6 research outputs found

    The Medianet Project: Integration of Multimedia Services for the next Generations Business oriented Internet

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    This work is at: 10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, took place July 10-13, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.This article gathers the foundational premises of the MEDIANET project as well as intermediate results obtained along its firsts two years. MEDIANET is a Spanish project founded by the Comunidad de Madrid government, which strives for a significant scientific advance in the future media Internet where important advances are necessary to allow end-users to perceive a good quality of experience. The network technologies objectives consist of the definition and validation of new proposals for the efficient transport of high bandwidth, real-time data flows in a decentralized way where the network provides mechanisms to seamlessly request and configure devices to increase the quality of experience perceived by end-users. Furthermore, new experiences with layer 2 networks and a cross-layer design will be tested with high bandwidth demanding media services. An important objective is to develop, evaluate in depth and implement on diverse platforms , a new low latency transparent bridge protocol based in on-demand path set up, suitable for campus and data center networks. The global result will be an integrated and independent advancement in future media Internet protocols, algorithms, switching architectures and standards.The funds for the MEDIANET project are provided by the Comunidad de Madrid government under reference number S2009/TIC-1468.Publicad

    iCanCloud: a flexible and scalable cloud infrastructure simulator

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    Simulation techniques have become a powerful tool for deciding the best starting conditions on pay-as-you-go scenarios. This is the case of public cloud infrastructures, where a given number and type of virtual machines (in short VMs) are instantiated during a specified time, being this reflected in the final budget. With this in mind, this paper introduces and validates iCanCloud, a novel simulator of cloud infrastructures with remarkable features such as flexibility, scalability, performance and usability. Furthermore, the iCanCloud simulator has been built on the following design principles: (1) it's targeted to conduct large experiments, as opposed to others simulators from literature; (2) it provides a flexible and fully customizable global hypervisor for integrating any cloud brokering policy; (3) it reproduces the instance types provided by a given cloud infrastructure; and finally, (4) it contains a user-friendly GUI for configuring and launching simulations, that goes from a single VM to large cloud computing systems composed of thousands of machines.This research was partially supported by the following projects: Spanish MEC project TESIS (TIN2009-14312-C02-01), and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the grant TIN2010-16497.Publicad

    Transparent Access to Grid-Based Compute Utilities

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    Complex Workflow Management of the CAM Global Climate Model on the GRID

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    Performance Analysis of Preemption-Aware Scheduling in Multi-cluster Grid Environments

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    Abstract. In multi-cluster Grids each cluster serves requests from external (Grid) users along with their own local users. The problem arises when there is not sufficient resources for local users (which have high priority) to be served urgently. This problem could be solved by preempting resources from Grid users and allocating them to the local users. However, resource preemption entails decreasing resource utilization and increasing Grid users ’ response time. The question is that how we can minimize the number of preemptions taking place in a resource sharing environment. In this paper, we propose a preemption-aware scheduling policy based on the queuing theory for a virtualized multi-cluster Grid where the number of preemptions is minimized. Simulation results indicate that the proposed scheduling policy significantly decreases the number of virtual machine (VM) preemptions (up to 22.5%).