5,691 research outputs found

    Optimización de los parámetros de operación en un proceso de tratamiento de aguas por electro-oxidación

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    En este estudio se evaluó la electro-oxidación como tratamiento para aguas residuales provenientes del proceso de producción de resinas fenólicas. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en un reactor tipo batch a escala laboratorio con una configuración monopolar con electrodos de grafito y titanio. Se realizaron ensayos preliminares con un volumen de muestra de 200 ml, un área sumergida de 25.13 cm2 para el electrodo de grafito (ánodo) y 40 cm2 para el electrodo de titanio (cátodo) y un tiempo de residencia de 240 minutos, 15 voltios y una agitación de 200 rpm.113 p.This study evaluated the electro-oxidation of phenolic resins production wastewater treatment. The experiments were carried out in a laboratory scale batch reactor with a monopolar configuration was built with graphite (anode) and titanium (cathode) electrodes. Prelimary tests were carried out with a sample volume of 200 ml, a submerged area of 25.13 cm2 for the graphite electrode and 40 cm2 for the titanium electrode and 240 minutes as a residence time, voltage of 15 V and an agitation value of 200 rpm.Contenido parcial: Aguas contaminadas con fenol -- Procesos electroquímicos de oxidación avanzada -- Electro-Oxidación -- Aspectos técnicos de operación de la electro-oxidación -- Especificaciones técnicas de la celda para electro-oxidación -- Diseño de experimentos

    Zoroastro o el azote de la teología cristiana: análisis de una intervención de un filósofo dualista en la obra de madurez de Pierre Bayle (1647-1706)

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    Analizo una digresión en una obra póstuma de Pierre Bayle, en la que un “discípulo de Zoroastro” formula una crítica de la teología reformada arminiana de Isaac Jaquelot a partir del problema del mal y del pecado. Pondero igualmente en qué medida esta intervención del discípulo de Zoroastro se asemeja a otras que se encuentran en obras anteriores de Bayle. Finalmente, estudio las implicaciones que tiene para Bayle el argumento que establece que no se puede juzgar a Dios en base a los principios de la razón humana o “nociones comunes”.Palabras clave: Pierre Bayle, Isaac Jaquelot, calvinismo, arminianismo, nociones comunes, Teodicea, mal.AbstractI analyze a reflection of a posthumous work by Pierre Bayle, in which a “disciple of Zoroaster” proposes a criticism of the Apologetics of Isaac Jaquelot by an appeal to the problem of evil and sin. I also consider the similarities of this dissertation with other discussions which appeared in Bayle’s earlier works. I finally examine the consequences for Bayle of the argument that claims that God cannot be judged with the principles of human reason or “common notions”.Keywords: Pierre Bayle, Isaac Jaquelot, Calvinism, Arminianism, common notions, Theodicy, evil.</p

    A Circular Economy of Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems: Critical Review of SOH/RUL Estimation Methods for Second-Life Batteries

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    Humanity is facing a gloomy scenario due to global warming, which is increasing at unprecedented rates. Energy generation with renewable sources and electric mobility (EM) are considered two of the main strategies to cut down emissions of greenhouse gasses. These paradigm shifts will only be possible with efficient energy storage systems such as Li-ion batteries (LIBs). However, among other factors, some raw materials used on LIB production, such as cobalt and lithium, have geopolitical and environmental issues. Thus, in a context of a circular economy, the reuse of LIBs from EM for other applications (i.e., second-life batteries, SLBs) could be a way to overcome this problem, considering that they reach their end of life (EoL) when they get to a state of health (SOH) of 70–80% and still have energy storage capabilities that could last several years. The aim of this chapter is to make a review of the estimation methods employed in the diagnosis of LIB, such as SOH and remaining useful life (RUL). The correct characterization of these variables is crucial for the reassembly of SLBs and to extend the LIBs operational lifetime

