543 research outputs found

    Effects of triclosan on early development of Solea senegalensis: from biochemical to individual level

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    Harmful effects of triclosan (TCS) have been reported on several organisms; however, effects on early life stages of marine vertebrates are limited. Therefore, the objective of this work was to assess the effects of TCS during early development of the flatfish Solea senegalensis after initial characterization of cholinesterases (ChEs) and determination of selected biochemical markers baseline levels. Characterization of ChEs and determination of biochemical markers baseline levels of cholinergic activity, energy metabolism and oxidative stress were analysed in sole at 3 days after hatching (dah) and at the onset and end of metamorphosis. To assess TCS effects, fish were exposed during 96h to 30-500 μg L-1 TCS until 3 dah. Fish at 13 dah were exposed during 48h to 200-1,500 μg L-1 TCS and maintained until complete metamorphosis. Effects on survival, malformations, length, metamorphosis progression and biochemical markers were evaluated. The main ChE active form present in sole early life stages is acetylcholinesterase and baseline levels of oxidative stress and energy metabolism biomarkers changed according to fish developmental stage. Triclosan induced malformations (EC50 = 180 μg L-1 at 3 dah), decreased growth (95 μg L-1 at 3 dah; 548 μg L-1 at 24 dah) and affected metamorphosis progression (391 μg L-1 at 17 dah). Impairment of antioxidant system was observed, with TCS affecting catalase at the end of metamorphosis test, however, no oxidative damage on lipids was detected. Glutathione S-transferase was the most sensitive endpoint during early larval test (LOEC = 30 μg L-1). Exposure to TCS affected S. senegalensis at individual and sub-individual levels, both at early larval stage and during the critical period of metamorphosis.publishe

    Effects of ultraviolet radiation to Solea senegalensis during early development

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    Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) reaching the Earth surface is increasing and scarce information is available regarding effects of this stressor to early life stages of marine vertebrates. Therefore, this work aims to study the effects of UVR exposure during early development stages of the flatfish Solea senegalensis. Firstly, fish were exposed to UVR (six daily doses between 3.4 ± 0.08 and 8.6 ± 0.14 kJ m-2) at the following moments: gastrula stage (24 h post fertilization, hpf), 1 and 2 days after hatching (dah, 48 and 72 hpf, respectively). In a second bioassay, fish at the beginning of metamorphosis were exposed to UVR (one or two daily doses of 7.2 ± 0.39 or 11.1 ± 0.49 kJ m-2) and then maintained until the end of metamorphosis. Mortality and effects on development, growth and behaviour were evaluated at the end of both bioassays (3 dah and 18 dah, respectively). Biomarkers of neurotransmission (acetylcholinesterase, AChE), oxidative stress (catalase, CAT) and biotransformation (glutathione S-transferase, GST) were also determined at the end of the early larvae bioassay, and metamorphosis progression was evaluated during the second bioassay. UVR exposure caused distinct effects depending on life stage. Altered pigmentation, decreased growth, impaired fish behaviour and AChE and GST inhibition were observed at the earlier larval phase. Whereas, decrease in growth was the main effect observed at the metamorphosis stage. In summary, the exposure of S. senegalensis early stages to environmentally relevant UVR doses led to adverse responses at different levels of biological organization, which might lead to implications in later life stages.publishe

    Genetic Polymorphisms of the Epidermal Growth Factor and Related Receptor in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer—A Review of the Literature

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    Learning Objectives After completing this course, the reader will be able to: Describe the role played by EGF and EGFR in lung carcinogenesis.Discuss how different polymorphic alleles from the EGF and EGFR genes may affect drug response.Evaluate the value of determining the presence of EGF and EGFR polymorphisms in NSCLC patients for daily clinical practice. CME Access and take the CME test online and receive 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ at CME.TheOncologist.co

    BRSMG Predileta: nova cultivar de arroz irrigado para as várzeas mineiras.

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    A BRSMG Predileta é originária do cruzamento entre as linhagens CNAx 4267 e CNA 6080, realizado pela Embrapa Arroz e Feijão em 1988. No período de 1989/90 a 1995/96, as populações segregantes foram conduzidas utilizando-se os métodos genealógicos e massal, selecionando-se uma linhagem que foi registrada no BAG da unidade com o código de CNA 8575

    Acceptability of a very-low-energy diet in Type 2 diabetes: patient experiences and behaviour regulation.

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    AIMS: To evaluate the acceptability of an 8-week very-low-energy diet for remission of Type 2 diabetes, and to identify barriers and facilitators of adherence and behaviour-regulation strategies used by participants in the Counterbalance study. METHODS: Eighteen of 30 participants in the Counterbalance study (ISRCTN88634530) took part in semi-structured interviews. Of these, 15 participants were interviewed before and after the 8-week very-low-energy diet intervention. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the narratives. RESULTS: The prospect of diabetes remission, considerable weight loss, and long-term health improvement provided participants with substantial initial motivation. This motivation was sustained through the experience of rapid weight loss, improvements in blood glucose levels, social support and increased physical and psychological well-being. Overall, adherence to the very-low-energy diet for 8 weeks was perceived as much easier than anticipated, but required personal effort. Participants addressed challenges by removing food from the environment, planning, avoidance of tempting situations or places, and self-distraction. Weight loss and improvements in blood glucose levels lead to a sense of achievement and improvements in physical and psychological wellbeing. CONCLUSIONS: Dietary treatment for reversal of Type 2 diabetes is acceptable and feasible in motivated participants, and the process is perceived as highly gratifying. Research outside of controlled trial settings is needed to gauge the generalisability of these findings

    Behaviour change during dietary Type 2 diabetes remission: a longitudinal qualitative evaluation of an intervention using a very low energy diet.

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    AIM: To understand the process of behaviour change through the experiences of people with Type 2 diabetes engaged in an 8-month diabetes remission intervention including a 2-month weight loss phase with the use of a very low energy diet (VLED), and a 6-month, structured weight maintenance phase. METHODS: Data were collected in three semi-structured interviews at baseline, week 8 (end of the weight loss phase), and month 8 (end of the weight maintenance phase). Longitudinal inductive thematic analysis was used to analyse participants' narratives and identify change over time. RESULTS: Eleven of 18 participants completed all three interviews. The following themes of change were identified in their narratives: (1) 'Building behavioural autonomy' as a process of growing confidence to engage in health behaviours that are independent of those of other people; (2) 'Behavioural contagion' describing how one's new health behaviours tend to affect those of other people; (3) 'From rigid to flexible restraint', reflecting the changes in attitudes and behaviours required for a successful adaptation from weight loss to weight maintenance; and (4) 'Shift in identity', representing changes in the participants' perceptions of themselves. CONCLUSIONS: This longitudinal qualitative study provided new insights into how behaviour change is experienced by people with Type 2 diabetes engaged on a weight management intervention using VLED, contributing to theoretical and practical understanding of weight management behaviours. The themes identify potential areas in which individuals can be supported in achieving dietary diabetes remission and long-term maintenance of weight loss

    BRSMG Predileta: irrigated rice cultivar for lowlands in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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    The cultivar of irrigated rice BRSMG Predileta has high grain yield, resistance to the main rice diseases and produces good quality grains for industry and cooking. It was recommended in 2007 by the Genetic Improvement Program for lowland rice in Minas Gerais, developed by EPAMIG in partnership with Embrapa Arroz e Feijão