136 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Changes in Response to a Cycle-Run Field Test of Young Male National "Talent identification" and Senior Elite Triathlon Squads.

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    This study investigated the changes in cardiorespiratory response and running performance of 9 male ?Talent Identification? (TID) and 6 male Senior Elite (SE) Spanish National Squad triathletes during a specific cycle-run test. The TID and SE triathletes (initial age 15.2±0.7 vs. 23.8±5.6 years, p=0.03; tests through the competitive period and the preparatory period, respectively, of two consecutive seasons: Test 1 was an incremental cycle test to determine the ventilatory threshold (Thvent); Test 2 (C-R) was 30 min constant load cycling at the Thvent power output followed by a 3-km time trial run; and Test 3 (R) was an isolated 3-km time trial control run, in randomized counterbalanced order. In both seasons the time required to complete the C-R 3-km run was greater than for R in TID (11:09±00:24 vs. 10:45±00:16 min:ss, pmenor que 0.01; and 10:24±00:22 vs. 10:04±00:14, p=0.006, for season 2005/06 and 2006/07, respectively) and SE (10:15±00:19 vs. 09:45±00:30, pmenor que 0.001 and 09:51±00:26 vs. 09:46±00:06, p= 0.02 for season 2005/06 and 2006/07, respectively). Compared to the first season, completion of the time trial run was faster in the second season (6.6%, pmenor que 0.01 and 6.4%, pmenor que 0.01, for C-R and R test, respectively) only in TID. Changes in post-cycling run performance were accompanied by changes in pacing strategy but only slight or non-significant changes in the cardiorespiratory response. Thus, the negative effect of cycling on performance may persist, independently of the period, over two consecutive seasons in TID and SE triathletes; however A improvements over time suggests that monitoring running pacing strategy after cycling may be a useful tool to control performance and training adaptations in TID. O2max 77.0±5.6 vs. 77.8±3.6 mL·kg-1·min-1, NS) underwent three TE D EP C

    Fast-Twitch Glycolytic Skeletal Muscle Is Predisposed to Age-Induced Impairments in Mitochondrial Function

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    The etiology of mammalian senescence is suggested to involve the progressive impairment of mitochondrial function; however, direct observations of age-induced alterations in actual respiratory chain function are lacking. Accordingly, we assessed mitochondrial function via high-resolution respirometry and mitochondrial protein expression in soleus, quadricep, and lateral gastrocnemius skeletal muscles, which represent type 1 slow-twitch oxidative muscle (soleus) and type 2 fast-twitch glycolytic muscle (quadricep and gastrocnemius), respectively, in young (10-12 weeks) and mature (74-76 weeks) mice. Electron transport through mitochondrial complexes I and III increases with age in quadricep and gastrocnemius, which is not observed in soleus. Mitochondrial coupling efficiency during respiration through complex I also deteriorates with age in gastrocnemius and shows a tendency (p = .085) to worsen in quadricep. These data demonstrate actual alterations in electron transport function that occurs with age and are dependent on skeletal muscle typ

    Resonant states in an attractive one dimensional cusp potential

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    We solve the two-component Dirac equation in the presence of a spatially one dimensional symmetric attractive cusp potential. The components of the spinor solution are expressed in terms of Whittaker functions. We compute the bound states solutions and show that, as the potential amplitude increases, the lowest energy state sinks into the Dirac sea becoming a resonance. We characterize and compute the lifetime of the resonant state with the help of the phase shift and the Breit-Wigner relation. We discuss the limit when the cusp potential reduces to a delta point interaction.Comment: 11 pages. To appear in Physica Script

    Rupture and distribution causes of carbonate chimneys in the Guadalquivir Ridge and Cadiz Channel (Sub Portugual Continental Margin)

