34 research outputs found

    Study on influence of two-phase filtration transformation on formation of zones of undeveloped oil reserves

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    In order to study the process of fluid filtration during flooding of an oil field, article uses Rapoport – Lis model of non-piston oil displacement by water. During plane-radial filtration in a homogeneous formation, radii of disturbance zones are determined with and without taking into account the end effect. Influence of changes in value of capillary pressure gradient on distribution of water saturation coefficient in the non-piston displacement zone for high and low permeability reservoirs is revealed. Application of an element model for a five-point injection and production well placement system showed that, using traditional flooding technology, flat-radial fluid filtration is transformed into rectilinear-parallel. At solving equation of water saturation, Barenblatt method of integral relations was used, which allows determining the transformation time. By solving the saturation equation for rectilinear-parallel filtration, change in the value of water saturation coefficient at bottomhole of production well for an unlimited and closed deposit is determined. It is shown that an increase in water cut coefficient of a production well is possible only for a closed formation. To determine coefficient of water saturation in a closed deposit, a differential equation with variable coefficients is obtained, an iterative solution method is proposed. In the element of the five-point system, oil-saturated zones not covered by development were identified. For channels of low filtration resistance, conditions for their location in horizontal and vertical planes are established. It is shown that, at maintaining formation pressure, there is an isobar line in formation, corresponding to initial formation pressure, location of which determines direction of fluid crossflow rates. Intensity of crossflows affects application efficiency of hydrodynamic, physical and chemical, thermal and other methods of enhanced oil recovery


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    The most common and harmful disease of the agricultural crop rice is a “burn” caused by the fungus Magnoporthe grisea (Hebert) Barr, the causative agent of rice blast. The important direction of modern domestic rice breeding is the development of high-yielding varieties resistant to blast. To solve the problem, it is important to search for sources and donors of resistance to the Krasnodar population of the pathogen among ecotypes of different ecological and geographical origin. Evaluation of the rice collection diversity for resistance to blast was carried out both on a natural background and on an infectious-provocative one. Immunological evaluation and phenotyping were carried out in 2015–2017 on 154 varieties of the Oryza sativa L. species from 7 ecological and geographical cultivation zones. Over the years of research, the range of variation in the intensity of the disease development in varieties was in the range from 1.1 to 77.8 %. The differences in the resistance of rice varieties to the pathogen between ecological groups and countries have been found. Most of the studied samples have shown medium resistance, there were isolated 51 resistant forms. Most often stable forms were found among the germplasm from China, Italy, the Philippines and Korea, and the unstable ones were from African countries, Japan, Primorye and Vietnam. Introduced samples resistant to the disease were identified and adapted to soil and climatic conditions and rice cultivation technologies of the Kuban, they were included in the breeding scheme for developing pathogen-resistant rice varieties with the extension of their genetic basis. The article presents data on the variation of morphological traits and the rate of development of plants of international varieties from 24 countries in the conditions of the south of Russia. The results of the comparison of germplasm of domestic and foreign varieties according to the degree of resistance to the pathogen in conditions of natural infection in the field experiment for five years are presented. As a result of the evaluation of plant resistance to the Krasnodar population of the pathogen, the effective genes for resistance to the pathogen for breeding programs of the south of Russia and the molecular genetic analysis of the rice collection variety were determined: Pi-1, Pi-z, Pi-ta, Pi-z5, Pi-9, Pi-5(t), Pi-t, Pi-19

    Моделирование разливов нефти в море для планирования мероприятий по обеспечению экологической безопасности при реализации нефтегазовых проектов. Часть 2. Особенности реализации прикладных задач

