917 research outputs found

    Efectivitat d’un programa de seguiment estructurat a pacients amb MPOC fet per infermeres d’Atenció Primària a Barcelona ciutat

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    Màster en Lideratge i Gestió d'Infermeria, Universitat de Barcelona. Escola Universitària d'Infermeria, curs: 2012-2013, Director: Montserrat Roca RogerIntroducció: Calen noves estratègies per gestionar la cronicitat. La MPOC, important per prevalença i consum de recursos, es segueix de manera reactiva i discontinua. Comprovarem si l’atenció infermera proactiva i estructurada millora els resultats de salut i la qualitat de vida. Objectiu: Avaluar l’efectivitat del seguiment infermer estructurat als pacients amb MPOC (40-79 anys) de quatre centres de primària de Barcelona Metodologia: Disseny. Assaig clínic controlat multi cèntric. Mostreig estratificat, assignació aleatòria proporcional per centres. Intervenció. Sis/vuit visites segons complexitat, alternant presencials i telefòniques. Contingut: Control de variables clíniques. Dieta, exercici, consell antitabac, vacunes. Signes d’alarma. Compliment de visites. Inhaladors. Adherència a la medicació. Comparació de resultats: Aguditzacions. Visites urgents. Ingressos. Estada mitjana. Reingressos. Visites al metge i a la infermera. Qualitat de vida, qüestionari SGRQ. Recollida de dades. Estació clínica eCAP. Registres hospitals. Qüestionari. Variables. Sociodemogràfiques. Independents, les del programa de seguiment. Dependents, resultats. Anàlisi de dades. SPSS 21. Anàlisi descriptiva. Comprovació comparabilitat dels grups. t Student, ANOVA, coeficient de Pearson i regressió múltiple

    Protección de datos médicos e Internet

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    This report presents a discussion of the adventages electronic clinical data gives, not only to the medical staff (helping them to get more accurate data about their patients) but also to the patient (receiving a better medical care). Then we present a study of the current spanish and european laws that rule about protection of medical data. Finally we present the characteristics a distributed information system managing and storing medical data should have, and the security measures to be taken if such a system is connected to a public network such as Internet.Postprint (published version

    UCTx: a multi-agent system to assist a transplant coordination unit

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    We present a system called UCTx, designed to model and automate some of the tasks performed by a Transplant Coordination Unit (UCTx) inside a Hospital. The aim of this work is to show how a multi-agent approach allows us to describe and implement the model, and how UCTx is capable of dealing with another multi-agent (Carrel, an Agent Mediated Institution for the exchange of Human Tissues among Hospitals for Transplantation) in order to meet its own goals, acting as the representative of the hospital in the negotiation. As an example we introduce the use of this Agency in the case of Cornea Transplantation.Postprint (published version

    Extending the Carrel system to mediate in the organ and tissue allocation processes: a first approach

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    In this paper we extend the formalization of Carrel, a virtual organization for the procurement of tissues for transplantation purposes, in order to model also the procurement of human organs for transplants. We will focus in the organ allocation process to show how it can be formalized with the ISLANDER formalism. Also we present a first mechanism to federate the institution in several geographically-distributed platforms.Postprint (published version

    May the Smoke Keep Coming Out the Fireplace: Moral Connections between Rural Tourism and Socio-Ecological Resilience in the EUME Region, Galicia

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    [Abstract] For several decades, tourism has been considered an important instrument for the sustainable development of rural areas. However, a great deal of scholarship has cast a doubt on the actual economic and ecological impacts of many of these initiatives. Acknowledging these critiques, we argue in this paper that a more accurate examination of the implication of rural development projects based on tourism should not merely look at the number of overnight stays or the income generated, but also at the multiple, subtle and complex implications of tourism for socio-ecological resilience. In order to do this, we argue, it is crucial to pay attention to the moral values underpinning tourism practices. Through an ethnographic analysis of the material, symbolic and experiential transformations brought about by a number of tourism initiatives in a rural region in Galicia, our goal is to discuss the complex connections between the promotion of this new activity, the diversification of the local economy, and the social reproduction of local communities and their specific forms of human-environment engagements.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; CSO2017-84893-