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    A lo largo del Canal y Dorsal de Cádiz se ha observado la existencia de numerosas chimeneas carbonatadas con evidencias de rotura por flexo-tracción en su base. Este trabajo aborda el análisis de la distribución espacial y las características mecánicas de las chimeneas con el objeto de determinar la causa de la rotura. Se han considerado como posibles causas de la rotura el empuje debido a la Corriente Mediterránea de Salida que se canaliza a través del Canal de Cádiz o la inercia asociada al movimiento del terreno debido a un evento sísmico. La orientación preferente de caída de las chimeneas, así como el resultado del cálculo de la velocidad del flujo y de la aceleración del terreno necesaria para provocar la rotura en base a las características mecánicas de las mismas sugiere que su rotura pudo ser causada por un terremoto de Mw entre 5,7 a 7,0.The existence of carbonate chimneys with evidence of basal flexo-traction crack has been observed along the Cadiz Contourite Channel and Cadiz Diapiric Ridge. This research aims the study of spatial distribution and the mechanical characteristics of the chimneys for determining their rupture cause. The Mediterranean Outflow Water along the Cadiz Channel or inertia force due to ground oscillatory movement related to a seismic event could be responsible for the chimneys rupture. Considering the preferential orientation of the broken chimneys and the results obtained from estimating flow speed and ground acceleration, according to their mechanical behaviour, the occurrence of a Mw 5,7-7,0 earthquake can be suggested as the most probable cause.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEEurocore-EuromarginsCONSOLIDER-INGENIOpu

    Composición nutricional en hojas de 20 genotipos de Moringa oleifera Lam

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    Objective: Determine the nutritional composition of fresh and dehydrated leaves of 20 Moringa oleifera Lam genotypes. Design/morphology/approach: The vegetative material was obtained from three-year-old trees of 20 genotypes of Moringa oleifera, stablished in the Experimental station Rosario Izapa of INIFAP. For the proximal analysis, the standardized methods recommended by national and international standards were used. Results: The highest nutrient content was found in the dehydrated leaves, in which high average contents of crude protein were found (26.9 g/100g); calcium (2560.8 mg/100g); iron (12.5 mg/100g) and potassium (1976 mg/100g), as well as acceptable average crude fiber contents (9.5 g/ 100/g); fat (5.7 g/100g); carbohydrates (42.9 g/100g); energy value (330.4 kcal/ 100g); zinc (4.9 mg/100g); sodium (95.1 mg/100g); magnesium (408.3 mg/100g) and phosphorus (271.6 mg/100g). The highest contents of crude protein, zinc, potassium and phosphorus, iron and calcium were registered in the genotypes RIMOR10 and RIMOR 6. Limitations on the study /implications:  It is necessary to verify the nutritional content of moringa leaves in other environmental conditions different from the study area. Findings/conclusions: Dehydrated moringa leaves have a high content of crude protein, iron, calcium and potassium, as well as acceptable contents of crude fiber, fat, carbohydrates, energy value, zinc, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, higher than other foods, so that its consumption is considered a viable alternative to complement the traditional diet to reduce the problem of malnutrition in Mexico.Objetivo: Determinar la composición nutricional de hojas frescas y deshidratadas de 20 genotipos de Moringa Moringa oleifera Lam. Diseño/metodología/: El material vegetal se obtuvo de árboles de tres años de edad de 20 genotipos de Moringa oleifera, establecidos en el Campo Experimental Rosario Izapa del INIFAP. Para el análisis proximal se utilizaron los métodos estandarizados y recomendados por las normas nacionales e internacionales. Resultados: El mayor contenido de nutrientes se encontró en las hojas deshidratadas, con contenidos promedio altos de proteína cruda (26.9 g/100/g); calcio (2560.8 mg/100g); hierro (12.5 mg/100g) y potasio (1976 mg/100g), así como contenidos promedio aceptables de fibra cruda (9.5 g/100/g); grasa (5.7 g/100g); carbohidratos (42.9 g/100/g); valor energético (330.4 Kcal/100g); zinc (4.9 mg/100g); sodio (95.1 mg/100g); magnesio (408.3 mg/100g) y fósforo (271.6 mg/100g). Los mayores contenidos de proteína cruda, zinc, potasio y fósforo, hierro y calcio se registraron en los genotipos RIMOR 10 y RIMOR 6. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Se considera necesario verificar el contenido nutricional de hojas de moringa, en otras condiciones de ambiente diferentes a las del área de estudio. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Las hojas deshidratadas de moringa poseen un alto contenido de proteína cruda, hierro, calcio y potasio, así como contenidos aceptables de fibra cruda, grasa, carbohidratos, valor energético, zinc, sodio, magnesio y fósforo, superior al de otros alimentos, por lo que su consumo se considera una alternativa viable como complemento de la dieta tradicional para reducir el problema de desnutrición en México

