68 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Economic Value Added dan Investment Opportunity Set terhadap Kebijakan Dividen Tunai dengan Likuiditas sebagai Variabel Moderating

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    EVA dan IOS diduga tidak linier pengaruhnya pada kebijakan dividen tunai karena adanya faktor lain yang menjadi pemoderasi salah satunya adalah likuiditas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh EVA dan IOS Terhadap Kebijakan Dividen Tunai dan untuk mengetahui Likuiditas memperkuat atau memperlemah pengaruh EVA dan IOS terhadap kebijakan dividen tunai. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel dan menganalisis terhadap laporan keuangan Perusahaan manufaktur dalam periode 2013.Menggunakan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan sumber data sekunder dari Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data telah di uji dan memenuhi uji asumsi klasik serta uji kesesuaian model dengan adjusted R2 = 56%, selanjutnya dilakukan uji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan teknik analaisis regresi linear berganda dan teknik Moderated Regression Analysis.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa EVA berpengaruh positif terhadap kebijakan dividen tunai dan IOS berpengaruh negatif terhadap kebijakan dividen tunai. Likuiditas memoderasi EVA terhadap kebijakan dividen tunai dan likuiditas tidak mampu memoderasi IOSterhadap kebijakan dividen tunai

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Interpersonal terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Grand Rocky Hotel

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    This study is aimed tof the determine the effect of Interpersonal Communication towards Employee Productivity Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi. The research type is using associative causal correlation approach. The population of this study were permanent employees of the Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi with amounted of114people. Selection of the sample using proportionate stratified random sampling technique (54). Collecting data using a questionnaire based on Likert Scale which has been tested for validity and reliability. The results showed that in general, the interpersonal communication was classified as good category and the labor productivity was classified as passbly. Based on regression analysis the study had found influence siginifikansi between interpersonal communication with labo rproductivity by 23%