    A computational fluid dynamics investigation of turbulent swirling burners

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    This thesis presents detailed numerical calculations of the Unsteady, Reynolds- Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations to simulate isothermal, single-phase flow in the geometries of realistic swirl burners at large Reynolds numbers. Simulations are run with two different turbulence closures, viz., the standard k-epsilon and Reynolds stresses (RSM) models. The numerical method is validated concerning convergence, grid density and far-field influence. Results describe a flow that is in any case periodic or pseudo-periodic, and exhibits quite convincing time-dependent features: bubble- and spiral-type vortex breakdowns and vortex core precession. Some simulations are validated by comparison with corresponding experiments. Good agreement with the experiments has been obtained for mean flow, and frequency peaks of the power spectral density of pressure fluctuations. In order to asses the reliability of URANS methods within this context, calculated time-averaged flow and coherent structures are documented via 2D graphs, spectral analysis, 3D isosurfaces and advanced, vortex-related visualization methods and 2D snapshot proper orthogonal decomposition (S-POD). Differences arising from the nature of the turbulence model (k-epsilon vs. RSM) are very relevant indeed, given the cost factor involved and the apparent verisimilitude of the predicted flow; they are thoroughly analyzed

    La co-producción de la naturaleza urbana: resultados del I Taller de Naturalezas Híbridas

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    [Resumen] El “I Taller de Naturalezas Híbridas” tuvo como objetivo explorar nuevas formas de aprendizaje activo, interdisciplinar y colaborativo en el estudio de temas complejos para el alumnado. En esta edición nos centramos en las “naturalezas urbanas” como concepto y campo de estudio a partir del que problematizar los límites y fronteras de conocimiento dentro de la sociología. Integrando interdisciplinarmente las Ciencias Sociales, las Ciencias Medioambientales, la Arquitectura y las Ciencias de la Comunicación, las estudiantes pudieron analizar la relación entre naturaleza, sociedad y ciudad a través de espacios urbanos liminales y periféricos, donde lo natural, lo social y lo urbano se encuentran entrelazados e “hibridados”. Para ello organizamos una jornada de debate-ruta-debate que tuvo como destino varios espacios “híbridos” de A Coruña. El alumnado pudo reflexionar, desde el terreno, sobre espacios donde se plasman representaciones que superan la división entre lo urbano y lo natural como dominios separados. Esto incluía parques y espacios ubicados en intersticios urbanos y que son hogar de ontologías híbridas que ponen en entredicho esa separación entre lo urbano, lo natural y lo social. Se logró con ello un aprendizaje más rico, diverso y complejo, lo que nos anima a repetir la experiencia en cursos venideros.[Abstract] The “1st Workshop on Hybrid Natures” aimed to explore new forms of active, interdisciplinary and collaborative learning in the study of complex issues for students. In this edition, we focus on the “urban natures” as a concept and field of study from which to problematize the limits and frontiers of knowledge within sociology. In an integrative and interdisciplinary approach of the Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Architecture and Communication Sciences, the students were able to analyze the relationship between nature, society and city through liminal and peripheral urban spaces, where the natural, the social and urban are intertwined and “hybridized”. For this, we organized a day of debateroute- debate that had as destination several “hybrid” spaces of A Coruña. The students were able to reflect, from the field, on spaces where representations overcome the division between the urban and the natural as separate domains. This included parks and spaces located in urban interstices and that are home to hybrid ontologies that call into question that separation between the urban, the natural and the social. This resulted in a richer, more diverse and more complex learning, which encourages us to repeat the experience in future course

    A physical concept in the press: the case of the jet stream

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    [Abstract] In recent years, science has hardened the discourse on the emergency of global warming, pointing out that the next decades will be decisive to maintaining the stability of the climate system and, thus, avoiding a cascade effect of events that increase the average temperature above safe limits. The scientific community warns that there are different tipping points that could produce a chain reaction in the global climate. One of them is related to the jet stream. However, despite the importance of this air current in atmospheric dynamics in the Northern Hemisphere and the changes it is experiencing in the context of global warming, the public is still not familiar with this kind of physical concept nor with other much simpler concepts. As concerns about the climate crisis rise, climate literacy remains stagnant. To advance the learning of the science of climate change, in general, and of concepts such as the jet stream, in particular, specific scientific communication formats are required that can successfully tackle the difficult task of explaining such complex problems to the general public. These formats should be included in the media, as the characteristics of the formats (daily section, scientific dissemination, historic perspective, teleconnections and specialization) make them well suited to taking on the challenge of explaining the complexity of climate science. In this article, we present a communication proposal existent in a newspaper published in Spain. We argue that this communication format represents a good model to disseminate climate science, educate readers and even to make physical concepts such as the jet stream accessible. We believe that this format conforms to and complies with the enunciation of Article 12 of the Paris Agreement, which calls on the signatory countries to promote education and training on climate change

    Predictive control of a three-phase UPS inverter using two steps prediction horizon

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    A Model Predictive Control scheme is used for voltage control in a three-phase inverter with output LC filter. The controller uses a model of the system to calculate predictions of the future value of the system variables for a given voltage vector sequence. A cost function considering the voltage errors is defined and the voltage vectors that minimize it are selected and applied in the converter. The effect of considering different number of prediction steps is studied in this work in terms of THD. Simulation results for one and two prediction steps are presented and compared