11 research outputs found
3D printer enclosure
Tato bakalářská práce se skládá ze čtyř hlavních částí. První část se zabývá metodami 3D tisku, a především metodou FDM, pro kterou je následně navrhován box. V druhé části jsou zmíněny vhodné podmínky 3D tisku, které jsou ovlivnitelné úpravami 3D tiskárny. Část třetí popisuje negativní vnější vlivy ovlivňující kvalitu a průběh tisku a následné odstranění těchto vlivů. Čtvrtá, hlavní část, se věnuje návrhu boxu pro 3D tiskárnu Průša i3 MK3s, který zamezí působení vnějších vlivů a umožní kvalitu tisku vylepšit. Box je navrhován s ohledem na optimalizaci tiskových podmínek, skladování filamentu v ideálním prostředí a správnou funkci multimateriálového doplňku MMU2/S.This bachelor thesis consists of four main parts. The first part deals with 3D printing methods, and especially the FDM method, for which a box is subsequently designed. The second part mentions suitable 3D printing conditions, which can be influenced by 3D printer modifications. The third part describes the negative external influences affecting the quality and course of printing and the subsequent elimination of these influences. The fourth, main part, deals with designing an enclosure for the 3D printer Prusa i3 MK3s, which will prevent the effects of external influences and improve the print quality. The enclosure is designed to ensure optimal printing conditions, an ideal environment for the filament, and the correct function of multi-material upgrade MMU2/S.
Steam turbine load optimalization.
Import 04/07/2011Ve své bakalářské práci se zabývám návrhem parametrů parní turbíny, tak aby její provoz byl co možná nejefektivnější v závislosti na množství vyrobené elektrické energie.
Jako příklad z praxe jsou zde uvedeny návrhy na optimalizaci parní turbíny realizované při rekonstrukci a uvádění do provozu nového kotle a turbogenerátoru v Teplárně Olomouc. Na problematiku optimalizace turbíny je pohlíženo, jak čistě z technického hlediska, tak z hlediska ekonomiky podniku.
S odstupem času po provedené rekonstrukci Teplárny Olomouc hodnotím, zda-li byla tato modernizace zařízení pro podnik přínosem.In his thesis I’m occuping by projecting parameters of a steam turbine, so that its operation was as effective as possible, depending on the amount of electricity produced.
As an example of practical suggestions are given to optimize steam turbines made in the reconstruction and putting into service a new boiler, turbine generator in Teplárna Olomouc. The question of optimizing the turbine is viewed as a purely technical standpoint, in terms of business economics.
With hindsight, after the reconstruction Teplárna Olomouc I will be treated as an advantage or disadvantage for this company.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvýborn
Optimization of operating cooling ciurcit in Teplárna Karviná
Import 26/06/2013Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem řešení pro optimalizaci provozu chladicího okruhu na reálném bloku Teplárny Karviná. Obsahuje teoretický rozbor chladicího okruhu, jeho jednotlivých částí a vliv na účinnost skutečného tepelného okruhu. Součástí práce je metodika určení důležitých veličin pro vyhodnocování účinnosti komponent chladicího okruhu, jakými je výpočet skutečného tlaku páry v kondenzátoru, nebo teploty vlhkého teploměru. Po znalosti těchto veličin je možné provést podrobnou diagnostiku chladicího okruhu a jeho vlivu na tepelnou účinnost skutečného cyklu.
Definováním nedostatků současného provozu je možné navrhnout způsoby jejich eliminace. Řešením je pak výběr měniče frekvence a čerpadla pro regulaci průtoku chladicí vody. Závěrem je regulace otáček srovnána se škrcením regulační armaturou a vypočtena návratnost investic.This thesis deals with design solutions for optimizing the operation cooling circuit on real block Teplárna Karviná. It contains a theoretical analysis of the cooling circuit of the parts that affect the efficiency of actual heat circuit. The thesis includes a the methodology of the identification of important parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of cooling circuit components, such as the calculation of the actual vapor pressure in the condenser or wet bulb temperature. After knowledge of these factors can make a detailed diagnosis of the cooling circuit and its effect on the thermal efficiency of a real cycle.
By defining the shortcomings of the current operation can propose ways of their elimination. The solution is then the choice of frequency converters and pumps to control the flow of cooling water. Finally, speed control is compared with the throttle control valve and calculated return on investment.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvýborn
Design of a 3D print head for mixing additives into cement mixtures
The subject of the thesis is the design of a 3D printing head for cement-composite mixtures (concretes). The device enables the addition of the basic component of the mixture by using a liquid solidification accelerator, followed by active homogenization of the mixture and dosing at the printing site. 3D printing of cementitious mixtures often leads to a loss of buckling stability of the printout. Therefore, it is necessary for the printed material to contain additives that accelerate the solidification of the mixture. However, these additives can cause clogging of the hoses when the mixture is pumped into the print head due to premature solidification. Hence, a more suitable solution is to mix these additives in the print head itself. The objective was to develop a 3D print head that allows for homogeneous mixing of the additives in the mixture, thereby eliminating complications associated with pumping. A working prototype of the print head was designed, which consists of a mixing and extrusion chamber. The mixing efficiency of this prototype was verified through numerical simulations using Particleworks. Subsequently, the prototype underwent a mixture experiment without a solidification accelerator to investigate pumpability through the printhead. Based on the numerical simulations, it was determined that the proposed prototype provides sufficient homogeneity of the solidification accelerator with the cement mixture, which should resolve the issues associated with pumping the accelerated mixture. By having a separate mixing chamber, the mixing efficiency can be controlled by adjusting the speed of the motor that drives the mixing shaft. The print head was designed to allow extrusion to be interrupted during print head passes. This was achieved by extruding the mixture into the open space of the chamber using a screw feeder. Therefore, based on the conducted experiments and numerical simulations, it can be concluded that the developed print head has the potential to enhance the quality of 3D printing of cement mixtures and eliminate the problems associated with pumping
Perspectives on Microalgal Biofilm Systems with Respect to Integration into Wastewater Treatment Technologies and Phosphorus Scarcity
Phosphorus is one of the non-renewable natural resources. High concentration of phosphorus in surface water leads to undesirable eutrophication of the water ecosystem. It is therefore necessary to develop new technologies not only for capturing phosphorus from wastewater but also for phosphorus recovery. The aim of the study was to propose three different integration scenarios for a microalgal biofilm system for phosphorus removal in medium and small wastewater treatment plants, including a comparison of area requirements, a crucial factor in practical application of microalgal biofilm systems. The area requirements of a microalgal biofilm system range from 2.3 to 3.2 m2 per person equivalent. The total phosphorus uptake seems to be feasible for construction and integration of microalgal biofilm systems into small wastewater treatment plants. Application of a microalgal biofilm for phosphorus recovery can be considered one of the more promising technologies related to capturing CO2 and releasing of O2 into the atmosphere