    CMS Drift Tube Chambers Read-Out Electronics

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    With CMS installation nearing completion, the three levels of the final read-out system of the Drift Tube (DT) chambers are presented. First, are the Read Out Boards (ROB), responsible for time digitization of the signals generated by a charged particle track. Second, the Read Out Server (ROS) boards receive data from 25 ROB channels through a 240-Mbps copper link and perform data merging for further transmission through a 800 Mbps optical link. Finally, the Detector Dependent Units (DDU) merge data from 12 ROS to build an event fragment and send it to the global CMS DAQ through an S-LINK64 output at 320 MBps. DDUs also receive synchronization commands from the TTC system (Timing, Trigger, and Control), perform error detection on data, and send a fast feedback to the TTS (Trigger Throttling System). Functionality of these electronics has been validated in the laboratory and in several test-beams, including an exercise integrated with a fraction of the whole CMS detector and electronics that demonstrated proper operation and integration within the final CMS framework

    Observation of Néel-type skyrmions in acentric self-intercalated Cr<sub>1+δ</sub>Te<sub>2</sub>

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    Transition-metal dichalcogenides intercalated with 3d-transition metals within the van der Waals (vdW) gaps have been the focus of intense investigations owing to their fascinating structural and magnetic properties. At certain concentrations the intercalated atoms form ordered superstructures that exhibit ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic ordering. Here we show that the self-intercalated compound Cr1+δTe2 with δ ≈ 0.3 exhibits a new, so far unseen, three-dimensionally ordered (2×2×2) superstructure. Furthermore, high resolution X-ray diffraction reveals that there is an asymmetric occupation of the two inequivalent vdW gaps in the unit cell. The structure thus lacks inversion symmetry, which, thereby, allows for chiral non-collinear magnetic nanostructures. Indeed, Néel-type skyrmions are directly observed using Lorentz transmission electron microscopy. The skyrmions are stable within the accessible temperature range (100–200 K) as well as in zero magnetic field. The diameter of the Néel skyrmions increases with lamella thickness and varies with applied magnetic field, indicating the role of long-range dipole fields. Our studies show that self-intercalation in vdW materials is a novel route to the formation of synthetic non-collinear spin textures

    Estudio de la resistencia al desgaste por abrasión – corrosión en recubrimientos depositados mediante proyección térmica

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    Se estudió la resistencia al desgaste por abrasión - corrosión de recubrimientos de Ni – Al, Ni – SiC, Ni -WC y Ni – W- Co, depositados mediante proyección térmica sobre sustratos de acero al carbono. El análisis morfológico de los recubrimientos obtenidos se realizó mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB). Para lograr el desgaste por abrasión-corrosión se suministró H2SO4 (5%Vol) durante el proceso de deslizamiento abrasivo sobre una superficie de SiC con tamaño de grano 600, con una velocidad relativa de 550 RPM durante 20 minutos y con una carga de 937,5 gramos aplicada en dirección normal a la superficie del recubrimiento

    Algebra of Lax Connection for T-Dual Models

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    We study relation between T-duality and integrability. We develop the Hamiltonian formalism for principal chiral model on general group manifold and on its T-dual image. We calculate the Poisson bracket of Lax connections in T-dual model and we show that they are non-local as opposite to the Poisson brackets of Lax connection in original model. We demonstrate these calculations on two specific examples: Sigma model on S(2) and sigma model on AdS(2).Comment: 24 pages, references adde

    The impact of socioeconomic and phenotypic traits on self-perception of ethnicity in Latin America

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    Self-perception of ethnicity is a complex social trait shaped by both, biological and non-biological factors. We developed a comprehensive analysis of ethnic self-perception (ESP) on a large sample of Latin American mestizos from five countries, differing in age, socio-economic and education context, external phenotypic attributes and genetic background. We measured the correlation of ESP against genomic ancestry, and the influence of physical appearance, socio-economic context, and education on the distortion observed between both. Here we show that genomic ancestry is correlated to aspects of physical appearance, which in turn affect the individual ethnic self-perceived ancestry. Also, we observe that, besides the significant correlation among genomic ancestry and ESP, specific physical or socio-economic attributes have a strong impact on self-perception. In addition, the distortion among ESP and genomic ancestry differs across age ranks/countries, probably suggesting the underlying effect of past public policies regarding identity. Our results indicate that individuals’ own ideas about its origins should be taken with caution, especially in aspects of modern life, including access to work, social policies, and public health key decisions such as drug administration, therapy design, and clinical trials, among others