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    In the second part of the article, peculiarities of the oil spills modeling for applied problems are marked, and some examples of simulation results are submitted. As an example of a oil spill model, which able to ensure the needs of information support of applied problems, the description of model SPILLMOD is presented in the final part of the article. Also a set of parameterizations allowing to take into account the role of hydrometeorological conditions for use skimmers and booms in oil spill response operations are described.Во второй части статьи отмечены особенности постановки задачи моделировании разливов нефти для (подготовки планов ликвидации разливов нефти в море (ПЛАРН), анализа совокупной экологической выгоды при выборе стратегий реагирования на разливы (АСЭВ) и оценки воздействия на окружающую среду (ОВОС), представлены примеры результатов моделирования. В качестве примера модели нефтяного разлива, обеспечивающей потребности информационного обеспечения ПЛАРН и АСЭВ, в заключительной части статьи приведено описание модели SPILLMOD с набором параметризаций, позволяющих учитывать роль гидрометеорологических условий при использовании в операции ЛАРН скиммеров и боновых заграждени

    Effect of variable winds on current structure and Reynolds stresses in a tidal flow: analysis of experimental data in the eastern English Channel

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    Wind and wave effects on tidal current structure and turbulence throughout the water column are examined using an upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). The instrument has been deployed on the seafloor of 18-m mean depth, off the north-eastern French coast in the eastern English Channel, over 12 tidal cycles, and covered the period of the transition from mean spring to neap tide, and forcing regimes varied from calm to moderate storm conditions. During storms, we observed gusty winds with magnitudes reaching 15 m s(-1) and wave heights reaching up to 1.3 m. Analysis of velocity spectra revealed a noticeable contribution of wind-induced waves to spectral structure of velocity fluctuations within the subsurface layer. Near the surface, stormy winds and waves produced a significant intensification of velocity fluctuations, particularly when the sustained wind blew against the ebb tide flow. As during wavy periods, the variance-derived Reynolds stress estimates might include a wave-induced contamination, we applied the Variance Fit method to obtain unbiased stresses and other turbulent quantities. Over calm periods, the turbulent quantities usually decreased with height above the seabed. The stresses were found to vary regularly with the predominantly semidiurnal tidal flow. The along-shore stress being generally greater during the flood flow (similar to 2.7 Pa) than during the ebb flow (similar to -0.6 Pa). The turbulent kinetic energy production rate, P, and eddy viscosity, A(z), followed a nearly regular cycle with close to a quarter-diurnal period. As for the stresses, near the seabed, we found the maximum values of estimated quantities of P and A(z) to be 0.1 Wm(-3) and 0.5 m(2) s(-1), respectively, during the flood flow. Over the storm periods, we found the highest unbiased stress values (similar to -2.6 Pa) during ebb when tidal currents were opposite to the southwesterly winds while, during the flood, the surface stresses slightly exceeded those estimated for a calm period. A comparison of obtained results gives a good agreement with those of other researchers working on direct measurements of turbulence in tidal flows

    Genetics of the signs of rice clusters

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    From the literature, more than 1000 active rice genes are known, from which chromosomal and genetic maps are drawn. Some of them have specific localization in the gene linkage groups. Knowing the specific gene localization in the chromosome, their interaction, interrelations with other neighboring alleles, it is possible to select the parental pairs to hybridize the models of new genotypes and varieties with the necessary traits. The botanical concept of a rice cluster includes all the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the panicle. The scientific literature describes more than 20 signs that characterize a panicle. At the same time, panicle signs are divided into cluster and spikelet factors (grains). The article presents the characteristics of the parental individuals and the F1 and F3 hybrids of rice, the results of the hybridological analysis, the description of the genes and their manifestation in the hybrid combinations. We recommend using valuable genotypes in the selection of parental pairs for hybridization in the process of developing new varieties. In the genetic formulas of varieties and hybrids, each trait is represented by one symbol, as it is in the diploid state. The dominant genes are designated by uppercase (capital) symbols, the recessive one are written by lowercase letters. There have been determined the values of the dominance coefficients, which indicate the trait inheritance in F1. The most traits show the effect of dominance and overdominance, which indicates the possibility of their use in the breeding process when developing the source material and new rice varieties. There was carried out a hybridological analysis, which showed the digenic type of inheritance