Patent indicators for the Spanish Nanotechnology domain


This poster presents the indicators of a patentometric study of Spanish nanotechnology [1] that was presented in a Nanotech Event [2]. The analysis was conducted for the years 2004 to 2014 and the search strategy was based on keywords of a established query [3] and relevant patent classifications. As a patent data source the database Espacenet-Worldwide from the European Patent Office was used since a previous study from the authors showed that it provided the best data coverage for the purpose of the study [4]. More than 3400 patent records with Spanish authorship were retrieved and after an exhaustive data harmonization process a patentometric analysis was performed using the software tool Matheo Patent. For a patent/paper comparison furthermore scientific article data was retrieved from Scopus. Subsequently several indicators were generated which we grouped into the following types: Performance Indicators, Technology network indicators, Collaboration indicators and Patent value indicators.We would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for funding the framework project „Technology Watch of Spanish Nanotechnology via its patents“ (Project number: CSO2012-38801) for which this analysis was used

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