398 research outputs found

    Fiscal effects in hydroelectric settlements: the cases of the Rivers Negro and Nare Basins in Colombia

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    Con la presencia de asentamientos hidroeléctricos en su territorio, los municipios del oriente y nordeste antioqueño han visto afectada su estructura tributaria y territorial, a pesar de la reglamentación compen­satoria del sector eléctrico. Este artículo, analiza los efectos tributarios generados por la compensación del impuesto predial. Para lograrlo se revisan los montos recibidos por los municipios de las empresas generadoras y se realiza una indagación empírica del impuesto bajo los escenarios con y sin asenta­mientos hidroeléctricos. De esta forma se determina el diferencial tributario. Se concluye que, además de la insuficiencia de las transferencias para compensar la pérdida del capital natural de las cuencas hidroeléctricas, la expansión del sector eléctrico genera regresividad tributaria, por causa de privilegios y exenciones concebidos por las Leyes.With the presence of hydroelectric settlements in their territory, the municipalities of the eastern and northeastern regions of Antioquia have seen their fiscal and territorial structure affected despite the regulatory compensation established for the electric sector. This article analyses the taxation effects gener­ated by the compensation of property taxes. To do so, different sums received by different municipalities from generating companies are analyzed and an empiric tax analysis is done for both types of territories (with and without hydroelectric settlements). This is how the taxation differential is determined. It is also concluded that, besides the influence of transfers for compensating the loss of the natural capital of the hydroelectric basins, the expansion of the electric sector generates taxation digressivety due to the privileges and exemptions conceived by the la

    Los efectos de la migración internacional en las condiciones de vida de los hogares Colombianos

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    Con base en trabajos previos, que tratan la migración como una herramienta de desarrollo, se evaluó el efecto de la migración en las condiciones de vida al modelar el impacto de tener un miembro del hogar emigrante en el Índice de Condiciones de Vida. Como es usual en la literatura relacionada con migración, se trata a la naturaleza endógena de la migración con un enfoque de variables instrumentales. Se encuentra que los hogares con miembros que viven en el exterior tienden a tener índices más altos. Similarmente, la presencia de miembros emigrantes aumenta la probabilidad de pertenecer a la mitad de hogares con mejores condiciones de vida.Based on previous works, treating migration as a development tool, we assess the effect of migration on living standards by modeling the impact of having an emigrant household member on the Living Standards Index. As usual in migration related literature, we treat endogenous nature of migration by using an instrumental variables approach. We find that households with members living abroad are more likely to have a higher index. Likewise, the presence of emigrant members increases the probability of being in the half of households with better living standards

    Diseño y desarrollo de una herramienta de simulación en Python para la composición de aplicaciones distribuidas de tiempo real basadas en servicios

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    En este proyecto n de carrera se aborda la composición de aplicaciones distribuidas de tiempo real basadas en servicios. Para ello, se han implementado en lenguaje de programación Python dos algoritmos de composición, uno exhaustivo y otro heurístico, para poder evaluar su comportamiento en un sistema distribuido de tiempo real. Estos algoritmos se han probado para aplicaciones sencillas, con pocas funcionalidades en serie, así como aplicaciones más complejas en las que determinadas funcionalidades tengan que esperar a otras para poder ejecutarse. Las aplicaciones, para ser compuestas, han de pasar una serie de condiciones y ser plani cables en el sistema. Para comprobar la plani cabilidad en el sistema se puede usar un algoritmo de plani cación exacto (con tiempo de convergencia no acotado) o uno que calcule cotas al tiempo de respuesta (que da condiciones su cientes pero no necesarias en la plani cabilidad). En concreto se ha elegido evaluar el comportamiento del algoritmo heurístico con ambos algoritmos, así como la mejora que supone la introducción de un control de acceso basado en cotas al tiempo de respuesta. En cuanto al lenguaje de programación, se elige Python ya que es un lenguaje orientado a objetos y que soporta diferentes plataformas, además de ser de fácil desarrollo y de tipado dinámico.This nal project dissertation deals with the composition of real-time distributed applications based on services. On this purpose, two composition algorithms have been introduced in Python programming language, one exhaustive and the other one heuristic. It has been done in order to be able to evaluate its behaviour in a system distributed in real time. These algorithms have been tried in simple applications, with few functionalities in series, as well as in more complex applications in which these functionalities need to wait for other ones to be carried out. The applications shall go through a series of di erent conditions and be predictable in order to be compound. Either an exact schedulability algorithm (with not bounded convergence time) or another able to calculate the response time level (what gives us enough conditions but not necessary for the predictability) could be use to verify the system predictability. To be more speci c, it has been decided to evaluate the heuristic algorithm's behaviour with both schedulability algorithms, as well as the improvement what means the introduction of an access control system based on the bounded response-times. Regarding the programming language, Python has been selected not only because it supports multiple programming paradigms, including object oriented programming, and it is supported on di erent platforms but also because it uses dynamic typing, and application development is easy and fast.Ingeniería Técnica en Sonido e Image

