1,097 research outputs found

    Stratospheric column NO2 measurements from three Antarctic sites

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    The significance of stratospheric odd-nitrogen compounds in Antarctic ozone depletion studies has prompted an increase in Antarctic activities. Although several species are being studied, work has concentrated on the acquisition of NO2 data. Ground-based measurements of stratospheric column NO2 have been made at Arrival Heights, Antarctica, since spring 1982, with some gaps in the data base. Additional data has been acquired since February 1986 at Pole Station and Halley Bay, thus providing a chain of stations across the continent. The technique used is that of absorption spectroscopy in several wavelength regions, although here only those measurements are reported in the 430 to 450 nm region where strongly structured absorption been determined experimentally. However, theory features due to NO2 are identified in scattered sunlight in the zenith sky. Operation of a moon-tracking system at Arrival Heights has provided some additional data during the polar night. Previous analyses have shown that the NO2 column observed from the ground is strongly influenced by the season, and by the location of the site with respect to that of the polar vortex. The column amount correlates strongly with stratospheric temperature at about 70 mbar. The present data set further illustrates these features, and demonstrates both the strengths and qualifications apparent in the technique

    NO2 column changes induced by volcanic eruptions

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    Nitrogen dioxide slant column amounts measured by ground-based remote sensing from Lauder, New Zealand (45 deg S) and Campbell Island (53 deg S) during the second half of 1991 and early 1992 show anomalously low values that are attributed to the effects of volcanic eruptions. It is believed that the eruptions of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in June 1991 and possibly Mount Hudson in Chile in August 1991 are responsible for the stratospheric changes, which first became apparent in July 1991. The effects in the spring of 1991 are manifested as a reduction in the retrieved NO2 column amounts from normal levels by 35 to 45 percent, and an accompanying increase in the overnight decay of NO2. The existence of an accurate long-term record of column NO2 from the Lauder site enables us to quantify departures from the normal seasonal behavior with some confidence. Simultaneous retrievals of column ozone agree well with Dobson measurements, confirming that only part of the NO2 changes can be attributed to a modification of the scattering geometry by volcanic aerosols. Other reasons for the observed behavior are explored, including the effects of stratospheric temperature increases resulting from the aerosol loading and the possible involvement of heterogeneous chemical processes

    Measurements of stratospheric odd nitrogen at Arrival Heights, Antarctica, in 1991

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    An FTIR spectrometer was installed at Arrival Heights, Antarctica (78 deg S, 167 deg E) in February 1991 to measure the evolution of stratospheric HNO3 during the year. In particular, it was the intention to make the first observations of HNO3 trends during autumn, concurrently with ongoing measurements of column NO2 made with a grating spectrometer. The time-series of NO2 in the Antarctic shows a rapid decline in the column amount during autumn, and a slow recovery in spring, as the photochemical conditions move the species to and from higher storage reservoirs. The new nitric acid data show for the first time that during autumn the vertical column increases from approximately 1.9 x 10(exp 16) molecule cm(exp -2) at day 30 to approximately 3.1 x 10(exp 16) molecule cm(exp -2) by day 100. When the sun returns in spring, it is found that the column amount has fallen to about half the value at the end of autumn. Spring amounts are variable, but as found in the data from previous years remain low inside the vortex. The autumn increase is attributed to the heterogeneous conversion of N2O5 to gas-phase HNO3 on background aerosols. Low nitric acid column amounts at the start of spring suggest that the HNO3 has moved from the gas to the condensed phase on polar stratospheric clouds with the advent of low temperatures during the polar night

    Continuum emission enhancements and penumbral changes observed during flares by IRIS, ROSA, and Hinode

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    In this paper we describe observations acquired by satellite instruments (Hinode/SOT and IRIS) and ground-based telescopes (ROSA@DST) during two consecutive C7.0 and X1.6 flares occurred in active region NOAA 12205 on 2014 November 7. The analysis of these data show the presence of continuum enhancements during the evolution of the events, observed both in ROSA images and in IRIS spectra. Moreover, we analyze the role played by the evolution of the δ sunspots of the active region in the flare triggering, indicating the disappearance of a large portion of penumbra around these sunspots

    Mars Tumbleweed: FY2003 Conceptual Design Assessment

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    NASA LaRC is studying concepts for a new type of Mars exploration vehicle that would be propelled by the wind. Known as the Mars Tumbleweed, it would derive mobility through use of the Martian surface winds. Tumbleweeds could conceivably travel greater distances, cover larger areas of the surface, and provide access to areas inaccessible by conventional vehicles. They would be lightweight and relatively inexpensive, allowing a multiple vehicle network to be deployed on a single mission. Tumbleweeds would be equipped with sensors for conducting science and serve as scouts searching broad areas to identify specific locations for follow-on investigation by other explorers. An extensive assessment of LaRC Tumbleweed concepts was conducted in FY03, including refinement of science mission scenarios, definition of supporting subsystems (structures, power, communications), testing in wind tunnels, and development of a dynamic simulation capability

    Organisational Response to the 2007 Ruapehu Crater Lake Dam-Break Lahar in New Zealand: Use of Communication in Creating an Effective Response

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    When Mt. Ruapehu erupted in 1995–1996 in New Zealand, a tephra barrier was created alongside Crater Lake on the top of Mt. Ruapehu. This barrier acted as a dam, with Crater Lake rising behind it over time. In 2007 the lake breached the dam and a lahar occurred down the Whangaehu Valley and across the volcano’s broad alluvial ring-plain. Given the lahar history from Ruapehu, the risk from the 2007 event was identified beforehand and steps taken to reduce the risks to life and infrastructure. An early warning system was set up to notify when the dam had broken and the lahar had occurred. In combination with the warning system, physical works to mitigate the risk were put in place. A planning group was also formed and emergency management plans were put in place to respond to the risk. To assess the effectiveness of planning for and responding to the lahar, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with personnel from key organisations both before and after the lahar event. This chapter discusses the findings from the interviews in the context of communication, and highlights how good communication contributed to an effective emergency management response. As the potential for a lahar was identifiable, approximately 10 years of lead-up time was available to install warning system hardware, implement physical mitigation measures, create emergency management plans, and practice exercises for the lahar. The planning and exercising developed effective internal communications, engendered relationships, and moved individuals towards a shared mental model of how a respond to the event. Consequently, the response played out largely as planned with only minor communication issues occurring on the day of the lahar. The minor communication issues were due to strong personal connections leading to at least one incidence where the plan was bypassed. Communication levels during the lahar event itself were also different from that experienced in exercises, and in some instances communication was seen to increase almost three-fold. This increase in level of communication, led to some difficulty in getting through to the main Incident Control Point. A final thought regarding public communication prior to the event was that more effort could have been given to developing and integrating public information about the lahar, to allow for ease of understanding about the event and integration of information across agencies.</p
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