2,969 research outputs found

    Superconductivity and superconducting order parameter phase fluctuations in a weakly doped antiferromagnet

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    The superconducting properties of a recently proposed phenomenological model for a weakly doped antiferromagnet are analyzed, taking into account fluctuations of the phase of the order parameter. In this model, we assume that the doped charge carriers can't move out of the antiferromagnetic sublattice they were introduced. This case corresponds to the free carrier spectra with the maximum at k=(±π/2,±π/2){\bf k}=(\pm \pi /2 ,\pm \pi /2), as it was observed in ARPES experiments in some of the cuprates in the insulating state [1]. The doping dependence of the superconducting gap and the temperature-carrier density phase diagram of the model are studied in the case of the dx2y2d_{x^{2}-y^{2}} pairing symmetry and different values of the effective coupling. A possible relevance of the results to the experiments on high-temperature superconductors is discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    The Generalized Graetz Problem in Finite Domains

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    We consider the generalized Graetz problem associated with stationary convection-diffusion inside a domain having any regular three-dimensional translationally invariant section and finite or semi-infinite extent. Our framework encompasses any previous “extended” and “conjugated” Graetz generalizations and provides theoretical bases for computing the orthogonal set of generalized two-dimensional Graetz modes. The theoretical framework includes both heterogeneous and possibly anisotropic diffusion tensors. In the case of semi-infinite domains, the existence of a bounded solution is shown from the analysis of two-dimensional operator eigenvectors which form a basis of L2 . In the case of finite domains a similar basis can be exhibited, and the mode’s amplitudes can be obtained from the inversion of newly defined finite domain operator. Our analysis includes both the theoretical and practical issues associated with this finite domain operator inversion as well as its interpretation as a multireflection image method. Error estimates are provided when numerically truncating the spectrum to a finite number of modes. Numerical examples are validated for reference configurations and provided in nontrivial cases. Our methodology shows how to map the solution of stationary convection-diffusion problems in finite three-dimensional domains into a two-dimensional operator spectrum, which leads to a drastic reduction in computational cost

    Isotope effect on superconductivity in Josephson coupled stripes in underdoped cuprates

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    Inelastic neutron scattering data for YBaCuO as well as for LaSrCuO indicate incommensurate neutron scattering peaks with incommensuration δ(x)\delta(x) away from the (π,π)(\pi,\pi) point. Tc(x)T_c(x) can be replotted as a linear function of the incommensuration for these materials. This linear relation implies that the constant that relates these two quantities, one being the incommensuration (momentum) and another being Tc(x)T_c(x) (energy), has the dimension of velocity we denote vv^*: kBTc(x)=vδ(x)k_B T_c(x) = \hbar v^* \delta(x). We argue that this experimentally derived relation can be obtained in a simple model of Josephson coupled stripes. Within this framework we address the role of the O16O18O^{16} \to O^{18} isotope effect on the Tc(x)T_c(x). We assume that the incommensuration is set by the {\em doping} of the sample and is not sensitive to the oxygen isotope given the fixed doping. We find therefore that the only parameter that can change with O isotope substitution in the relation Tc(x)δ(x)T_c(x) \sim \delta(x) is the velocity vv^*. We predict an oxygen isotope effect on vv^* and expect it to be 5\simeq 5%.Comment: 4 pages latex file, 2 eps fig

    The cosine law at the atomic scale: Toward realistic simulations of Knudsen diffusion

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    We propose to revisit the diffusion of atoms in the Knudsen regime in terms of a complex dynamical reflection process. By means of molecular dynamics simulation we emphasize the asymptotic nature of the cosine law of reflection at the atomic scale, and carefully analyze the resulting strong correlations in the reflection events. A dynamical interpretation of the accomodation coefficient associated to the slip at the wall interface is also proposed. Finally, we show that the first two moments of the stochastic process of reflection non uniformly depend on the incident angle

    Chemical complexity in the Horsehead photodissociation region

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    The interstellar medium is known to be chemically complex. Organic molecules with up to 11 atoms have been detected in the interstellar medium, and are believed to be formed on the ices around dust grains. The ices can be released into the gas-phase either through thermal desorption, when a newly formed star heats the medium around it and completely evaporates the ices; or through non-thermal desorption mechanisms, such as photodesorption, when a single far-UV photon releases only a few molecules from the ices. The first one dominates in hot cores, hot corinos and strongly UV-illuminated PDRs, while the second one dominates in colder regions, such as low UV-field PDRs. This is the case of the Horsehead were dust temperatures are ~20-30K, and therefore offers a clean environment to investigate what is the role of photodesorption. We have carried-out an unbiased spectral line survey at 3, 2 and 1mm with the IRAM-30m telescope in the Horsehead nebula, with an unprecedented combination of bandwidth high spectral resolution and sensitivity. Two positions were observed: the warm PDR and a cold condensation shielded from the UV field (dense core), located just behind the PDR edge. We summarize our recently published results from this survey and present the first detection of the complex organic molecules HCOOH, CH2CO, CH3CHO and CH3CCH in a PDR. These species together with CH3CN present enhanced abundances in the PDR compared to the dense core. This suggests that photodesorption is an efficient mechanism to release complex molecules into the gas-phase in far-UV illuminated regions.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables, Accepted in Faraday discussions 16

    Mechanisms for Lasing with Cold Atoms as the Gain Medium

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    We realize a laser with a cloud of cold rubidium atoms as gain medium, placed in a low-finesse cavity. Three different regimes of laser emission are observed corresponding respectively to Mollow, Raman and Four Wave Mixing mechanisms. We measure an output power of up to 300 μ\muW and present the main properties of these different lasers in each regime

    Isotope Effect in the Superfluid Density of HTS Cuprates: Stripes, Pseudogap and Impurities

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    Underdoped cuprates exhibit a normal-state pseudogap, and their spins and doped carriers tend to spatially separate into 1- or 2-D stripes. Some view these as central to superconductivity, others as peripheral and merely competing. Using La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCu1y_{1-y}Zny_yO4_4 we show that an oxygen isotope effect in TcT_c and in the superfluid density can be used to distinguish between the roles of stripes and pseudogap and also to detect the presence of impurity scattering. We conclude that stripes and pseudogap are distinct, and both compete and coexist with superconductivity.Comment: Revised submission to PRL with added appendix on a possible isotope effect in the effective mass, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Cotunneling through a magnetic single-molecule transistor based on N\atC60

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of a magnetic single-molecule transistor based on N@C60 connected to gold electrodes. Particular attention is paid to the regime of intermediate molecule-lead coupling, where cotunneling effects manifest themselves in the Coulomb-blockade regime. The experimental results for the differential conductance as a function of bias, gate voltage, and external magnetic field are in agreement with our analysis of the tunneling rates and provide evidence of magnetic signatures in single-N@C60 devices arising from an antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between the C60 spin and the nitrogen spin.Comment: Accepted for publication in PRB Rapid Com, 4 pages, 4 figures, with supplementary information (6 pages, 3 figures

    Influence of Ablation on Differential Arc Resistance

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    The influence of ablation on the du/di behavior of an arc in a model gas circuit breaker was examined. Specifically the transition from a state without ablation in the nozzle towards states with ablation was of interest, since prior work indicated that for high currents the voltage becomes constant or du/di gets even positive if ablation is present. Measurements with different blow pressures and rectangular DC currents of varying amplitude were compared, using PMMA-nozzles and dry air as blowing gas. Ablation was measured by weighing the nozzle, scanning the cross section, and using a coordinate measuring machine. The results agreed well, and confirmed that higher pressure shifts the du/di curve towards more favorable values