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    Abstrak: Tari Bedhaya Kethawang sudah pernah dimodifikasi dan dipentaskan di panggung pertunjukan, namun kebanyakan menggunakan tata rias pakem dan kurang sesuai untuk kebutuhan panggung. Modifikasi diwujudkan agar menjadi acuan tata rias modifikasi yang baik dikenakan saat pementasan di panggung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) keterlaksanaan kelayakan dalam memilih modifikasi tata rias wajah panggung penari pada tari Bedhaya Kethawang dari unsur tradisional yang tepat dan sesuai jika digabungkan dengan busana tata rambut yang sudah dimodifikasi terlebih dahulu, (2) kelayakan dari modifikasi tata rias panggung penari pada tari Bedhaya Kethawang yang tepat dan sesuai jika digabungkan dengan busana tata rambut yang sudah dimodifikasi terlebih dahulu, dan (3) respon para ahli tentang modifikasi tata rias panggung penari tari Bedhaya Kethawang. Jenis penelian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah triangulasi data.  Hasil penelitian ini (1) Keterlaksanaan kelayakan dinilai dengan pemilihan desain, perwujudan desain, penelaian perwujudan, dan penilaian estetika dari desain yang diwujudkan (2) Kelayakan dinilai dengan 5 aspek dari 10 ahli, aspek pertama kesesuaian tata rias dengan kondisi panggung diperoleh rata-rata 4,65 berarti “sangat baik”. Kedua kesesuaian eye shadow dengan busana diperoleh nilai 4,55 berarti “sangat baik”. Ketiga kesesuaian tata rias wajah, busana, dan tatanan rambut diperoleh nilai 4,45 berarti “baik”. Keempat adalah kesesuaian nilai estetika dan makna modifikasi yang diwujudkan diperoleh nilai 4,7 berarti “sangat baik”. Kelima adalah nilai kesesuaian tata rias wajah, busana, dan rambut dengan kondisi panggung diperoleh nilai 4,7 berarti “sangat baik”. (3) Respon para ahli dari modifikasi tata rias wajah panggung tari, dari penilaian alas bedak memperoleh hasil 4,1 berarti “baik”. Penilaian alis memperoleh nilai 4 berarti “baik”. Penilaian paes memperoleh nilai 4,8 berarti “sangat baik”. Penilaian eyeshadow memperoleh nilai 4,5 berarti “baik”. Penilaian bulu mata memperoleh nilai 4,6 berarti “baik”. Penilaian lipstick memperoleh nilai 4,6 berarti “sangat baik”. Penilaian blush-on memperoleh nilai 4,6 berarti “sangat baik”. Hasil kreasi ini tidak merubah nilai estetika tradisional. Sehingga hasil modifikasi dinyatakan baik dan layak untuk digunakan atau dipublikasikan serta mendapat respon yang baik dari observer. Kata Kunci: Tari Bedhaya Kethawang, Modifikasi Tata Rias     Abstract: Bedhaya Kethawang dance heavily modified and performed on the stage, but many dancers did grip make-up and less suitable for the needs of the stage. Modifications were embodied to be a reference good modification cosmetology during performances on stage. The research objective of this modification is to determine (1) implementation in the modification makeup stage dancer selection on the bedhaya kethawang dance from traditional elements appropriately when combined with fashion hairstyle that has been modified, (2) the feasibility of modifications dancers stage cosmetology on the bedhaya kethawang dance if combine with fashion hairstyle that has been modified, and (3) the response of experts on modifications stage cosmetology dancer of bedhaya kethawang dance. This research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. Data analysis techniques used in this research is triangulation data. The results of this study (1) implementation process of observation, design making,  design selection and design aesthetics assessment (2) Feasibility was assessed with five aspects of 10 experts, the first aspect is suitability the makeup with conditions of stage gained an average of 4.65 means very good. Second aspect is suitability eye shadow with fashion obtained value of 4.55 means very good. Third aspect is suitability of makeup, clothing and hairdo obtained a value of 4.45 means well. Fourth the suitability of the aesthetic value and meaning of modifications were realized has the value of 4.7 means very good. The fifth is suitability of makeup, clothes, and hairdo with the stage conditions obtained value of 4.7 means very good. (3) The response from experts of modification stage makeup, foundation gained 4.1 mean good results. Eyebrows obtain 4 means good value. Paes obtained a value of 4.8 means very good. Eyeshadow obtain a value of 4.5 means well. Eyelashes gained 4.6 mean good value. Lipstick obtained a value of 4.6 means very good. Blush-on gain value of 4.6 means very good. The results of these creations do not change the value of traditional aesthetics. So modification otherwise good and feasible for use or publication, and received good response from the observer. Keywords: Dance Bedhaya Kethawang, Makeup Modificatio

    Manfaat Datawarehouse pada Rumah Sakit ABC

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    This study is objected to analyze the current system to find the problems being faced by ABC Hospital and propose alternative solutions. Additionally, it aims to generate information needed by the hospital management to design a data warehouse according to the information needs. The research method used is the analysis and design of data warehouse by Kimball and Ross cited by Connolly and Begg, known as Nine-Step Methodology. The result obtained is a data warehouse application with a multidimensional historical data that can assist the hospital management in decision making. Designing data warehouse at ABC Hospital makes enterprise data into concise and can be viewed from several dimensions that help users analyze data for strategic decision quickly and accurately

    Preparatory Signal Detection for Annex I Countries under the Kyoto Protocol - A Lesson for the Post-Kyoto Policy Process

