79 research outputs found

    Triticum aestivum ir T. durum genetiniai parametrai kokybės technologinėms savybėms Serbijoje

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    Proteins are important in determining the nutritional value of wheat, and among them gluten determines the baking quality of bread wheat and pasta-making technological properties of wheat. By assessing genetic parameters of wheat quality traits, it is possible to elucidate potential for improvement. The plant material consisted of 30 genotypes of bread and durum wheat of worldwide origin. The trials were sown at three locations in Serbia during two vegetation seasons 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Protein content, wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation volume and deformation energy were determined by near infrared spectrometry. The objectives of this investigation were to assess: i) variability, components of variance, heritability in a broad sense (hb2)expected genetic advance for protein content, wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation volume and deformation energy; ii) associations between agronomic characteristics and protein content, wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation volume and deformation energy in order to determine indirect selection feasibility. In durum wheat, the highest coefficients of genetic and phenotypic variation (CVg and CVph) were recorded for deformation energy in bread wheat (18% and 18.4%, respectively), whereas the lowest values of 4.1% and 4.6% were shown for protein content. The relation genetic component of variance (Ļƒg2)/component of variance due to genotype Ɨ environment interaction (Ļƒge2) < 1 was observed for protein content (3.2), wet gluten content (2.9) and deformation energy (3.9), and equal to one for Zeleny sedimentation volume, in bread wheat. In durum wheat, Ļƒge2/Ļƒg2< 1 was detected for protein content (1.4), wet gluten content (1.5), Zeleny sedimentation volume (2.1) and deformation energy (1.4). Considering very high and high hb2 observed for deformation energy and Zeleny sedimentation volume (95.8% and 86.2%, respectively) in bread wheat, coupled with high genetic advance (36.3% and 28.1%, respectively), success from classical breeding can be anticipated. Grain thickness was strongly associated with Zeleny sedimentation volume, and to a lesser extent with protein content, wet gluten content and deformation energy in bread and durum wheat, and along with grain vitreousness in durum wheat, can serve for indirect selection

    Problems in determining the nutrition declaration for unpacked meat products - example of domestic cooked sausage

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    This study aimed to determine the degree of change that unpacked pasteurized (i.e. cooked) sausages undergo during their shelf-life. For that purpose, unpacked domestic cooked sausages were examined for basic nutritional parameters, as are required to be stated on labels by local and EU legislation, at the beginning (day 1) and end of their shelf-life (day 40). Results showed the examined parameters varied significantly (the % variance range was 41.5-129.4%), which vastly exceeds the tolerance of variation limits allowed in the legislation (20-50%). The results obtained show the responsible authority would be unable to adequately control the nutrition declaration of these unpacked domestic cooked sausages. The inability to maintain the nutritional content according to the declaration of these unpacked meat products during their shelf-life is a great challenge for quality control of this type of meat product at retail

    Thermal diffusivity of single crystal Bi0.9Sb0.1

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    A single crystal Bi0.9Sb0.1 ingot was synthesized using the Bridgman technique. Thermal diffusivity and electronic transport properties of single crystal cleaved plates (00l) were determined from PA photoacoustic phase and amplitude spectra obtained using the photoacoustic method with a transmission detection configuration. Both the PA phase and amplitude were measured versus the modulation frequency and numerically analyzed. EDS analyses done to determine chemical composition of the studied samples as well as to check sample homogeneity. Hall effect measurements data were used for the photoacustic measurements

    Primena elektronskih komponenti na traktorima i radnim maÅ”inama u funkciji povećanja kontrole sigurnosti i eksploatacije

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    The development of modern electronics and computers has important influence on agriculture and working machine industry. The most high-tech electronic configurations are applied on modern agriculture and working machine. The application of electronics components on agriculture and working machine makes easier operated work, and also has huge influence on safety and security. The modem transmission systems, fueling systems, braking systems machine managing, as well as working process's control, must be controlled by modern electronics components, with managing and controlling working process. Higher development level of mechanical components of machine, is the precondition for properly using of electronics components. The special role in development modern agriculture techniques has electronically systems for posing machines in the field. (GPS). GPS systems have possibility to register many parameters and information about effects, income, fuel's consumption and other machine's parameters having electronically equipment.Razvoj savremene elektronike i računara ima uticaj i na industriju poljoprivrednih i radnih maÅ”ina. Najsavremeniji elektronski sklopovi naÅ”li su primenu kod savremenih sredstva poljoprivredne i radne mehanizacije. Primena elektronskih komponenti na savremenim poljoprivrednim i radnim maÅ”inama mnogo olakÅ”ava rad rukovaocima, i u znatnoj meri doprinosi njihovoj sigurnosti i bezbednosti. Savremeni sistemi za prenos snage (transmisija) sistemi za napajanje motora gorivom, sistemi za kočenje, upravljanje maÅ”inama, kao i kontrolu elemenata radnih procesa, moraju biti kontrolisani savremenim elektronskim komponentama. ViÅ”i razvojni nivo mehaničkih komponenata maÅ”ina preduslov je za pravilno koriŔćenje elektronskih komponenata. Posebnu značajnu ulogu u razvoju savremene poljoprivredne tehnike imaju elektronski sistemi za pozicioniranje maÅ”ina na terenu (GPS). GPS sistemi imaju i mogućnost precizne evidencije mnogobrojnih parametara i podataka o učinku, prinosima, potroÅ”nji goriva i drugih parametara maÅ”ina koje imaju ovakvu elektronsku opremu

