115 research outputs found

    Patent indicators for the Spanish Nanotechnology domain

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    This poster presents the indicators of a patentometric study of Spanish nanotechnology [1] that was presented in a Nanotech Event [2]. The analysis was conducted for the years 2004 to 2014 and the search strategy was based on keywords of a established query [3] and relevant patent classifications. As a patent data source the database Espacenet-Worldwide from the European Patent Office was used since a previous study from the authors showed that it provided the best data coverage for the purpose of the study [4]. More than 3400 patent records with Spanish authorship were retrieved and after an exhaustive data harmonization process a patentometric analysis was performed using the software tool Matheo Patent. For a patent/paper comparison furthermore scientific article data was retrieved from Scopus. Subsequently several indicators were generated which we grouped into the following types: Performance Indicators, Technology network indicators, Collaboration indicators and Patent value indicators.We would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for funding the framework project „Technology Watch of Spanish Nanotechnology via its patents“ (Project number: CSO2012-38801) for which this analysis was used

    Metodologías para el desarrollo de interfaces visuales de recuperación de información : análisis y comparación

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    Introduction. In recent years the volume of electronic information has grown exponentially. This phenomenon improves data exchange and communication but introduces new troubles in relation to information access and searching. Aim. This paper proposes an exhaustive review of the different models, methods and algorithms that can be used to develop Visual Interfaces for Information Retrieval. The methods are classified on the basis of the stage of the process in which they take part: data analysis and transformation, application of classification and visual distribution algorithms, and application of visual transformation techniques. Methodology. Based on the analysis, we compare the different methods that can be used in each stage of the production process. We also determine which combinations of methods and algorithms are most suitable at different stages. Results. In the first section, data analysis and transformation, we analyse content mining, structure mining and use mining. In the second section, visual classification algorithm, we shown the hierarchical, network, scattering and map representations. In the last section, visual transformation techniques, we present the distortion (Focus+Context) and non-distortion techniques. Conclusion. The results aim to become useful tools for other researchers when choosing a methodological combination for the development of specific proposals for visual interfaces for information retrieval, as well as suggest implications to be considered on the research of new visual transformation techniques

    European Patent Office (EPO) en Twitter: A content analysis

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    Twitter accounts can be a relevant (in addition to websites) source of information, particularly for studying the public profile of an institution. In this study, a content analysis of the @epoorg account was performed. The description of the EPO on social networks has never been researched thus far. Using the Tractor software, 19,565 tweets were downloaded and uploaded to the Graphext platform, which uses machine learning to perform topic analysis. Twenty main clusters were identified, which, once organized, engendered the following four main content groups: awards, training, events, and thematic. The thematic contents that the EPO addresses include industry 4.0, cancer, COVID-19, battery innovation, clean energy, climate change. The content is balanced: no country stands out.Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain) Grant Nº: RTI2018-098966-B-I00University of Granada: PP2022.PP.3

    Modelos de representación visual de la información bibliográfica : aproximaciones multivariantes y conexionistas

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    En esta tesis se realiza una completa revisión sobre la investigación en el campo de la visualización de la información. También se realiza une estudio sobre la aplicación de diversas metodológicas, tales como el Escalamiento Multidimensional (MDS) y los Mapas Auto-organizativos (SOM), para la creación de representaciones gráficas que reflejen los contenidos temáticos de las bases de datos bibliográficas. La aplicación desarrollada se basó en el catálogo de la Biblioteca Pública de Granada.Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentació

    Interfaz visual para recuperación de información basada en análisis de metadatos, escalamiento multidimensional y efecto ojo de pez

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    This paper proposes an original model of the visual information retrieval interface (VIRI), aimed at websites described by metadata. The paper also describes the development of an experimental prototype based on the proposed model. The applied methodology for the prototype's development is a combination of three methods: Metadata mining, Multidimensional scaling (MDS), and a Focus+Context technique called Fisheye. Finally, a user test is conducted, whose results suggest that the proposed model of VIRI is useful for information browsing and retrieval, and is satisfying for the end-user as well

