3,243 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic analysis of new cycles for liquid-metal MHD generators

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    Acceleration devices for liquid metal magnetohydrodynamic generator

    On weak and strong magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    Recent numerical and observational studies contain conflicting reports on the spectrum of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. In an attempt to clarify the issue we investigate anisotropic incompressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with a strong guide field B0B_0. We perform numerical simulations of the reduced MHD equations in a special setting that allows us to elucidate the transition between weak and strong turbulent regimes. Denote kk_{\|}, kk_\perp characteristic field-parallel and field-perpendicular wavenumbers of the fluctuations, and bλb_{\lambda} the fluctuating field at the scale λ1/k\lambda\sim 1/k_{\perp}. We find that when the critical balance condition, kB0kbλk_{\|}B_0\sim k_{\perp} b_{\lambda}, is satisfied, the turbulence is strong, and the energy spectrum is E(k)k3/2E(k_{\perp})\propto k^{-3/2}_{\perp}. As the kk_{\|} width of the spectrum increases, the turbulence rapidly becomes weaker, and in the limit kB0kbλk_{\|}B_0\gg k_{\perp} b_{\lambda}, the spectrum approaches E(k)k2E(k_{\perp})\propto k_{\perp}^{-2}. The observed sensitivity of the spectrum to the balance of linear and nonlinear interactions may explain the conflicting numerical and observational findings where this balance condition is not well controlled.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Turbulence without pressure in d dimensions

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    The randomly driven Navier-Stokes equation without pressure in d-dimensional space is considered as a model of strong turbulence in a compressible fluid. We derive a closed equation for the velocity-gradient probability density function. We find the asymptotics of this function for the case of the gradient velocity field (Burgers turbulence), and provide a numerical solution for the two-dimensional case. Application of these results to the velocity-difference probability density function is discussed.Comment: latex, 5 pages, revised and enlarge

    Integer Quantum Hall Transition and Random SU(N) Rotation

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    We reduce the problem of integer quantum Hall transition to a random rotation of an N-dimensional vector by an su(N) algebra, where only N specially selected generators of the algebra are nonzero. The group-theoretical structure revealed in this way allows us to obtain a new series of conservation laws for the equation describing the electron density evolution in the lowest Landau level. The resulting formalism is particularly well suited to numerical simulations, allowing us to obtain the critical exponent \nu numerically in a very simple way. We also suggest that if the number of nonzero generators is much less than N, the same model, in a certain intermediate time interval, describes percolating properties of a random incompressible steady two-dimensional flow. In other words, quantum Hall transition in a very smooth random potential inherits certain properties of percolation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Ferromagnetic Detectors of Axions in RF (S - X) Band

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    The (pseudo) Goldstone bosons arise naturally in many modern theories such as supergravity, superstring theory and variants of general relativity with torsion. By the other hand, there are well known indications that a large part of the Universe mass exists in a form of dark matter. The most attractive model of the dark matter is non-relativistic gas of the light elementary particles weakly interacting with the "usual" matter \cite{b2} - \cite{b4}. We describe ferromagnetic detectors, for search of arion(axion), where a high-sensitive two-channel SHF receiver is used. Its sensitivity reaches to 1020Wt10^{-20}\,Wt, with time of accumulation 110s1-10\,s. Fourier analysis of signal provides a survey in zone up to ±50KHz\pm50\,KHz with spectral resolution 0.125Hz0.1 - 25\, Hz. There was applied a high sensitive SHF receiver based on a special computer method of coherent accumulation of signals. It is possible to use the receiver in other precise experiments: measuring of electron/positron beams polarization in storage rings, investigation of parity violation, investigation of atmosphere with radars etc.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Multiple Local σ-aromaticity of Nonagermanide Clusters

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    Nonagermanide clusters are widely used in inorganic synthesis and are actively studied by experimentalists and theoreticians. However, chemical bonding of such versatile species is still not completely understood. In our work we deciphered a bonding pattern for various experimentally obtained nonagermanide species. We localized the electron density via the AdNDP algorithm for the model structures ([Ge9]4−, [Ge9{P(NH2)2}3]−, Cu[Ge9{P(NH2)2}3] and Cu(NHC)[Ge9{P(NH2)2}3]) and obtained a simple and chemically intuitive bonding pattern which can explain the variety of active sites and the existence of both D3h and C4v geometries for such clusters. Moreover, the [Ge9]4− core is found to be a unique example of an inorganic Zintl cluster with multiple local σ-aromaticity

    Influence of a large-scale field on energy dissipation in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from OUP via the DOI in this record.In magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, the large-scale magnetic field sets a preferred local direction for the small-scale dynamics, altering the statistics of turbulence from the isotropic case. This happens even in the absence of a total magnetic flux, since MHD turbulence forms randomly oriented large-scale domains of strong magnetic field. It is therefore customary to study small-scale magnetic plasma turbulence by assuming a strong background magnetic field relative to the turbulent fluctuations. This is done, for example, in reduced models of plasmas, such as reduced MHD, reduced-dimension kinetic models, gyrokinetics, etc., which make theoretical calculations easier and numerical computations cheaper. Recently, however, it has become clear that the turbulent energy dissipation is concentrated in the regions of strong magnetic field variations. A significant fraction of the energy dissipation may be localized in very small volumes corresponding to the boundaries between strongly magnetized domains. In these regions, the reduced models are not applicable. This has important implications for studies of particle heating and acceleration in magnetic plasma turbulence. The goal of this work is to systematically investigate the relationship between local magnetic field variations and magnetic energy dissipation, and to understand its implications for modelling energy dissipation in realistic turbulent plasmas.The authors thank the referee, Alexander Schekochihin, for helpful comments. VZ acknowledges support from NSF grant AST-1411879. SB is partly supported by the National Science Foundation under the grant NSF AGS-1261659 and by the Vilas Associates Award from the University of Wis- consin - Madison. JM acknowledges the support of the EPSRC, through grant EP/M004546/1. We acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to resource FERMI based in Italy at CINECA, and the STFC DiRAC HPC Facility for access to the COSMA Data Centric system at Durham University and MINERVA at the University of Warwick