591 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a wave-vector-frequency-domain method for nonlinear wave propagation

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    A wave-vector-frequency-domain method is presented to describe one-directional forward or backward acoustic wave propagation in a nonlinear homogeneous medium. Starting from a frequency-domain representation of the second-order nonlinear acoustic wave equation, an implicit solution for the nonlinear term is proposed by employing the Green’s function. Its approximation, which is more suitable for numerical implementation, is used. An error study is carried out to test the efficiency of the model by comparing the results with the Fubini solution. It is shown that the error grows as the propagation distance and step-size increase. However, for the specific case tested, even at a step size as large as one wavelength, sufficient accuracy for plane-wave propagation is observed. A two-dimensional steered transducer problem is explored to verify the nonlinear acoustic field directional independence of the model. A three-dimensional single-element transducer problem is solved to verify the forward model by comparing it with an existing nonlinear wave propagation code. Finally, backward-projection behavior is examined. The sound field over a plane in an absorptive medium is backward projected to the source and compared with the initial field, where good agreement is observed

    EffectiveSan: Type and Memory Error Detection using Dynamically Typed C/C++

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    Low-level programming languages with weak/static type systems, such as C and C++, are vulnerable to errors relating to the misuse of memory at runtime, such as (sub-)object bounds overflows, (re)use-after-free, and type confusion. Such errors account for many security and other undefined behavior bugs for programs written in these languages. In this paper, we introduce the notion of dynamically typed C/C++, which aims to detect such errors by dynamically checking the "effective type" of each object before use at runtime. We also present an implementation of dynamically typed C/C++ in the form of the Effective Type Sanitizer (EffectiveSan). EffectiveSan enforces type and memory safety using a combination of low-fat pointers, type meta data and type/bounds check instrumentation. We evaluate EffectiveSan against the SPEC2006 benchmark suite and the Firefox web browser, and detect several new type and memory errors. We also show that EffectiveSan achieves high compatibility and reasonable overheads for the given error coverage. Finally, we highlight that EffectiveSan is one of only a few tools that can detect sub-object bounds errors, and uses a novel approach (dynamic type checking) to do so.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of 39th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI2018

    Thermoelectric enhancement in PbTe with K, Na co-doping from tuning the interaction of the light and heavy hole valence bands

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    The effect of K and K-Na substitution for Pb atoms in the rock salt lattice of PbTe was investigated to test a hypothesis for development of resonant states in the valence band that may enhance the thermoelectric power. We combined high temperature Hall-effect, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity measurements to show that K-Na co-doping do not form resonance states but2 can control the energy difference of the maxima of the two primary valence sub-bands in PbTe. This leads to an enhanced interband interaction with rising temperature and a significant rise in the thermoelectric figure of merit of p-type PbTe. The experimental data can be explained by a combination of a single and two-band model for the valence band of PbTe depending on hole density that varies in the range of 1-15 x 10^19 cm^-3.Comment: 8 figure

    Quantum indistinguishability from general representations of SU(2n)

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    A treatment of the spin-statistics relation in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics due to Berry and Robbins [Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (1997) 453, 1771-1790] is generalised within a group-theoretical framework. The construction of Berry and Robbins is re-formulated in terms of certain locally flat vector bundles over n-particle configuration space. It is shown how families of such bundles can be constructed from irreducible representations of the group SU(2n). The construction of Berry and Robbins, which leads to a definite connection between spin and statistics (the physically correct connection), is shown to correspond to the completely symmetric representations. The spin-statistics connection is typically broken for general SU(2n) representations, which may admit, for a given value of spin, both bose and fermi statistics, as well as parastatistics. The determination of the allowed values of the spin and statistics reduces to the decomposition of certain zero-weight representations of a (generalised) Weyl group of SU(2n). A formula for this decomposition is obtained using the Littlewood-Richardson theorem for the decomposition of representations of U(m+n) into representations of U(m)*U(n).Comment: 32 pages, added example section 4.

    Trans-Pacific dust events observed at Whistler, British Columbia during INTEX-B

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    International audienceThe meteorology and physico-chemical characteristics of aerosol associated with two new cases of long range dust transport affecting western Canada during spring 2006 are described. Each event showed enhancements of both sulfate aerosol and crustal material of Asian origin. However, the events were of quite different character and demonstrate the highly variable nature of such events. The April event was a significant dust event with moderate sulfate enhancement while the May event was a weak dust event with very significant sulfate enhancement. The latter event was interesting in the sense that it was of short duration and was quickly followed by significant enhancement of organic material likely of regional origin. Comparison of these two events with other documented cases extending back to 1993, suggests that all dust events show coincident enhancements of sulfate and crustal aerosol. However, events vary across a wide continuum based on the magnitude of aerosol enhancements and their sulfate to calcium ratios. At one extreme, events are dominated by highly significant crustal enhancements (e.g. the well-documented 1998 and 2001 "dust" events) while at the other are events with some dust transport, but where sulfate enhancements are of very high magnitude (e.g. the 1993 event at Crater Lake and the 15 May 2006 event at Whistler). Other events represent a "mix". It is likely that this variability is a function of the comparative strengths of the dust and anthropogenic SO2 sources, the transport pathway and in particular the extent to which dust is transported across industrial SO2 sources, and finally, meteorological and chemical processes

    Why do some intermediate polars show soft X-ray emission? A survey of XMM-Newton spectra

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    We make a systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton X-ray spectra of intermediate polars (IPs) and find that, contrary to the traditional picture, most show a soft blackbody component. We compare the results with those from AM Her stars and deduce that the blackbody emission arises from reprocessing of hard X-rays, rather than from the blobby accretion sometimes seen in AM Hers. Whether an IP shows a blackbody component appears to depend primarily on geometric factors: a blackbody is not seen in those that have accretion footprints that are always obscured by accretion curtains or are only visible when foreshortened on the white-dwarf limb. Thus we argue against previous suggestions that the blackbody emission characterises a separate sub-group of IPs which are more akin to AM Hers, and develop a unified picture of the blackbody emission in these stars.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Fundamental effective temperature measurements for eclipsing binary stars – V. The circumbinary planet system EBLM J0608–59

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    EBLM J0608−59/TOI-1338/BEBOP-1 is a 12th-magnitude, F9 V star in an eclipsing binary with a much fainter M dwarf companion on a wide, eccentric orbit (P = 14.6 d). The binary is orbited by two circumbinary planets: one transiting on a95-d orbit and one non-transiting on a 215-d orbit. We have used high-precision photometry from the TESS mission combined with direct mass measurements for the two stars published recently to measure the following model-independent radii: R1 =1.32 ± 0.02R☉, R2 = 0.309 ± 0.004R☉. Using R1 and the parallax from Gaia EDR3, we find that this star’s angular diameter is θ = 0.0309 ± 0.0005 mas. The apparent bolometric flux of the primary star corrected for both extinction and the contribution from the M dwarf (< 0.4 per cent) is F⊕,0 = (0.417 ± 0.005) × 10−9 erg cm−2 s−1. Hence, this F9 V star has an effective temperature Teff,1 = 6031 K ± 46 K (rnd.) ± 10 K (sys.). EBLM J0608−59 is an ideal benchmark star that can be added to the sample of such systems we are establishing for ‘end-to-end’ tests of the stellar parameters measured by large-scale spectroscopic surveys
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