    Los efectos de la migración internacional en las condiciones de vida de los hogares colombianos

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    Con base en trabajos previos, que tratan la migración como una herramienta de desarrollo, se evaluó el efecto de la migración en las condiciones de vida al modelar el impacto de tener un miembro del hogar emigrante en el Índice de Condiciones de Vida. Como es usual en la literatura relacionada con migración, se trata a la naturaleza endógena de la migración con un enfoque de variables instrumentales. Se encuentra que los hogares con miembros que viven en el exterior tienden a tener índices más altos. Similarmente, la presencia de miembros emigrantes aumenta la probabilidad de pertenecer a la mitad de hogares con mejores condiciones de vida.Migración, remesas, desarrollo, condiciones de vida

    Cry1F resistance among lepidopteran pests: A model for improved resistance management?

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    The Cry1Fa protein from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is known for its potential to control lepidopteran pests, especially through transgenic expression in maize and cotton. The maize event TC1507 expressing the cry1Fa toxin gene became commercially available in the United States in 2003 for the management of key lepidopteran pests including the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, and the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. A high-dose/refuge strategy has been widely adopted to delay evolution of resistance to event TC1507 and other transgenic Bt crops. Efficacy of this strategy depends on the crops expressing a high dose of the Bt toxin to targeted pests and adjacent refuges of non-Bt host plants serving as a source of abundant susceptible insects. While this strategy has proved effective in delaying O. nubilalis resistance, field-evolved resistance to event TC1507 has been reported in S. frugiperda populations in Puerto Rico, Brazil, and the southeastern United States. This paper examines available information on resistance to Cry1Fa in O. nubilalis and S. frugiperda and discusses how this information identifies opportunities to refine resistance management recommendations for Bt maize

    Reproductive inequalities in the acanthocephalan Corynosoma cetaceum: looking beyond "crowding" effects

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    Background: At present, much research effort has been devoted to investigate overall (average) responses of parasite populations to specific factors, e.g., density-dependence in fecundity or mortality. However, studies on parasite populations usually pay little attention to individual variation (inequality) in reproductive success. A previous study on the acanthocephalan Corynosoma cetaceum in franciscana dolphins, Pontoporia blainvillei, revealed no overall intensity-dependent, or microhabitat effects, on mass and fecundity of worms. In this study, we investigated whether the same factors could influence mass inequalities for this species of acanthocephalan.Methods: A total of 10,138 specimens of C. cetaceum were collected from 10 franciscana dolphins accidentally caught in Buenos Aires Province between 1988-1990. To investigate mass inequalities, all the specimens were sexed, and females were classified according to their developmental stage and weighted. Additionally, the relationship between biomass and fecundity (estimated as the number of acanthors) was investigated for some females. Inequalities in fecundity and biomass were assessed using standard methods, i.e. the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient (G).Results: We found a modest, but highly significant linear relationship between mass and fecundity. The G was very low (0.314) compared with that from other helminth species. G values were significantly lower in gravid females, which presumably exhibit a slow rate of growth. Also, G values significantly increased with total intensity, but only for gravid females, and the effect was more predictable considering only the number of gravid females.Conclusions: Apparently, competition between reproducing females increases inequality without producing crowding effects. Although the mechanism whereby this occurs is unclear, gravid females, at higher intensities, expanded their distribution and occupied gut chambers with contrasting environmental conditions, which might result in greater variability in body size. The observed inequalities are not expected to strongly influence the population genetics of C. cetaceum, but they reveal subtle individual effects beyond an overall population impact.Fil: Aznar Avendaño, Francisco Javier. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Hernández Orts, Jesús Servando. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Transferencia Tecnológica en Recursos Marinos "Almirante Storni". - Provincia de Río Negro. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca. Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Transferencia Tecnológica en Recursos Marinos "Almirante Storni". Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Transferencia Tecnológica en Recursos Marinos "Almirante Storni"; ArgentinaFil: Vélez Rubio, Gabriela Manuela. Universidad de Valencia; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Fernández, Luis M.. Ceiba Foundation for Tropical Conservation; Estados UnidosFil: Muriel, Nadia T.. No especifíca;Fil: Raga, Juan Antonio. Universidad de Valencia; Españ

