34 research outputs found

    A Nemzeti Filmiroda Korhatár Bizottságának munkájáról

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    A Nemzeti Filmiroda 2004-től működő Korhatár Bizottságának tagjaiként bízunk abban, hogy a Bizottság munkájába való bepillantással, szempontrendszerünk megismertetésével és a döntési mechanizmusok hátterének feltárásával segítséget tudunk nyújtani a pedagógusoknak az iskolai munkához választható filmek körében, és abban, hogy rendet tehessenek a korhatárok körül gyakorta zajló parázs viták keltette káoszban

    A Nemzeti Filmiroda Korhatár Bizottságának munkájáról

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    A Nemzeti Filmiroda 2004-től működő Korhatár Bizottságának tagjaiként bízunk abban, hogy a Bizottság munkájába való bepillantással, szempontrendszerünk megismertetésével és a döntési mechanizmusok hátterének feltárásával segítséget tudunk nyújtani a pedagógusoknak az iskolai munkához választható filmek körében, és abban, hogy rendet tehessenek a korhatárok körül gyakorta zajló parázs viták keltette káoszban

    Laboratory Measurement of Rolling Resistance Coefficient under Different Conditions

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    The aim of our research was to design and construct a measuring device that can determine the rolling resistance coefficient (RRC) under laboratory conditions. The measuring device has a drum arrangement, and the RRC was measured on two different model surfaces. The deceleration method was used to investigate the dependence of RRC on compression force, velocity, and surface temperature on steel and rubber surfaces. The measured RRC values (0.010 – 0.025) were similar in magnitude to the values characteristic for asphalt-covered roads. By increasing the model road surface temperature up to T = 60 ◦C the RCC dropped by ∼ 13% compared to the values at T = 22 ◦

    Genome-wide analysis captures the determinants of the antibiotic cross-resistance interaction network

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    Understanding how evolution of antimicrobial resistance increases resistance to other drugs is a challenge of profound importance. By combining experimental evolution and genome sequencing of 63 laboratory-evolved lines, we charted a map of cross-resistance interactions between antibiotics in Escherichia coli, and explored the driving evolutionary principles. Here, we show that (1) convergent molecular evolution is prevalent across antibiotic treatments, (2) resistance conferring mutations simultaneously enhance sensitivity to many other drugs and (3) 27% of the accumulated mutations generate proteins with compromised activities, suggesting that antibiotic adaptation can partly be achieved without gain of novel function. By using knowledge on antibiotic properties, we examined the determinants of cross-resistance and identified chemogenomic profile similarity between antibiotics as the strongest predictor. In contrast, cross-resistance between two antibiotics is independent of whether they show synergistic effects in combination. These results have important implications on the development of novel antimicrobial strategies

    Landscape genomics of a widely distributed snake, Dolichophis caspius (Gmelin, 1789) across Eastern Europe and Western Asia

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    Across the distribution of the Caspian whipsnake (Dolichophis caspius), populations have become increasingly disconnected due to habitat alteration. To understand population dynamics and this widespread but locally endangered snake’s adaptive potential, we investigated population structure, admixture, and effective migration patterns. We took a landscape-genomic approach to identify selected genotypes associated with environmental variables relevant to D. caspius. With double-digest restriction-site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing of 53 samples resulting in 17,518 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), we identified 8 clusters within D. caspius reflecting complex evolutionary patterns of the species. Estimated Effective Migration Surfaces (EEMS) revealed higher-than-average gene flow in most of the Balkan Peninsula and lower-than-average gene flow along the middle section of the Danube River. Landscape genomic analysis identified 751 selected genotypes correlated with 7 climatic variables. Isothermality correlated with the highest number of selected genotypes (478) located in 41 genes, followed by annual range (127) and annual mean temperature (87). We conclude that environmental variables, especially the day-to-night temperature oscillation in comparison to the summer-to-winter oscillation, may have an important role in the distribution and adaptation of D. caspius