    Grupe zrenja i potencijal rodnosti ZP hibrida kukuruza

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    Maize is one of the most important agricultural crops in the world, and also in our country. In Serbia, in last two decades maize is grown on the area from 1.2 to 1.3 million hectares, with the average production of 5.7 million tones per year. It is the fact that there are favorable natural conditions for its production in our country, but the grain yield fluctuates depending on rainfall quantities and especially rainfall disposition during the vegetation period. The purpose of this work is to establish the grain yield potential of ZP maize hybrids from FAO 400-700 maturing groups. Data from STRIP trails of six ZP maize hybrids (ZP 434, ZP 578, ZP 677, ZP 680, ZP 684 and ZP 704), from 16 locations during 3 years, are used in this work. Grain yield and grain moisture content were measured in six tested genotypes and analyze of variance was done with ANOVA statistical software. Results of this investigation showed that the hybrid ZP 434 had an average grain yield of 8.528 tĀ·ha-1, which is not statistically significantly different from the grain yield of the hybrid ZP 684 which yielded 8.626 tĀ·ha-1. At the same time, hybrid ZP 434 had the statistically significantly higher grain yield than the hybrids from FAO 700 maturing group. According to the presented results of lasting several years averages on several locations, we can conclude that the hybrids from FAO 400 maturing group have a grain yield potential at the same level as the hybrids from FAO 600-700 maturing group.Kukuruz je jedan od najznačajnijih ratarskih useva ne samo u svetu već i u naÅ”oj zemlji. U Srbiji se kukuruz u poslednje dve decenije gaji na povrÅ”inama od 1.2 do 1.3 miliona hektara, uz ostvarenu prosečnu proizvodnju od 5.7 miliona tona godiÅ”nje. Poznato je da kod nas postoje povoljni prirodni uslovi za njegovu proizvodnju, ali i to da su po godinama velika kolebanja prinosa zbog velike varijabilnosti u količini, a posebno u rasporedu padavina u toku vegetacije. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi potencijal rodnosti ZP hibrida kukuruza, FAO grupa zrenja 400-700. U radu su koriŔćeni podaci proizvodnih STRIP ogleda Å”est ZP hibrida kukuruza (ZP 434, ZP 578, ZP 677, ZP 680, ZP 684 i ZP 704) sa 16 lokaliteta u toku tri godine. Praćen je prinos zrna i sadržaj vlage u zrnu Å”est ispitivanih genotipova, a analiza varijanse urađena je pomoću statističkog programa ANOVA. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je hibrid ZP 434 ostvario prosečan prinos zrna od 8.528 tĀ·ha-1 koji se nije statistički značajno razlikovao od prinosa zrna hibrida ZP 684 od 8.626 tĀ·ha-1. U isto vreme hibrid ZP 434 imao je statistički značajno viÅ”i prinos nego hibridi FAO grupe zrenja 700. Na osnovu iznetih rezultata viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg proseka na viÅ”e lokacija može se zaključiti da hibridi FAO grupe zrenja 400 imaju potencijal rodnosti na nivou hibrida FAO grupe zrenja 600-700

