65 research outputs found

    Tumour-cell-derived complement components C1r and C1s promote growth of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

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    Summary Background Incidence of epidermal keratinocyte-derived cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is increasing worldwide. Objectives To study the role of complement classical pathway components C1q, C1r and C1s in the progression of cSCC. Methods The mRNA levels of C1Q subunits, C1R and C1S in cSCC cell lines, normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEKs), cSCC tumors in vivo and normal skin were analyzed with quantitative RT-PCR. The production of C1r and C1s was determined with Western blotting. The expression of C1r and C1s in tissue samples in vivo was analyzed with immunohistochemistry and further investigated in human cSCC xenografts by knocking down C1r and C1s. Results Significantly elevated C1R and C1S mRNA levels and production of C1r and C1s were detected in cSCC cells, compared to normal human epidermal keratinocytes. The mRNA levels of C1R and C1S were markedly elevated in cSCC tumors in vivo compared to normal skin. Abundant expression of C1r and C1s by tumor cells was detected in invasive sporadic cSCCs and recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa-associated cSCCs, whereas the expression of C1r and C1s was lower in cSCC in situ, actinic keratosis, and normal skin. Knockdown of C1r and C1s expression in cSCC cells inhibited activation of ERK1/2 and Akt, promoted apoptosis of cSCC cells and significantly suppressed growth and vascularization of human cSCC xenograft tumors in vivo. Conclusions These results provide evidence for the role of tumor cell-derived C1r and C1s in the progression of cSCC and identify them as biomarkers and putative therapeutic targets in cSCC. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Tumor cell-specific Serpin A1 expression in vulvar squamous cell carcinoma

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    PurposeThe two main etiological factors for vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (vSCC) are the vulvar dermatosis lichen sclerosus (LS) and high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV). Serpin A1 (α1-antitrypsin) is a serine protease inhibitor, which plays a role in the tumorigenesis of various cancer types. The aim of the study was to evaluate the expressions of Serpin A1 in LS, premalignant vulvar lesions, and vSCC using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and serum analysis, and to compare Serpin A1 stainings to the tumor markers p53 and p16.MethodsIn total, 120 samples from 74 patients were studied with IHC for Serpin A1, p53 and p16: 18 normal vulvar skin, 53 LS, 9 premalignant vulvar lesions (dVIN/HSIL) and 40 vSCC samples. Serum concentrations of Serpin A1 were analyzed from 30 LS, 44 vSCC and 10 control patients. Expressions were compared to clinical data.ResultsTumor cell-specific Serpin A1 overexpression was detected in 88% of vSCC samples, independent of the etiology. The intensity of Serpin A1 expression was significantly higher in vSCC than in healthy vulvar skin, LS, or premalignant vulvar lesions. Serpin A1 showed an association with p53 positivity. No difference in overall survival was found between Serpin A1-, p53-, or p16-positive vSCC patients. Serum concentrations of Serpin A1 were equal in the LS, vSCC, and control groups.ConclusionTumor cell-specific Serpin A1 overexpression is a potential biomarker in vSCC.</div

    Tumour-cell-derived complement components C1r and C1s promote growth of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

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    Background The incidence of epidermal keratinocyte-derived cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is increasing worldwide. Objectives To study the role of the complement classical pathway components C1q, C1r and C1s in the progression of cSCC. Methods The mRNA levels of C1Q subunits and C1R and C1S in cSCC cell lines, normal human epidermal keratinocytes, cSCC tumours in vivo and normal skin were analysed with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The production of C1r and C1s was determined with Western blotting. The expression of C1r and C1s in tissue samples in vivo was analysed with immunohistochemistry and further investigated in human cSCC xenografts by knocking down C1r and C1s. Results Significantly elevated C1R and C1S mRNA levels and production of C1r and C1s were detected in cSCC cells, compared with normal human epidermal keratinocytes. The mRNA levels of C1R and C1S were markedly elevated in cSCC tumours in vivo compared with normal skin. Abundant expression of C1r and C1s by tumour cells was detected in invasive sporadic cSCCs and recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa-associated cSCCs, whereas the expression of C1r and C1s was lower in cSCC in situ, actinic keratosis and normal skin. Knockdown of C1r and C1s expression in cSCC cells inhibited activation of extracellular signal-related kinase 1/2 and Akt, promoted apoptosis of cSCC cells and significantly suppressed growth and vascularization of human cSCC xenograft tumours in vivo. Conclusions These results provide evidence for the role of tumour-cell-derived C1r and C1s in the progression of cSCC and identify them as biomarkers and putative therapeutic targets in cSCC.</p

    Yhtenäiset vaatimukset lääketieteen ja hammaslääketieteen tohtorintutkinnolle Suomessa

