6 research outputs found

    Itsenäisen elämisen aakkoset : Ryhmäohjaustuokiot Klubitalo Roihulan jäsenille

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    Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö on vaihtoehto tutkimukselliselle opinnäytetyölle. Siinä yhdistyy käytännön toteutus ja sen raportointi tutkimusviestinnän keinoin. Itsenäisen elämisen aakkoset on toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö, jonka tavoitteena oli kehittää kuntouttavaa ryhmäohjausmallia mielenterveyskuntoutujille. Tarkoituksena oli järjestää kuntoutujille ohjaustuokiot, jotka tukivat kyseisten henkilöiden toimintakykyä ja itsenäisempää arkea. Mielenterveyden häiriö heikentää toimintakykyä, joka vaikuttaa useaan elämän alueeseen, kuten selviytymiseen arjessa. Kuntoutumisen tavoitteena on lisätä toimintakykyä, vähentää syrjäytymisen riskiä ja tukea selviytymistä yhteiskunnassa. Arkielämän taitojen harjoittelu on keskeisessä osassa mielenterveyskuntoutumisessa. Pidin ohjaustuokiot pienelle ryhmälle, joka muodostui kolmesta Klubitalo Roihulan jäsenestä. Klubitalo Roihula on matalan kynnyksen palvelu, jossa saa arkeen, opiskeluun tai työllistymiseen tukea mielenterveydellisten, vamman tai sairauden vuoksi. Osallistuminen ryhmään oli täysin vapaaehtoista. Ryhmäohjauksissa käsittelimme itsenäiseen elämiseen kuuluvia asioita, jotka ovat voineet unohtua tai joista henkilöt eivät edes olleet tietoisia. Suunnittelutapaamisessa oli mukana useampia henkilöitä, joiden kanssa suunnittelimme ohjaustuokioiden teemat. Ohjaustuokioiden teemat olivat: asuminen, ruoka, liikunta, uni sekä rentoutuminen. Teemoja käsiteltiin pienryhmässä keskustellen ja toiminnallisesti. Tapaamisilla mm. askartelimme, kävimme yhdessä ulkoilemassa ja harjoittelimme rentoutumista. Keräsin palautteen viimeisellä eli kuudennella tapaamiskerralla. Saamani palautteen mukaan ryhmäohjausmalli mielenterveyskuntoutuksessa oli tervetullutta ja osallistujien mukaan tarpeellista. Etenkin toiminnan ja teorian soveltamisesta suoraan käytäntöön pidettiin. Osallistujien kehittämistoiveena oli, että ryhmä olisi suurempi. Useammilla ohjaustapaamisilla ja yhteistyöllä eri tahojen kanssa ryhmäohjausta voitaisiin kehittää vielä hyödyllisemmäksi osallistujille.This is a functional thesis to develop a group rehabilitation model for the mental health rehabilitation patients in a low threshold clubhouse for mental rehabilitees. The purpose of this study was to arrange guidance sessions for the rehabilitation clients to foster their functional capacity and independent coping. Disorders of mental health can weaken a person’s ability to function and affect several areas of life, such as managing in daily living. The objective of rehabilitation is to increase functional capacity, reduce the risk of exclusion and support coping in the society. Practicing the skills of the everyday life has a central part in mental health rehabilitation. Guidance sessions were conducted to a small group of three members of the Clubhouse Roihula. Clubhouse Roihula is a low threshold facility in which one can get support for a work, study or employment. It is meant for persons with mental disorders, injury or illness. The group sessions dealt with matters of independent living that had been forgotten or which the persons were not aware of. In the planning meeting there were more persons with whom the themes of guidance were planned. The themes of guidance included living, food, exercise, sleep and relaxation. The themes were dealt within the small group by discussing and through activities. In the meetings handicrafts, outdoor exercises and relaxation were practiced. Feedback from the members was collected in the last meeting. According to the feedback the group guidance in mental health rehabilitation was welcome and the participants found adapting the theory to the practice necessary. The participants' development wish was that the group would be bigger. More guidance meetings and cooperation with the other parties could be used to develop the group activities to become more useful. Key words: ability to function, functional capacity, guidance, group rehabilitation, mental health, mental health rehabilitatio

    Sedimentation Patterns of Multiple Finnish Lakes Reveal the Main Environmental Stressors and the Role of Peat Extraction in Lake Sedimentation

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    Human land-use activities, especially in the peatlands, are under consideration as the mitigation and lowering of CO2 emissions from land-use practices is needed to address climate change. In Finland, approximately one third of the land surface is covered by peatlands, and around 50% of peatlands are ditched for forestry. Another 3% of peatlands are used for agriculture and approximately 1% for peat extraction. The effects of these different land-use practices, including changes in sediment depositional rates and sediment quality, need to be identified. This study analyzed 51 lakes that were subdivided into two groups: (1) a group of impacted lakes in which peat was recently extracted from the catchments and (2) a reference group consisting of lakes where peat had not been extracted from the basin, but in which other land-use activities had occurred. The overall aim of the study was to investigate if peat extraction caused excessive delivery and deposition of dry and organic matter in lakes that are located in their immediate downstream catchment areas. Differences in sediment accumulation were defined by comparing the overall sediment thickness and recent (post 1986) sedimentation levels to identify if there were differences in the sediment chemical composition or rate of organic matter deposition between groups and to identify possible land-use stressors that could explain the possible differences in sediment chemical assemblages or sedimentation rates. The results show moderate (cm scale) sedimentation rates in both impacted and reference lakes after 1986, while sediment chemical assemblages indicated the erosion and input of mineral soils to all of the studied lakes, rather than the input of organic materials. No statistically significant correlations were observed between selected environmental variables and the recent accumulation rates of carbon and dry matter. Moreover, significant changes in the stressors potentially affecting the chemical assemblages of pre- and post-disturbance sediments were not observed

    Testate amoebae as a potential tracer of organic matter dislodged from peat extraction areas

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    In the boreal zone, surface waters mostly receive external organic matter (OM) from surrounding peatlands. The lake’s biological communities may respond to changes in OM inputs caused by anthropogenic activities in the catchment. Testate amoebae (TA) possess an outer shell that preserves well in lake sediments and are commonly used in paleo-environmental studies. Additionally, they fall into the size range of particles transported from peatlands to lakes, making them potential particle tracers. Here, we compared TA communities of current and pre-peat extraction sediments from lakes receiving OM only from peat extraction areas (impact lakes) with lakes receiving OM from peatlands under other uses (control lakes). We found no differences between control and impact lakes, neither between current and pre-peat extraction. In conclusion, there is either no significant increase in the amount of organic matter discharge from peatland areas, or dislodged testate amoeba are retained in areas upstream of the lakes.peerReviewe