    Eksperimentalna procena organskih podloga za ispitivanje klijavosti semena soje

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    High germination of seeds and seedling establishment are critical for soybean production since it determines crop density and eventually affects the yield. Accurate evaluation of the ger mination potential of sowing material is valuable, as well as initial quality assessment of newly harvested seed. ISTA Rules prescribe alternative methods for soybean seed germination: sand, between paper, top of paper covered with sand and since 2020 organic growing media. In the Seed Testing Laboratory at the Maize Research Institute soybean germination is conducted in the sand at 2030Ā°C. The objective of this study was to evaluate several available organic growing media and compare results obtained with the standard laboratory method. Five soybean seed lots of different quality were tested in four germination growing media (3 organic and sand), at two temperature regimes (25 Ā°C and 2030Ā°C). Statistical analyses showed that all types of organic growing media were of the same quality. Slightly higher germination in organic growing media was obtained in the experiment at 2030Ā°C compared to sand, but those differences were not statistically significant. When testing was done in germinator with 25Ā°C positive effects of organic growing media were identified and this impact was significant, especially for low-quality seed lots. The experimental outcome was to continue with routine practice and use organic growing media for retesting of seed lots with lower germination as an alternative substrate. Key words: germination, organic substrate, sand, soybean, temperatureVisoka klijavost semena i uniforman rast klijanaca su presudni za proizvodnju soje, jer od toga zavisi gustina useva i na kraju, prinos. Precizna procena potencijala klijavosti setvenog ma terijala je izuzetno važna, kao i početna procena kvaliteta tek požnjevenog semena. Međunarod na pravila za ispitivanje semena propisuju alternativne metode za klijanje semena soje: pesak, između filter papira, na filter papiru uz prekrivanje peskom, i od 2020. godine organski supstrat. U Laboratoriji za ispitivanje semena, Instituta za kukuruz ā€œZemun Poljeā€, naklijavanje soje se vrÅ”i u pesku, na temperaturi 2030Ā°C. Cilj ove studije bio je proceniti nekoliko dostupnih organskih supstrata i uporediti dobijene rezultate sa dosadaÅ”njom laboratorijskom metodom. Pet partija soje različitog kvaliteta testirano je u četiri podloge za naklijavanje (3 organske i pe sak), pri dva temperaturna režima (25Ā°C i 2030Ā°C). Statistička analiza pokazala je da su sve organske podloge istog kvaliteta. NeÅ”to vecĢa klijavost u organskom supstratu u poređenju sa pes kom je ostvarena u eksperimentu na 2030Ā°C, ali te razlike nisu bile statistički značajne. Pri likom ispitivanja u klijaliÅ”tu sa 25Ā°C pokazali su se pozitivni efekti organske podloge i ovaj uticaj je bio značajan, posebno za partije slabijeg kvaliteta. Nakon analize eksperimentalnih rezultata odlučeno je da se nastavi sa dosadaÅ”njom laboratorijskom praksom naklijavanja u pesku i da se organska podloga koristi kao alternativni supstrat za ponovno ispitivanje partija semena sa nižim procentom klijavosti

    Poređenje dve procedure hladnog testa za ispitivanje vigora semena samooplodnih linija kukuruza

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    Cold test (CT) is a valuable method of assessing maize seed vigour. Although widely used CT is not standardized because of variations in CT procedures. The objective of this study was to evaluate seed vigour of 15 maize inbred lines developed at the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, using two different substrates (soil and sand) in a severe CT (7.5Ā°C for 10 days followed by 7 days at 20/30 Ā°C). Statistical analysis showed that inbred lines differ significantly in seed vigour, and no difference between two applied substrates in CT. Coefficients of variation were lower in CT with sand (6.05 %), compared to the CT with soil (6.74%) due to variation in soil quality and presence of soil-borne pathogens. Both CT procedures were highly correlated with field emergence. Results of this research indicate that CT with sand is appropriate for testing maize seed vigour, with the potential for standardization.Vigor semena je veoma važan parametar kvaliteta, jer ukazuje na sposobnost semena da klija u suboptimalnim uslovima (niska temperatura, visoka vlažnost zemljiÅ”ta itd.). Hladni test je važan metod za utvrđivanje vigora semena kukuruza. Iako je dobar pokazatelj nicanja u polju, i koristi se Å”irom sveta, hladni test nije standardizovan zbog razlika u proceduri (temperatura, vrsta i vlažnost supstrata). Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje vigora semena samooplodnih linija kukuruza primenom dva različita supstrata (zemlja i pesak) u hladnom testu. Za ispitivanje je odabrano 15 samooplodnih linija kukuruza stvorenih u Institutu za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje'. Primenjeni su izrazito stresni uslovi ispitivanja u hladnom testu (10 dana na 7,5Ā°C, a zatim 7 dana na 20/30Ā°C). Statističkom obradom podataka utvrđeno je da su se samooplodne linije značajno razlikovale po vigoru semena tj. tolerantnosti na niske temperature u periodu klijanja i početnog porasta. Sa druge strane nije utvrđena značajna razlika između dva primenjena supstrata u hladnom testu. Prosečna klijavost 15 samooplodnih linija u hladnom testu sa peskom iznosila je 82,2%, a u hladnom testu sa zemljom 80,1%. Koeficijent varijacije je bio niži u hladnom testu sa peskom (6,05%), nego u hladnom testu sa zemljom (6,74%), Å”to se objaÅ”njava variranjem u kvalitetu zemlje i prisustvu zemljiÅ”nih patogena. Obe ispitivane procedure su postigle visoku korelaciju sa nicanjem u polju. Rezultati ovih istraživanja ukazuju na mogućnost koriŔćenja peska kao supstrata u hladnom testu, čime bi se ispitivanje vigora semena kukuruza znatno olakÅ”alo, a ujedno bi se stekli uslovi za standardizaciju hladnog testa