    Cry1F resistance among lepidopteran pests: A model for improved resistance management?

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    The Cry1Fa protein from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is known for its potential to control lepidopteran pests, especially through transgenic expression in maize and cotton. The maize event TC1507 expressing the cry1Fa toxin gene became commercially available in the United States in 2003 for the management of key lepidopteran pests including the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, and the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. A high-dose/refuge strategy has been widely adopted to delay evolution of resistance to event TC1507 and other transgenic Bt crops. Efficacy of this strategy depends on the crops expressing a high dose of the Bt toxin to targeted pests and adjacent refuges of non-Bt host plants serving as a source of abundant susceptible insects. While this strategy has proved effective in delaying O. nubilalis resistance, field-evolved resistance to event TC1507 has been reported in S. frugiperda populations in Puerto Rico, Brazil, and the southeastern United States. This paper examines available information on resistance to Cry1Fa in O. nubilalis and S. frugiperda and discusses how this information identifies opportunities to refine resistance management recommendations for Bt maize


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    With the presence of hydroelectric settlements in their territory, the municipalities of the eastern and northeastern regions of Antioquia have seen their fiscal and territorial structure affected despite the regulatory compensation established for the electric sector. This article analyses the taxation effects gener­ated by the compensation of property taxes. To do so, different sums received by different municipalities from generating companies are analyzed and an empiric tax analysis is done for both types of territories (with and without hydroelectric settlements). This is how the taxation differential is determined. It is also concluded that, besides the influence of transfers for compensating the loss of the natural capital of the hydroelectric basins, the expansion of the electric sector generates taxation digressivety due to the privileges and exemptions conceived by the lawCon la presencia de asentamientos hidroeléctricos en su territorio, los municipios del oriente y nordeste antioqueño han visto afectada su estructura tributaria y territorial, a pesar de la reglamentación compen­satoria del sector eléctrico. Este artículo, analiza los efectos tributarios generados por la compensación del impuesto predial. Para lograrlo se revisan los montos recibidos por los municipios de las empresas generadoras y se realiza una indagación empírica del impuesto bajo los escenarios con y sin asenta­mientos hidroeléctricos. De esta forma se determina el diferencial tributario. Se concluye que, además de la insuficiencia de las transferencias para compensar la pérdida del capital natural de las cuencas hidroeléctricas, la expansión del sector eléctrico genera regresividad tributaria, por causa de privilegios y exenciones concebidos por las Leyes.Com a presença de assentamentos hidroelétricos no seu território, os municípios do oriente e nordeste antioquenho hão visto afetada sua estrutura tributária e territorial, a pesar da regulamentação com­pensatória do sector eléctrico. Este artículo, analisa os efeitos tributários gerados pela compensação do imposto predial. Para conseguir se revisam os montantes recebidos pelos municípios das empresas geradoras e se realiza uma indagação empírica do imposto sob os cenários com e sem assentamentos hidroelétricos. Desta forma se determina o diferencial tributário. Se conclui que, ademais da insuficiência das transferências para compensar a perda do capital natural das bacias hidroelétricas, a expansão do setor eléctrico gera regressividade tributária, por causa de privilégios e isenção concebidos pelas Lei