222 research outputs found

    Stress effect on magnetoimpedance (MI) in amorphous wires at GHz frequencies and application to stress-tunable microwave composite materials

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    The effect of tensile stress on magnetoimpedance (MI) in CoMnSiB amorphous wires at microwave frequencies (0.5-3 GHz) is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. In the presence of the dc bias magnetic field of the order of the anisotropy field, the impedance shows very large and sensitive change when the wire is subjected to a tensile stress: 100% and 60% per 180 MPa for frequencies 500 MHz and 2.5 GHz, respectively. It is demonstrated that this behavior owes mainly to the directional change in the equilibrium magnetization caused by the applied stress and field, which agrees well with the theoretical results for the surface impedance. This stress effect on MI is proposed to use for creating microwave stress-tunable composite materials containing short magnetic wires. The analysis of the dielectric response from such materials shows that depending on the stress level in the material, the dispersion of the effective permittivity can be of a resonant or relaxation type with a considerable change in its values (up to 100% at 600 MPa). This media can be used for structural stress monitoring by microwave contrast imaging

    In vitro action of the BioR and BioRZn preparations on the clinical and functional activity of T lymphocytes in patients with adverse reactions to anti-tuberculosis preparations

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    The purpose of our research is to study the in vitro action of the drugs BioR and BioRZn (a complex of essential bioactive zinc components in spirulina) on the clinical picture and full functional activity of T-lymphocytes, depending on the adverse effects of antituberculosis drugs. For processing the materials the operating methods of statistical estimation, including the Student’s criterion, Windows 2007 software, etc. have been used. The study has included 110 patients of both sexes with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Depending on the reaction to anti-tuberculosis preparations, the patients were divided into three groups: 1) allergic reaction (AR) – 37 patients, 2) toxic-allergic reactions (TAR) – 49 patients and 3) the patients with toxic reaction (TR) – 24 people. To characterize the state of proliferation activity of T lymphocytes the reaction of blast transformation of lymphocytes with phytohaemaglutinin has been used. The patients with allergic, toxic-allergic and toxic reactions on antituberculosis preparations have demonstrated clinical and laboratory differences, that confirm the severe disease progression in the patients with toxic reactions and less severe disease progression in the patients with allergic reactions. BioR preparations and, especially, BioRZn present the immunomodulatory action of T lymphocytes ”in vitro”. The lower the level of proliferation activity of T lymphocytes in patients is, the higher the immunomodulatory activity of preparations BioR and, in particular, BioRZn in the process of proliferation of T lymphocytes and vice versa is