    Active agar mineralized composite films intended for food packaging

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    Polysaccharide-based materials represent an attractive alternative to plastics, due to their biodegradability, compatibility and great film forming properties1. As they are usually characterized by poor mechanical and barrier properties and lack of functionality, different components must be incorporated into these biopolymer materials in order to improve their properties. In this study, new mineralized, agar-based composite films with increasing Cu-phosphate mineral phase loadings (1, 2.5 and 5 mM) were prepared by in situ mineralization and solvent casting method. The presence of mineral significantly influenced the morphology, properties and fun- ctionality of the obtained composite films. Reinforcement with the Cu-phosphate phase improved in a concentration-dependent manner, optical, mechanical and water vapor barrier properties of the obtained mine- ralized films. In addition Cu-phosphate mineralized agar films exhibited antimicrobial activity against both, Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, respectively. The res- ults of this study suggest that agar films mineralized with Cu-phosphate could be potentially used as affordable, eco-friendly and functional food packaging materials with tunable properties. Production procedure offers possibilities for increasing Cu-mineral phase content without compromising properties of the composite films

    Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of RO16 dye using Ag modified ZnO nanopowders prepared by the solvothermal method

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    In this work, Zn(CH3 COO)(2) 2 H-2 O with AgNO3 content from 0 to 6 mol% was solvothermally treated at 120 C for 18 h in the presence of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone), ethylene glycol and sodium hydroxide. The structural , microstructural and photocatalytic properties of the unmodified and Ag modified ZnO powders have been investigated by the XRPD, FESEM, TEM, UV-vis, Raman and BET techniques. The Ag modified samples consist of ZnO nanocrystals and metallic Ag on the surface. The average crystallite size of all samples was about 20 nm. The FESEM revealed the uniformity in size and approximately spherical shape of ZnO nanopar-ticles. The BET data suggest that all prepared samples are mesoporous. All prepared samples showed higher photocatalytic efficiency in the degradation of the Reactive Orange 16 (RO16) azo dye than the commercial ZnO. In addition, Ag modified ZnO powders, especially those with 1.5 and 0.75 mol% of Ag, were more efficient than the unmodified one

    Aktuelna prestižna svojstva samooplodnih linija kukuruza - dobra polazna osnova za efikasno kreiranje novih i rodnih hibrida kukuruza

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    This study conforms our hypothesis that there are elite maize inbred lines, which can be considered actual and prestigious as they have not only a property of the water status and a greater grain dry down rate during the maturation period, but also a property of the efficient photosynthetic-fluorescence model that is successfully used in the contemporary processes of breeding, and thereby in the development of new and yielding maize hybrids. Presented results obtained on the dynamics of grain dry down during the maturation period and on photosynthetic-fluorescence parameters (temperature dependence of the chlorophyll delayed fluorescence intensity, the Arrhenius plot for the determination of critical temperatures, i.e. phase transition temperatures and the activation energy) show that properties of the observed inbreeds are based on effects and nature of conformational and functional changes occurring in their thylakoid membranes and other chemical structures of grain tissues. Summarized results of studies on actual and prestigious properties of maize inbreeds will contribute to more exact, rational and expeditious proceedings of contemporary processes of breeding.Idejom za ovaj rad potvrđuje se naÅ”a hipoteza da postoje elitne linije kukuruza koje se smatraju aktuelnim i prestižnim i koje poseduju, kako svojstvo stanja vode i njenog bržeg otpuÅ”tanja iz zrna u periodu sazrevanja, tako i svojstvo efikasnog fotosintetično-fluorescentnog modela, koji se uspeÅ”no koristi u savremenim procesima oplemenjivanja, a time i za stvaranje novih i rodnijih hibrida kukuruza. Izloženi rezultati o dinamici otpuÅ”tanja vode iz zrna u periodu sazrevanja i o fotosintetično-fluorescentnim pokazateljima: teperaturnoj zavisnosti intenziteta zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila, Arrhenijus-ovim kriterijumom za određivanje kritičnih temperatura i energija aktivacije, pokazuju da su svojstva proučavanih linija zasnovana na efektima i prirodi strukturnih i funkcionalnih promena koje se odigravaju u njihovim tilakoidnim membranama i drugim hemijskim strukturama tkiva zrna. Sumarni rezultati proučavanja aktuelnih i prestižnih svojstava linija kukuruza doprineće egzaktnijem, racionalnijem i bržem odvijanju savremenih procesa oplemenjivanja
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