuss an experimental proposal for the planned full-scale D-T plasma experiments on JET based on the physics insights gained from these experiments

    Effect of toroidal field ripple on plasma rotation in JET

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    Dedicated experiments on TF ripple effects on the performance of tokamak plasmas have been carried out at JET. The TF ripple was found to have a profound effect on the plasma rotation. The central Mach number, M, defined as the ratio of the rotation velocity and the thermal velocity, was found to drop as a function of TF ripple amplitude (3) from an average value of M = 0.40-0.55 for operations at the standard JET ripple of 6 = 0.08% to M = 0.25-0.40 for 6 = 0.5% and M = 0.1-0.3 for delta = 1%. TF ripple effects should be considered when estimating the plasma rotation in ITER. With standard co-current injection of neutral beam injection (NBI), plasmas were found to rotate in the co-current direction. However, for higher TF ripple amplitudes (delta similar to 1%) an area of counter rotation developed at the edge of the plasma, while the core kept its co-rotation. The edge counter rotation was found to depend, besides on the TF ripple amplitude, on the edge temperature. The observed reduction of toroidal plasma rotation with increasing TF ripple could partly be explained by TF ripple induced losses of energetic ions, injected by NBI. However, the calculated torque due to these losses was insufficient to explain the observed counter rotation and its scaling with edge parameters. It is suggested that additional TF ripple induced losses of thermal ions contribute to this effect


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    Gamma-ray spectrometry provides diagnostics of fast ion behavior in plasmas of large tokamaks. Information acquiring with the gamma-ray diagnostics gives possibility to identify and distinguish simultaneously presence of fast alpha-particles and other ions He), to obtain its relative densities and also to perform tomographic radial profile reconstruction of the gammaemission sources
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