334 research outputs found

    Favourites from the Russian experience in assessing forest plots and resources

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    Consider in this article, interesting in our opinion, the results of the study and the proposals of scientists in terms of determining the value of land and forest resources using the assessment options for these purposes. When conducting research on the chosen topic, we completely agreed with the opinion of many Russian scientists, said about the need to assess the value of forest lands and forest resources, which is carried out for different purposes. The most relevant for our country are: determination of fees for the use of forest resources; setting fees for obtaining the right to lease or concession of forest fund plots; determination of the effectiveness of forest land use projects and the effectiveness of forest management systems; assessment of environmental damage and the effectiveness of environmental projects, etc. In this article we have shown only part of the proposals, in our opinion, of important assessment factors and their calculations for determining the value of the forest resource in a certain territory of the country's forest fund. They presented for your consideration a brief algorithm for the integrated assessment of forest resources and sites, compiled from research and analysis of various scientific Russian schools. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020

    Serapion brothers on the pagers of K. A. Fedin’s diaries of 1946–1968

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    K. A. Fedin’s diaries related to the time of the intense activity of the literary community “Serapion brothers” (1921–1924) have not been preserved. Therefore, the material for the studies of the life of the group as well as of its separate members is obtained by the researchers in the epistolary legacy of the writer. The researchers hardly ever refer to the diaries of the later period, apparently believing that Serapion brothers entirely disappeared from the literary life after 1929. However, the Serapion theme still figures on the pages of Fedin’s diaries of the 1948–1968. It is of interest how the already renowned master contemplates the artistic problems which concerned all the “brothers” at the dawn of their writing youth, “general” mentions of the Serapion brothers in the context of the current dwellings on literature and art. Nevertheless, in the diaries of the period in question, certain writers connected by their general past of the “brothers” come to the foreground. Among them, first of all, are Vs. Ivanov, N. Tikhonov, M. Zoshchenko, V. Kaverin, M. Slonimsky, N. Nikitin. Each of them is an object of Fedin’s scrutiny, who responded to all the personal and creative events in the life of the “brothers”. The article presents, among other sources, previously unpublished materials, which provide a means of identifying the role of Serapion brothers on the pages of Fedin’s diaries of 1946–1968. They make it possible to include these references in the context of how the relationships of the writers – the former members of the group – developed, and to determine the degree to which this literary phenomenon influenced Fedin’s life. &nbsp

    Analysis of the Retailoring Methods and the Workability of Deposited Surfaces

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    This work is devoted to the conduction of the analysis of methods and means of retailoring of parts in the conditions of technical repair facilities as well as of the workability of deposited surfaces. The results of the research show that the most important processing methods of reconditioning of component parts severely worn in the course of exploitation are various ways of deposit welding with subsequent mechanical handling. Furthermore, low efficiency of mechanical handling of retailored parts' surfaces is conditioned on their low workability that results from the specific status of weld pad

    Formation of concept of provision of economic security of organization : personnel aspect

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    Under the modern business conditions, characterized by constant changes and increase of the quantity of risk factors, organizations – for the purpose of conduct of successful activities – have to pay special attention to issues of provision of economic security. The article proves importance of personnel aspect of economic security of organization is proved and deter-mines main causes of personnel risks. Classification of factors, which influence personnel security of organization, is shown. For the purpose of minimization of personnel risks and prevention of threats, the authors offer regulation of personnel labor: special attention is paid to such component of personnel security as “selection of employees”, which, in authors’ opinion, is the most vulnerable aspect. As a result of thorough analysis of collected material, the authors offer a scheme of the process of management of personnel security with specific stages and sub-systems of management.peer-reviewe

    Organización en clúster de industrias extractivas en las regiones del norte: un método de evaluación integral

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    La organización espacial de las fuerzas productivas, el uso eficiente de las instalaciones disponibles y la evaluación del potencial productivo de los sectores económicos de una región determinada son temas de actualidad. La República de Sakha (Yakutia) es una gran región de Rusia dependiente de los recursos, notable por la dispersión geográfica de los depósitos en un vasto territorio y las complejas infraestructuras de transporte y suministro de energía. Este documento presenta una evaluación integral de la viabilidad de la organización de clusters en el sector de uso del subsuelo en la República de Sakha (Yakutia), Federación de Rusia, teniendo en cuenta la zonificación económica existente y prospectiva y el potencial existente. La república se dividió en zonas basadas en un marco de clúster de los usuarios del subsuelo. El estudio utilizó datos estadísticos de los distritos municipales e indicadores financieros de las empresas de la industria extractiva. En la evaluación se aplicó el método integrado y se calculó el índice de desempeño de los territorios del clúster identificados en una escala de diez puntos. Las zonas identificadas se clasificaron por recursos y potencial de producción. Se calculó el índice de rendimiento general de la zona de conglomerados. Pareció factible agrupar la industria extractiva en la región estudiada, ya que puede aumentar la competitividad de las empresas locales y contribuir al desarrollo socioeconómico de sus distritos municipales. El método propuesto se puede aplicar para una evaluación integral del sector de uso del subsuelo en los territorios del nort