789 research outputs found

    Magnetic charge and ordering in kagome spin ice

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    We present a numerical study of magnetic ordering in spin ice on kagome, a two-dimensional lattice of corner-sharing triangles. The magnet has six ground states and the ordering occurs in two stages, as one might expect for a six-state clock model. In spin ice with short-range interactions up to second neighbors, there is an intermediate critical phase separated from the paramagnetic and ordered phases by Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions. In dipolar spin ice, the intermediate phase has long-range order of staggered magnetic charges. The high and low-temperature phase transitions are of the Ising and 3-state Potts universality classes, respectively. Freeze-out of defects in the charge order produces a very large spin correlation length in the intermediate phase. As a result of that, the lower-temperature transition appears to be of the Kosterlitz-Thouless type.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, accepted version with minor change

    On the theory of diamagnetism in granular superconductors

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    We study a highly disordered network of superconducting granules linked by weak Josephson junctions in magnetic field and develop a mean field theory for this problem. The diamagnetic response to a slow {\it variations} of magnetic field is found to be analogous to the response of a type-II superconductor with extremely strong pinning. We calculate an effective penetration depth λg\lambda_g and critical current jcj_c and find that both λg1\lambda_g^{-1} and jcj_c are non-zero but are strongly suppressed by frustration.Comment: REVTEX, 12 pages, two Postscript figure

    Aging and memory properties of topologically frustrated magnets

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    The model 2d kagome system (H3O)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6 and the 3d pyrochlore Y2Mo2O7 are two well characterized examples of low-disordered frustrated antiferromagnets which rather then condensing into spin liquid have been found to undergo a freezing transition with spin glass-like properties. We explore more deeply the comparison of their properties with those of spin glasses, by the study of characteristic rejuvenation and memory effects in the non-stationary susceptibility. While the pyrochlore shows clear evidence for these non-trivial effects, implying temperature selective aging, that is characteristic of a wide hierarchical distribution of equilibration processes, the kagome system does n not show clearly these effects. Rather, it seems to evolve towards the same final state independently of temperature.Comment: submitted for the proceedings of the 46th MMM conference (Seattle, 2001

    Neutron spectroscopic study of crystal field excitations in Tb2Ti2O7 and Tb2Sn2O7

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    We present time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering measurements at low temperature on powder samples of the magnetic pyrochlore oxides Tb2Ti2O7 and Tb2Sn2O7. These two materials possess related, but different ground states, with Tb2Sn2O7 displaying "soft" spin ice order below Tn~0.87 K, while Tb2Ti2O7 enters a hybrid, glassy spin ice state below Tg~0.2 K. Our neutron measurements, performed at T=1.5 K and 30 K, probe the crystal field states associated with the J=6 states of Tb3+ within the appropriate Fd\bar{3}m pyrochlore environment. These crystal field states determine the size and anisotropy of the Tb3+ magnetic moment in each material's ground state, information that is an essential starting point for any description of the low-temperature phase behavior and spin dynamics in Tb2Ti2O7 and Tb2Sn2O7. While these two materials have much in common, the cubic stanate lattice is expanded compared to the cubic titanate lattice. As our measurements show, this translates into a factor of ~2 increase in the crystal field bandwidth of the 2J+1=13 states in Tb2Ti2O7 compared with Tb2Sn2O7. Our results are consistent with previous measurements on crystal field states in Tb2Sn2O7, wherein the ground state doublet corresponds primarily to m_J=|\pm 5> and the first excited state doublet to mJ=|\pm 4>. In contrast, our results on Tb2Ti2O7 differ markedly from earlier studies, showing that the ground state doublet corresponds to a significant mixture of mJ=|\pm 5>, |\mp 4>, and |\pm 2>, while the first excited state doublet corresponds to a mixture of mJ=|\pm 4>, |\mp 5>, and |\pm 1>. We discuss these results in the context of proposed mechanisms for the failure of Tb2Ti2O7 to develop conventional long-range order down to 50 mK.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Version is the same as the published one, except for figure placement on page

    Reproductive Biology of the Frecklebelly Darter, Percina stictogaster (Teleostei: Percidae)

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    The reproductive biology of the Frecklebelly Darter, Percina stictogaster, was studied in the Red River, Menifee-Powell counties, Kentucky, from 2009-2012. Males and females mature at Age II. Spawning occurs from late February to early April in water temperatures of 7-16° C in areas with strong current (0.16-0.88 m/sec) and fine gravel substrates. A 52 mm SL female collected in early March had 100 mature ova. Aquarium observations confirm this species buries its eggs in a manner similar to other Percina darters. Fertilized eggs were about 2.5 mm in diameter, clear, demersal, and slightly adhesive. At 10° C eggs hatched in 18-25 days (100% survival) into larvae 7-8 mm TL. Larvae were initially benthic, but became pelagic 2- 3 days later. By about 11 mm TL, the yolk sac was absorbed, and the young returned to the bottom. In early June, young (about 2 months old) were 16-25 mm SL and had acquired diagnostic pigmentation. They occupied areas with Justicia sp. or coarse woody debris in low-velocity habitats, adjacent to riffles

    The three transfer RNAs occupying the A, P and E sites on the ribosome are involved in viral programmed -1 ribosomal frameshift

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    The -1 programmed ribosomal frameshifts (PRF), which are used by many viruses, occur at a heptanucleotide slippery sequence and are currently thought to involve the tRNAs interacting with the ribosomal P- and A-site codons. We investigated here whether the tRNA occupying the ribosomal E site that precedes a slippery site influences -1 PRF. Using the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) frameshift region, we found that mutating the E-site codon altered the -1 PRF efficiency. When the HIV-1 slippery sequence was replaced with other viral slippery sequences, mutating the E-site codon also altered the -1 PRF efficiency. Because HIV-1 -1 PRF can be recapitulated in bacteria, we used a bacterial ribosome system to select, by random mutagenesis, 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) mutations that modify the expression of a reporter requiring HIV-1 -1 PRF. Three mutants were isolated, which are located in helices 21 and 22 of 16S rRNA, a region involved in translocation and E-site tRNA binding. We propose a novel model where -1 PRF is triggered by an incomplete translocation and depends not only on the tRNAs interacting with the P- and A-site codons, but also on the tRNA occupying the E site

    Enhanced heterogeneously catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura reaction over SiliaCat Pd(0)

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    The SiliaCat Pd(0) solid catalyst can be efficiently employed in the Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling of an ample variety of haloarenes, including economically viable chloroarenes. The catalyst can be extensively recycled without loss of activity and with low leaching of valued palladium, opening the route to widespread utilization of the method to afford high yields of biaryls devoid of contaminating by-products

    Peak effect in single crystal MgB2_2 superconductor for Hc{\bf H}\parallel c-axis

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    We have studied the phase diagram of MgB2_2 superconductor using a single crystal for Hc{\bf H}\parallel c-axis. For the first time we report the existence of peak effect in the screening current in MgB2_{2} single crystal for Hc{\bf H}\parallel c-axis. In the magnetic field regime 10<H<13.510<H<13.5 kOe the local fundamental diamagnetic moment displays a very narrow diamagnetic step, with a temperature width of the same size as the zero dc-magnetic field transition. For higher field this step is transformed to a peak which is related with the peak effect in the screening current. Finally, for H<10H<10 kOe the diamagnetic step is transformed to a gradual transition. Our findings for the vortex matter phase diagram for the MgB2_2 are closely related with theoretical predictions concerning the vortex matter phase diagram of a type II superconductor in the presence of weak point disorder.Comment: Has been submitted for publication in PRL since 21 February 200