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    In our study we address the detection of uncertain GHG emission changes (also termed emission signals) under the Kyoto Protocol. The question to be probed is "how well do we need to know net emissions if we want to detect a specified emission signal after a given time?" No restrictions exist as to what concerns the net emitter. However, for data availability reasons and because of the excellent possibilityof inter-country comparisons, the Protocols Annex I countries are used as net emitters. Another restriction concerns the exclusion of emissions/removals due to land-use change and forestry (LUCF) as the reporting of their uncertainties is only soon becoming standard practice. Our study centers on the preparatory detection of emission signals, which should have been applied prior to/in negotiating the Kyoto Protocol. Rigorous preparatory signal detection has not yet been carried out, neither prior to the negotiations of the Kyoto Protocol nor afterwards. The starting point for preparatory signal detection is that the Annex I countries under the Kyoto Protocol comply with with their emission limitation or reduction commitments. Uncertainties are already monitored. However, monitored emissions and uncertainties are still dealt with in isolation. A connection between emission and uncertainty estimates for the purpose of an advanced country evaluation has not yet been established. We apply four preparatory signal detection techniques. These are the Critical Relative Uncertainty (CRU) concept, the Verification Time (VT) concept, the Undershooting (Und) concept, and the Undershooting and Verification Time (Und&VT) concepts combined. All of the techniques identify an emission signal and consider the total uncertainty that underlies the countries emissions, either in the commitment year/period or in both the base year and the commitment year/period. The techniques follow a hierarchical order in terms of complexity permitting to explore their robustness. The most complex technique, the Und&VT concept, considers in addition to uncertainty (1) the dynamics of the signal itself permitting to ask for the verification time, the time when the signal is outstripping total uncertainty; (2) the risk (probability) that the countries true emissions in the commitment year/period are above (below) their true emission limitation or reduction commitments; (3) the undershooting that is needed to reduce this risk to a prescribed level; and (4) a corrected undershooting/risk that accounts for detectability, i.e., that fulfills a given commitment period or, equivalently, its maximal allowable verification time. Our preparatory signal detection exercise exemplifies that the negotiations for the Kyoto Protocol were imprudent because they did not consider the consequences of uncertainty, i.e., (1) the risk that the countries true emissions in the commitment year/period are above their true emission limitation or reduction commitments; and (2) detectable targets. Expecting that Annex I countries exhibit relative uncertainties in the range of 5-10 % and above rather than below, excluding emissions/removals due to LUCF, both the CRU concept and VT concept show that it is virtually impossible for most of the Annex I countries to meet the condition that their overall relative uncertainties are smaller than their CRUs or, equivalently, that their VTs are smaller than their maximal allowable verification times. Moreover, the Und and the Und&VT concepts show that the countries committed emission limitation or reduction targets - or their Kyoto-compatible but detectable targets, respectively - require considerable undershooting if one wants to keep the risk low that the countries true emissios in the commitment year/period are above the true equivalents of these targets. The amount by which a country undershoots its Kyoto target or its Kyoto-compatible but detectable target can be traded. Towards installing a successful trading regime, countries may want to also price the risk associated with this amount We anticipate that the evaluation of the countries emission signals in terms of risk and detectability will become reality. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also suggests assessing total uncertainties. However, a connection between monitored emission and uncertainty estimates for the purpose of an advanced country evaluation, which considers the aforementioned risk as well as detectable targets, has not yet been established. The IPCC has to take up this challenge


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    The main purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a difference in the model of collaborative learning on mathematics learning outcomes by controlling the numerical talents of learners. This type of research is quasi eksperiment with non equivalent control group design. The sample in this study consisted of two classes namely class X AP 1 as experiment class and class X AP 3 as control class with many students of each class were 39 and 38 students taken with sample random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using one-way t-test and ANAKOVA. Based on the results of hypothesis testing results obtained, there is a significant difference in the learning outcomes of learners who follow the learning model of collaborative learning with the learning outcomes of learners who follow the conventional learning model with the value of t-test. after controlling to student's numerical talent there is difference of significant result of learning of mathematics among learners which follow model of collaborative learning with learners result of learning that follow conventional learning model. So there is an influence of collaborative learning model on mathematics learning outcomes by controlling the numerical talents of learners

    Preparatory Signal Detection for the EU Member States under EU Burden Sharing - Advanced Monitoring Including Uncertainty (1990-2002)

