14 research outputs found

    Compression for Smooth Shape Analysis

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    Most 3D shape analysis methods use triangular meshes to discretize both the shape and functions on it as piecewise linear functions. With this representation, shape analysis requires fine meshes to represent smooth shapes and geometric operators like normals, curvatures, or Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions at large computational and memory costs. We avoid this bottleneck with a compression technique that represents a smooth shape as subdivision surfaces and exploits the subdivision scheme to parametrize smooth functions on that shape with a few control parameters. This compression does not affect the accuracy of the Laplace-Beltrami operator and its eigenfunctions and allow us to compute shape descriptors and shape matchings at an accuracy comparable to triangular meshes but a fraction of the computational cost. Our framework can also compress surfaces represented by point clouds to do shape analysis of 3D scanning data

    Inverse scale space decomposition

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    We investigate the inverse scale space flow as a decomposition method for decomposing data into generalised singular vectors. We show that the inverse scale space flow, based on convex and absolutely one-homogeneous regularisation functionals, can decompose data represented by the application of a forward operator to a linear combination of generalised singular vectors into its individual singular vectors. We verify that for this decomposition to hold true, two additional conditions on the singular vectors are sufficient: orthogonality in the data space and inclusion of partial sums of the subgradients of the singular vectors in the subdifferential of the regularisation functional at zero. We also address the converse question of when the inverse scale space flow returns a generalised singular vector given that the initial data is arbitrary (and therefore not necessarily in the range of the forward operator). We prove that the inverse scale space flow is guaranteed to return a singular vector if the data satisfies a novel dual singular vector condition. We conclude the paper with numerical results that validate the theoretical results and that demonstrate the importance of the additional conditions required to guarantee the decomposition result

    Surface reconstruction from microscopic images in optical lithography.

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    This paper presents a method to reconstruct 3D surfaces of silicon wafers from 2D images of printed circuits taken with a scanning electron microscope. Our reconstruction method combines the physical model of the optical acquisition system with prior knowledge about the shapes of the patterns in the circuit; the result is a shape-from-shading technique with a shape prior. The reconstruction of the surface is formulated as an optimization problem with an objective functional that combines a data-fidelity term on the microscopic image with two prior terms on the surface. The data term models the acquisition system through the irradiance equation characteristic of the microscope; the first prior is a smoothness penalty on the reconstructed surface, and the second prior constrains the shape of the surface to agree with the expected shape of the pattern in the circuit. In order to account for the variability of the manufacturing process, this second prior includes a deformation field that allows a nonlinear elastic deformation between the expected pattern and the reconstructed surface. As a result, the minimization problem has two unknowns, and the reconstruction method provides two outputs: 1) a reconstructed surface and 2) a deformation field. The reconstructed surface is derived from the shading observed in the image and the prior knowledge about the pattern in the circuit, while the deformation field produces a mapping between the expected shape and the reconstructed surface that provides a measure of deviation between the circuit design models and the real manufacturing process

    Crayon: Saving power through shape and color approximation on next-generation displays

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    Copyright © 2016 ACM. We present Crayon, a library and runtime system that reduces display power dissipation by acceptably approximating displayed images via shape and color transforms. Crayon can be inserted between an application and the display to optimize dynamically generated images before they appear on the screen. It can also be applied offline to optimize stored images before they are retrieved and displayed. Crayon exploits three fundamental properties: the acceptability of small changes in shape and color, the fact that the power dissipation of OLED displays and DLP pico-projectors is different for different colors, and the relatively small energy cost of computation in comparison to display energy usage. We implement and evaluate Crayon in three contexts: a hardware platform with detailed power measurement facilities and an OLED display, an Android tablet, and a set of cross-platform tools. Our results show that Crayon's color transforms can reduce display power dissipation by over 66% while producing images that remain visually acceptable to users. The measured whole-system power reduction is approximately 50%. We quantify the acceptability of Crayon's shape and color transforms with a user study involving over 400 participants and over 21,000 image evaluations

    Harmonic active contours.

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    We propose a segmentation method based on the geometric representation of images as 2-D manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space. The segmentation is formulated as a minimization problem, where the contours are described by a level set function and the objective functional corresponds to the surface of the image manifold. In this geometric framework, both data-fidelity and regularity terms of the segmentation are represented by a single functional that intrinsically aligns the gradients of the level set function with the gradients of the image and results in a segmentation criterion that exploits the directional information of image gradients to overcome image inhomogeneities and fragmented contours. The proposed formulation combines this robust alignment of gradients with attractive properties of previous methods developed in the same geometric framework: 1) the natural coupling of image channels proposed for anisotropic diffusion and 2) the ability of subjective surfaces to detect weak edges and close fragmented boundaries. The potential of such a geometric approach lies in the general definition of Riemannian manifolds, which naturally generalizes existing segmentation methods (the geodesic active contours, the active contours without edges, and the robust edge integrator) to higher dimensional spaces, non-flat images, and feature spaces. Our experiments show that the proposed technique improves the segmentation of multi-channel images, images subject to inhomogeneities, and images characterized by geometric structures like ridges or valleys