    Telegram Channels and Bots: A Ranking of Media Outlets Based in Spain

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    Telegram, an Industry 4.0 style communication service, is one of the world’s most widespread communication platforms. The availability of channels and bots has opened as a broadcast channel for any media outlet. We asked the following questions: Do media outlets from Spain use Telegram channels? Which media outlets? Are they verified? What is their volume of subscribers? Can this information be used to rank media outlets? We identified many media channels and data were collected from each one. We present the results in a ranking. Forty-two media based in Spain have Telegram channels, 26 of which are ranked in the directory. Less than half of these channels are verified by the platform, and only three are linked to their website. This lack of verification could lead to the proliferation of fake channels. The article ends with a series of recommendations for channel managers to make it easier for the end user to identify and verify each media outlet.Spanish Government RTI2018-098966-B-I00Andalusian PAIDI program SEJ03

    Blockchain patent landscaping: An expert based methodology and search query

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    The present study is concerned with the emergence of Blockchain related technologies in terms of patenting activity. Blockchain has captured the attention of the public and research has intensified in this field over the last few years, making it a highly interesting topic of study for a patent analysis in order to obtain insight into the developments of this emerging technology. In this paper we present a unique methodology and exhaustive search strategy for identifying Blockchain patent documents by using a combination of specific keywords and patent classifications. This query was built in cooperation with subject matter experts of the European Patent Office (EPO). Our keyword set was then analysed by relevance and was prioritised. The set of specific relevant patent classifications was furthermore combined with keywords in order to exclude false positives. With our method- ology we present an exhaustive query for retrieving a highly relevant dataset of Blockchain related patents, extracted from the EPO databases that can be used for patent landscaping exercises or any other bibliometric analysis. In a case study we applied the search strategy to analyse worldwide Blockchain patenting from 2008 till 2018. The results are presented in this paper.The present article is based on a patent data study that was commissioned by the European Patent Office, Department Patent Information research, with the aim of demonstrating to readers outside the disci- plines of patent analysis and Blockchain technologies, how patent in- formation can be used to gain insight and competitive advantages about a specific technological field. Additional bibliometric analysis, for the purposes of the present article, was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities under the framework R&D project “Detection of Spanish technology for connected Industry 4.0 in Euro- pean patent offices”

    Technology watch sector studies for the business and research community of Andalusia

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    Estudios sectoriales de vigilancia tecnológica es una serie de informes publicados por la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía (Agencia IDEA) en cooperación con el grupo de investigación SCImago, entre otros. Su objetivo es proporcio- nar a la comunidad empresarial e investigadora de Andalucía informes de situación de determinados sectores temáticos, realizados mediante análisis de la información técnica y científica, tanto a nivel regional (Andalucía) como nacional e inter- nacional. Se presenta y detalla la metodología que se sigue para su elaboración, haciendo especial énfasis en la estructura del estudio y la naturaleza de la información analizada

    Caracterización temática de la investigación en Ciencia de la Información en Brasil en el período 2000-2009

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze which were the main topics of interest in the field of scientific research in Information Science during the first decade of the 21st century in Brazil (2000-2009). In order to do this, the content of scientific production published in four of the most important national journals in the field was analyzed, namely: Ciência da Informação, DataGramaZero, Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, and Transinformação. The methodology applied is based on co-occurrence analysis of keywords and the representation and interpretation of results by analyzing social networks. To provide a frame of interpretation of the results obtained, the thematic areas proposed by the Working Groups of the Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação were compared because it is an institutionalized space in which, by consensus, research on Information Science is discussed in Brazil. We conclude that the major research efforts are acquired when this field is studie

    International visibility of the Ibero-American journals of Library and Information Science

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    El grado de visibilidad internacional es un indicador importante sobre la calidad de una revista. En este estudio analizamos la citación de revistas Iberoamericanas en Bibliotecología y Documentación (ByD). Para lograr esto fue revisado el Web of Science (WOS) con el objetivo de recuperar las diferentes formas con que cada revista fue citada. Los resultados se presentan en varias gráficas.The degree of international visibility is an important indicator about the quality of a journal. In this study we analyze the citation of Ibero- American journals in Library and Information Science (LIS). To do this we minning the Web of Science (WOS) in order to retrieve the different citation forms for all journals. The results are presented in many charts