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    This study follows up the authors' collaborative IIASA Interim Report IR-04-024 (Jonas et al., 2004) which addresses the preparatory detection of uncertain greenhouse gas (GHG) emission changes (also termed emission signals) under the Kyoto Protocol. The question was "how well do we need to know net emissions if we want to detect a specified emission signal after a given time?" The authors use the Protocol's Annex I countries as net emitters and excluded the emission/removals due to land-use change and forestry (LUCF). They motivated the application of preparatory signal detection in the context of the Kyoto Protocol as a necessary measure that should have been taken prior to/in negotiating the Protocol. The authors argued that uncertainties are already monitored and are increasingly made available but that monitored emissions and uncertainties are still dealt with in isolation. A connection between emissions and uncertainty estimates for the purpose of an advanced country evaluation has not yet been established. The authors develop four preparatory signal detection techniques and applied these to the Annex I countries under the Kyoto Protocol. The frame of reference for preparatory signal detection is that Annex I countries comply with their committed emission targets in 2008-2012. In our study we apply one of these techniques, the combined undershooting and verification time (Und&VT) concept to advance the monitoring of the GHG emissions reported by the Member States of the European Union (EU). In contrast to the earlier study, we focus on the Member States' committed emission targets under the EU burden sharing in compliance with the Kyoto Protocol. We apply the Und&VT concept in the standard mode, i.e., with reference to the Member States committed emission targets in 2008-2012, and in a new mode, i.e., with reference to linear path emission targets between the base year and the commitment year (here for 2001). To advance the reporting of the EU we take uncertainty and its consequences into consideration, i.e., (i) the risk that a Member State's true emissions in the commitment year/period are above its true emission limitation or reduction commitment; and (ii) the detectability of its target. Undershooting the committed EU target or EU-compatible, but detectable, target can decrease this risk. We contrast the Member States' linear path undershooting targets for the year 2001 with their actual emission situation in that year, for which we use the distance-to-target indicator (DTI) introduced by the European Environment Agency. In 2001 only four countries exhibit a negative DTI and thus appear as potential sellers: Germany, Luxembourg, Sweden and the United Kingdom. However, expecting that the EU Member States exhibit relative uncertainties in the range of 5-10% and above rather than below, excluding emissions/removals due to LUCF, the member states require considerable undershooting of their EU-compatible, but detectable, targets if one wants to keep the associated risk low. These conditions can only be met by the three Member States Germany, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom - or Luxembourg, Germany and the United Kingdom if ranked in terms of creditability. Within the 5-10% relative uncertainty class, Sweden can only act as potential high-risk seller. In contrast, with relative uncertainty increasing from 5 to 10%, the emission signal of the EU as a whole switches from "detectable" to "non-detectable", indicating that the negotiations for the Kyoto Protocol were imprudent because they did not take uncertainty and its consequences into account. We anticipate that the evaluation of emission signals in terms of risk and detectability will become standard practice and that these two qualifiers will be accounted for in pricing GHG emission permits

    Monte Carlo Simulation to Test the Effectiveness of Crystal Detector Length for PHITS-Based PET Modality

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    PET (Positron-emission tomography) is used to determine physiological and metabolic functions in the body. Monte Carlo simulation is an important part of PET imaging, and the Particle Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) is a simulation platform that can be used to perform Monte Carlo simulations. This study uses a Monte Carlo simulation based on PHITS to determine the range of gamma absorption with an energy of 511 keV in a scintillation detector crystal material. The gamma absorption range determines the effective crystal length in the PET modality. The simulation process is carried out by shooting Gamma at various types of materials, which are the materials used in PET scintillation crystals. The materials used in this simulation are NaI (Sodium Iodide), BaF2 (Barium Florida), BGO (Bismuth Germanate), and GSO (Gadolinium Oxyorthosilicate), considering their atomic number and crystal density. The crystal material is capable of absorbing gamma radiation with an energy of 511 keV with detailed crystal lengths for each NaI crystal of 0.26 cm; 0.25 cm BaF2 crystals; 0.1cm BGO crystals; and 0.18 cm GSO crystals. The crystal length from this simulation is smaller than the commercially available crystal length (range 1-3 cm). Based on the crystal length data, the most effective crystal for absorbing gamma radiation is the BGO crystal
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