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    Oulussa järjestettiin 13.6.2018 lääketieteen ja hammaslääketieteen tohtorintutkinnon konsensuskokous, jossa käytiin läpi vallitsevia käytäntöjä ja muutostarpeita. Ohjeellinen tutkinnon laajuus on neljä vuotta kokopäiväistä työtä, ja muodollisesti tutkinnon myöntää yhtä yliopistoa lukuun ottamatta aina vastaava tiedekunta. Ohjaajia on tyypillisesti kahdesta kolmeen, ja yksi on pääohjaaja. Seurantaryhmä on käytössä tai ollaan ottamassa käyttöön kaikissa yliopistoissa. Aktiivinen seurantaryhmä tukee merkittävästi ohjausprosessia. Väitöskirjojen asiantuntijoina toimivat esitarkastajat ja vastaväittäjät ovat yleensä muualta kuin suorituspaikan yliopistosta. Osittain tästä syystä suuria eroja eri yliopistojen tohtorintutkinnon vaatimusten välillä ei todettu. Haasteena väitöskirjatyössä on kliinisen työn paine ja nuorten kollegoiden ruuhkavuosien kuormittuminen, mitkä heikentävät mahdollisuuksia tutkimustyöhön. Myönteisiä muutoksia ovat olleet tohtoriopintojen systematisoituminen sekä ohjaamisen tason ja väitöskirjantekijöiden tuen paraneminen. Kaikki osallistuneet kannattivat käytäntöjen vakiinnuttamista ja yhtenäistämistä säännöllisellä konsensuskokoustyöskentelyllä.</p

    Keratinocyte Growth Factor Induces Gene Expression Signature Associated with Suppression of Malignant Phenotype of Cutaneous Squamous Carcinoma Cells

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    Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF, fibroblast growth factor-7) is a fibroblast-derived mitogen, which stimulates proliferation of epithelial cells. The expression of KGF by dermal fibroblasts is induced following injury and it promotes wound repair. However, the role of KGF in cutaneous carcinogenesis and cancer progression is not known. We have examined the role of KGF in progression of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin. The expression of KGF receptor (KGFR) mRNA was lower in cutaneous SCCs (n = 6) than in normal skin samples (n = 6). Expression of KGFR mRNA was detected in 6 out of 8 cutaneous SCC cell lines and the levels were downregulated by 24-h treatment with KGF. KGF did not stimulate SCC cell proliferation, but it reduced invasion of SCC cells through collagen. Gene expression profiling of three cutaneous SCC cell lines treated with KGF for 24 h revealed a specific gene expression signature characterized by upregulation of a set of genes specifically downregulated in SCC cells compared to normal epidermal keratinocytes, including genes with tumor suppressing properties (SPRY4, DUSP4, DUSP6, LRIG1, PHLDA1). KGF also induced downregulation of a set of genes specifically upregulated in SCC cells compared to normal keratinocytes, including genes associated with tumor progression (MMP13, MATN2, CXCL10, and IGFBP3). Downregulation of MMP-13 and KGFR expression in SCC cells and HaCaT cells was mediated via ERK1/2. Activation of ERK1/2 in HaCaT cells and tumorigenic Ha-ras-transformed HaCaT cells resulted in downregulation of MMP-13 and KGFR expression. These results provide evidence, that KGF does not promote progression of cutaneous SCC, but rather suppresses the malignant phenotype of cutaneous SCC cells by regulating the expression of several genes differentially expressed in SCC cells, as compared to normal keratinocytes

    Ensembl 2008.

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    The Ensembl project (http://www.ensembl.org) is a comprehensive genome information system featuring an integrated set of genome annotation, databases and other information for chordate and selected model organism and disease vector genomes. As of release 47 (October 2007), Ensembl fully supports 35 species, with preliminary support for six additional species. New species in the past year include platypus and horse. Major additions and improvements to Ensembl since our previous report include extensive support for functional genomics data in the form of a specialized functional genomics database, genome-wide maps of protein-DNA interactions and the Ensembl regulatory build; support for customization of the Ensembl web interface through the addition of user accounts and user groups; and increased support for genome resequencing. We have also introduced new comparative genomics-based data mining options and report on the continued development of our software infrastructure

    Requirements for Receptor Engagement during Infection by Adenovirus Complexed with Blood Coagulation Factor X

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    Human adenoviruses from multiple species bind to coagulation factor X (FX), yet the importance of this interaction in adenovirus dissemination is unknown. Upon contact with blood, vectors based on adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) binds to FX via the hexon protein with nanomolar affinity, leading to selective uptake of the complex into the liver and spleen. The Ad5:FX complex putatively targets heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs). The aim of this study was to elucidate the specific requirements for Ad5:FX-mediated cellular uptake in this high-affinity pathway, specifically the HSPG receptor requirements as well as the role of penton base-mediated integrin engagement in subsequent internalisation. Removal of HS sidechains by enzymatic digestion or competition with highly-sulfated heparins/heparan sulfates significantly decreased FX-mediated Ad5 cell binding in vitro and ex vivo. Removal of N-linked and, in particular, O-linked sulfate groups significantly attenuated the inhibitory capabilities of heparin, while the chemical inhibition of endogenous HSPG sulfation dose-dependently reduced FX-mediated Ad5 cellular uptake. Unlike native heparin, modified heparins lacking O- or N-linked sulfate groups were unable to inhibit Ad5 accumulation in the liver 1h after intravascular administration of adenovirus. Similar results were observed in vitro using Ad5 vectors possessing mutations ablating CAR- and/or αv integrin binding, demonstrating that attachment of the Ad5:FX complex to the cell surface involves HSPG sulfation. Interestingly, Ad5 vectors ablated for αv integrin binding showed markedly delayed cell entry, highlighting the need for an efficient post-attachment internalisation signal for optimal Ad5 uptake and transport following surface binding mediated through FX. This study therefore integrates the established model of αv integrin-dependent adenoviral infection with the high-affinity FX-mediated pathway. This has important implications for mechanisms that define organ targeting following contact of human adenoviruses with blood