    Submarine canyons and related features in the Alboran Sea: continental margins and major isolated reliefs

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    The analysis of a data set of multibeam bathymetry plus high resolution seismic and parametric profiles allow us to characterize the geomorphologic units on the Alboran Sea-floor as well as the evolution of morpho-sedimentary systems along the Pliocene and Quaternary, later than the main erosive Messinian event. Since the opening of the Gibraltar Straits, the sedimentary evolution of this basin has been controlled by the interchange of water masses between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Basin physiography is also a consequence of the Pliocene-Quaternary compression which has progressively uplifted the sourrounding reliefs and deforms the interior and the margins of the basin. On this scenario, several submarine canyons and gullies have been developed in this basin which traverse especially the northern margin and the flanks of the Northern Alboran Ridge, without affecting the African margins. This fact must be related to the action of bottom contour currents which constitute the main morpho-sedimentary process. The influence of water masses distributed the sedimentary input carried by rivers and coming from the erosion of surrounding ranges. In the southern margin of this basin this influence is stronger and inhibits the development of transversal submarine canyons

    Caracterización morfoagronómica de coyol (Acrocomia aculeata Jacq.) para determinar su potencial productivo de aceite para biodiesel

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    Objective: To characterize morphologically natural populations of Acrocomia aculeata to determine the potential production of oil for biodiesel. Design/morphology/approach: Eight natural populations of the species were selected in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. As descriptors 25 quantitative and qualitative characters were selected. The analysis of the main components and hierarchical conglomerates was performed with the PRINCOMP and PROC CLUSTER procedures of SAS, respectively. The dendrogram of groups of populations with morphological similarities was generated. Results: The first three main components explain 69.4% of the total morphological variation. CP1 explained 29.6% of the total variation with the characters stem diameter, mesocarp thickness, seed length, seed width, seed length-width ratio, seed thickness and seed weight. CP2 explained 26.1% of the variation, with the characters fruit width, fruit length, mesocarp color, and oil content in the mesocarp. CP3 explained 13.7% of the variation with the length of the rachis, epicarp color and endocarp color. The eight populations were integrated into five morphologically distinct groups. Limitations on the study/implications: It is necessary to expand the number of populations for greater precision on the diversity of the species in Mexico. Findings/conclusions: A wide genetic diversity of A. culeata was found. The variables that mostly explain this diversity correspond to the fruit and seed. The species represents a viable alternative for obtaining inputs for the production of biodiesel in Mexico.Objetivo: Caracterizar morfológicamente poblaciones naturales de Acrocomia aculeata para determinar su potencial para la producción de aceite para biodiesel. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se seleccionaron ocho poblaciones naturales de la especie en los estados de Chiapas y Oaxaca. Como descriptores se seleccionaron 25 caracteres cuantitativos y cualitativos. El análisis de componentes principales y conglomerados jerárquico se realizó con los procedimientos PRINCOMP y PROC CLUSTER de SAS, respectivamente. Se generó el dendograma de grupos de poblaciones con similitudes morfológicas. Resultados: Los tres primeros componentes principales explican el 69.4% de la variación morfológica total. El CP1 explicó el 29.6% de la variación total con los caracteres diámetro del tallo, grosor del mesocarpio, longitud de semilla, ancho de semilla, relación longitud-ancho de semilla, grosor de la semilla y peso de semilla. El CP2 explicó el 26.1% de la variación, con los caracteres ancho del fruto, largo del fruto, color del mesocarpio y contenido de aceite en el mesocarpio. El CP3 explicó el 13.7% de la variación con los caracteres longitud de raquis, color de epicarpio y color de endocarpio. Las ocho poblaciones se integraron en cinco grupos morfológicamente distintos. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Es necesario ampliar el número de poblaciones para una mayor precisión sobre la diversidad de la especie en México. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Se encontró una amplia diversidad genética en A. aculeata. Las variables que mayormente explican dicha diversidad corresponden al fruto y semilla. La especie representa una opción viable para la obtención de aceite para la producción de biodiesel en México