    Redo (revision) surgery in patients with gastro-esophageal reflux disease

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    Catedra Chirurgie Generală nr.3, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Clinic Municipal Nr.1, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Chirurgia laparoscopică anti-reflux reprezintă o procedură frecvent utilizată în tratamentul bolii de reflux gastro-esofagian (BRGE) refractare. În pofida ratei înalte de succes, eșecul fundoplicării laparoscopice apare în 2-17% din cazuri, iar în 3-6% este necesară reintervenția. Scopul: Este de a evalua mecanismul de eșec al fundoplicării cu împărtășirea experienței proprii. Material și metode: Din 2011 până în 2019 au fost efectuate operații repetate la 9 pacienți (toate femei) cu vârsta cuprinsă între 18 și 63 de ani. Au fost evaluate tehnica operației primare, tipul eșecului și operației repetate și rezultatele postoperatorii pe o perioada de urmărire între 2-7 ani. Rezultate: Intervenția primară a fost în 8 cazuri - Nissen-Rossetti și 1 caz – Dor. Tipurile de eșec: hernierea transhiatală a manșonului (tip IA) - 6 cazuri; Nissen „alunecat” (tipul IB) – 1 și hernie paraesofagiană - 2. În 7 din 9 cazuri – abord laparoscopic, cu o rată de conversie de 42,8% (3 cazuri), cauzată de proces aderențial (2) și perforația gastrică (1). Fundoplicația Nissen a fost refăcută în 4 cazuri, transformată în Toupet - 2 cazuri, nou-formatată după Dor - 1 și păstrată intactă - 2. Crurorafia repetată a fost efectuată în toate cazurile. Perioada de urmărire a fost de la 2 până la 7 ani: toți pacienții - fără hernie și recurența refluxului, 1 - balonare ușoară, 2 - disfagii ușoare. Concluzii: Operațiile repetate în BRGE sunt mai complexe, cu o rată mare de conversie, dar pot fi efectuate eficient și sigur în centre experimentate, cu rezultate bune la distanță.Introduction: Laparoscopic antireflux surgery is a frequently performed procedure for the treatment of refractory gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Despite a high rate of success, the failure of laparoscopic fundoplication occurs in 2-17% of cases, the revision surgery being required in approximately 3-6%. Aim: To evaluate the mechanism of fundoplication failure and to share our revision surgery results. Material and methods: From 2011 to 2019 revision surgery was performed in 9 patients (all women) between the ages of 18 and 63 years. The technical details of the first operation and redo surgery, type of failure, and postoperative outcomes for a follow-up period of 2-7 years were evaluated. Results: The first procedure was laparoscopic Nissen-Rossetti fundoplication in 8 patients and Dor fundoplication – in one. The types of fundoplication failure were: transhiatal wrap herniations in 6 cases, “slipped” Nissen (IB type) – in 1 case and paraesophageal hernia – in 2 cases. Seven of 9 patients were operated laparoscopically with conversion rate of 42.8% (3 cases), caused by dense adhesions (2) and perforation of gastric fundus (1). Nissen fundoplication was redone in 4, converted to Toupet in 2, newly formatted after Dor in 1 and was left in place in 2 patients. The repeated cruroplasty was performed in all cases. Follow-up was 2 to 7 years: all patients without hernia and reflux recurrence, mild bloating – 1, mild dysphagia – 2. Conclusions: Redo operations in GERD are more complex, with a high conversion rate, but can be performed efficiently and safely in experienced centers with good long-term outcomes

    Levobior preparations-ointment, gel Bior, lotion Bior, capsules Bior their use in maxillofacial surgery. (Newsletter)

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    Rezumat. Lucrarea prezintă informaţii cu privire la schema tehnologică de obţinere, proprietăţile farmacologice, investigaţiile clinice ale preparatelor BioR-gel, LevoBioR-unguent, BioR-loţiune, BioR-capsule şi influenţa acestora asupra afecţiunilor inflamatorii a regiunii maxilo-faciale.Summary. The newsletter presents information about technological scheme, pharmacological properties, clinical investigations of Levobior preparations - ointment, gel Bior, lotion Bior, capsules Bior and their use in maxillofacial surgery

    Levobior preparations -ointment, gel Bior, lotion Bior, capsules Bior their use in maxillofacial surgery. (Newsletter)

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    Rezumat. Lucrarea prezintă informații cu privire la schema tehnologică de obţinere, proprietăţile farmacologice, investigaţiile clinice ale preparatelor BioR-gel, LevoBioR-unguent, BioR-loţiune, BioR-capsule și influența acestora asupra afecţiunilor inflamatorii a regiunii maxilo-faciale.Summary. The newsletter presents information about technological scheme, pharmacological properties, clinical investigations of Levobior preparations -ointment, gel Bior, lotion Bior, capsules Bior and their use in maxillofacial surgery

    ‘The International Teacher Leadership project,’ a case of international action research.

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    Copyright CARNThe paper arises from the International Teacher Leadership project, a research and development project involving researchers and practitioners in 14 European countries. The paper provides a conceptual exploration of the idea of teacher leadership and its role in educational reform, central to which is the idea that teachers, regardless of their level of power and organisational position, can engage in the leadership of enquiry-based development activity aimed at influencing their colleagues and embedding improved practices in their schools. The paper provides an outline of the project’s methodology which builds on that used in the Carpe Vitam Leadership for Learning project (Frost, 2008a). It is a form of collaborative action research which is highly developmental and discursive. It seeks to identify principles, strategies and tools that can be applied in a range of cultural settings. The paper includes a thematic analysis of the cultural contexts and policy environments of the participating countries in order to identify the obstacles to teacher leadership and to inform the nature of the support strategies employed

    The superior ophthalmic vein approach for the treatment of carotid-cavernous fistulas: Our first experience

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    Complex cavernous sinus fistulae (CCF) are still a technical challenge to neurovascular team. The most commonly performed treatment consists in endovascular embolization of the lesion through an arterial or venous approach. Not always these conventional routes are feasible, requiring alternative routes. We report a case of a 44-year-old woman with a complex indirect (Barrow D) carotid cavernous sinus fistula treated by two interventional sessions that imposing a retrograde direct transvenous approach via the superior ophthalmic vein

    Антиоксидантные возможности фармацевтического препарата Неамон-Хепа при токсическом гепатите, индуцированным тетрахлоридом углерода

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    Scientific Center for Drug Evaluation of the Nicolae Testemitanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Institut of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the Academy of Science of MoldovaThe present study was undertaken to investigate whether Neamon-Hepa treatment provides antioxidant protection from chronic liver injury induced in mice by a long-term CCl4 administration. The Neamon-Hepa capsule, a combination indigene drug, contains L-arginine, Spironolactone and biopreparation from the Spirulina platensis - BioR. Carbon tetrachloride chronic treatment for three weeks significantly decreased the hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities - almost twofold superoxide dismutase enzyme activity, catalase activity, glutathione peroxidase activity in liver tissue and induced a marked elevation almost twofold of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances levels in the plasma and liver tissue. Treatment with the Neamon-Hepa following experimental liver damage, in a dose-dependent way, resulted in a marked augmentation of antioxidant enzyme activities and reduction of lipid peroxidation levels.Целью данной работы является исследование антиоксидантного воздействия лекарственного препарата НеамонХепа у мышей с токсическим гепатитом, индуцированным тетрахлоридом углевода. В состав комбинированного медикамента Неамон-Хепа входит аргинина аспартат, БиоР и спиронолактон. Хроническая интоксикация в течении 3 недель с ССl4 снизила в два раза активность супероксиддисмутазы, каталазы, глутатионпероскидазы в печеночной ткани и повысила вдвое степень тиобарбитуровой кислоты в печеночной ткани и в сыворотке крови. Применение препарата Неамон-Хепа значительно уменьшило степень процессов липидного пероксидирования и увеличило активность антиоксидативных энзимов

    Introducing Semi-Interpenetrating Networks of Chitosan and Ammonium-Quaternary Polymers for the Effective Removal of Waterborne Pathogens from Wastewaters

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    The present work aims to study the influence of ammonium-quaternary monomers and chitosan, obtained from different sources, upon the effect of semi-interpenetrating polymer network (semi-IPN) hydrogels upon the removal of waterborne pathogens and bacteria from wastewater. To this end, the study was focused on using vinyl benzyl trimethylammonium chloride (VBTAC), a water-soluble monomer with known antibacterial properties, and mineral-enriched chitosan extracted from shrimp shells, to prepare the semi-IPNs. By using chitosan, which still contains the native minerals (mainly calcium carbonate), the study intends to justify that the stability and efficiency of the semi-IPN bactericidal devices can be modified and better improved. The new semi-IPNs were characterized for composition, thermal stability and morphology using well-known methods. Swelling degree (SD%) and the bactericidal effect assessed using molecular methods revealed that hydrogels made of chitosan derived from shrimp shell demonstrated the most competitive and promising potential for wastewater (WW) treatment.Introducing Semi-Interpenetrating Networks of Chitosan and Ammonium-Quaternary Polymers for the Effective Removal of Waterborne Pathogens from WastewaterspublishedVersio

    Manipulation of domain wall dynamics in amorphous microwires through the magnetoelastic anisotropy

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    We studied the effect of magnetoelastic anisotropy on domain wall (DW) dynamics and remagnetization process of magnetically bistable Fe-Co-rich microwires with metallic nucleus diameters (from 1.4 to 22 μm). We manipulated the magnetoelastic anisotropy applying the tensile stresses and changing the magnetostriction constant and strength of the internal stresses. Microwires of the same composition of metallic nucleus but with different geometries exhibit different magnetic field dependence of DW velocity with different slopes. Application of stresses resulted in decrease of the DW velocity, v, and DW mobility, S. Quite fast DW propagation (v until 2,500 m/s at H about 30 A/m) has been observed in low magnetostrictive magnetically bistable Co(56)Fe(8)Ni(10)Si(10)B(16) microwires. Consequently, we observed certain correlation between the magnetoelastic energy and DW dynamics in microwires: decreasing the magnetoelastic energy, K(me), DW velocity increases