17 research outputs found
Prevalence of cataract complications in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome in Northwestern Spain
Purpose: To assess the relationship between
pseudoexfoliation syndrome and incidence of complications
and related clinical factors in patients undergoing cataract
surgery. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study
of 503 of 551 patients who underwent phacoemulsification
surgery over 2 years in a health care district in Northwest
Spain. In total, 120 of 681 eyes undergoing the procedure had
pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Data on the surgical procedure
and associated complications were extracted from the medical
record. Complications included any combination of posterior
capsular rupture, vitreous loss, zonular dialysis, and nuclear
or lens luxation. Results: We found a significant association
between pseudoexfoliation syndrome and zonular dialysis (odds
ratio [OR], 6.89; 95% CI, 2.27-20.93), intraoperative miosis
(OR, 2.15; 95% CI, 1.10-4.22), and lens luxation >1.5 mm
(OR, 9.49; 95% CI, 0.85-105.54). However, when adjusting for
the overall risk of complications in pseudoexfoliation syndrome
patients in consideration of myopia, use of anticoagulants
or α-agonists, previous mydriasis, and anterior chamber
length, the OR decreased to 1.02 (95% CI, 0.47-2.21) and
was therefore not significant. Conclusion: Zonular dialysis
and intraoperative miosis were intraoperative complications
in cataract surgery patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome
when compared to controls
Improvement of Prostaglandin-Associated Periorbitopathy after Discontinuing Treatment
Objectives:To report that the periorbital changes induced by prostaglandin analogue (PGA) eye drops are partially reversible after discontinuing treatment.Materials and Methods:Nine patients with prostaglandin-associated periorbitopathy seen in a referral oculoplastic practice were included in this study, eight with unilateral glaucoma and one with bilateral open-angle glaucoma. All of them had been treated with topical PGA for at least one year, before the treatment was discontinued for cosmetic reasons.Results:In all cases, there were evident periocular differences between the treated eye and the fellow eye, consisting mainly of deepening of the upper eyelid sulcus and eyelid fat pad reduction. One year after discontinuing the PGA eye drops, improvement of these features was observed.Conclusion:Clinicians and patients should be aware of the side effects of topical PGA therapy on periorbital tissues, and that these side effects can partially regress after discontinuation of the medication
Genomic Ancestry, CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 Among Latin Americans
We present the distribution of CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 variants and predicted phenotypes in 33 native and
admixed populations from Ibero-America (n > 6,000) in the context of genetic ancestry (n = 3,387). Continental
ancestries are the major determinants of frequencies of the increased-activity allele CYP2C19*17 and CYP2C19
gUMs (negatively associated with Native American ancestry), decreased-activity alleles CYP2D6*41 and CYP2C9*2
(positively associated with European ancestry), and decreased-activity alleles CYP2D6*17 and CYP2D6*29 (positively
associated with African ancestry). For the rare alleles, CYP2C9*2 and CYPC19*17, European admixture accounts
for their presence in Native American populations, but rare alleles CYP2D6*5 (null-activity), CYP2D6-multiplication
alleles (increased activity), and CYP2C9*3 (decreased-activity) were present in the pre-Columbian Americas.
The study of a broad spectrum of Native American populations from different ethno-linguistic groups show how
autochthonous diversity shaped the distribution of pharmaco-alleles and give insights on the prevalence of clinically
relevant phenotypes associated with drugs, such as paroxetine, tamoxifen, warfarin, and clopidogrel
Determinants of the risk of intraoperative complications in phacoemulsification among patients with pseudoexfoliation
PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to study the relationship between pseudoexfoliation (PES) and other
predictors in the development of complications in cataract surgery by phacoemulsification in patients with PES.
METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of patients undergoing cataract surgery by phacoemulsification in the
health area of Cee in northwestern Spain during the 2‑year period from 2009 to 2010. Capsule rupture, choroidal
hemorrhage, and vitreous loss were included as complications and intraoperative nucleus or lens dislocation as
the independent variable. PES, age, hardness, type of cataract, myopia, preoperative visual acuity, antiplatelet
use, anticoagulant uses, alpha agonist use, mydriasis prior to surgery, anterior chamber depth, and axial length
were included as predictor variables. All predictive hierarchical models were tested using as a selection criterion
the one minimizing the Akaike index.
RESULTS: A total of 551 patients were initially identified from hospital register, of which 48 were excluded due
to the presence of an exclusion factor. After the initial selection, the final sample was 681 eyes of 503 patients.
Of the 8192 possible models, a model with the following seven variables was selected: PES, steroid use, alpha
agonist use, nuclear hardness, mydriasis, anterior chamber depth, and axial length. The selected model had
an Akaike index of 435.4 and an area under the curve of 0.7895 corresponding to a sensitivity of 6.2% and a
specificity of 98.5%.
CONCLUSION: PES, nuclear hardness, and alpha agonist use are risk factors strongly predictive of
Complicaciones de la facoemulsificación en Síndrome Pseudoexfoliativo: un estudio de cohortes
La distribución del síndrome pseudoexfoliativo, aunque ha sido recogida durante décadas, es todavía bastante desconocida27. La mayor parte de los trabajos publicados se centran en pacientes con glaucoma o cataratas en los que se identifica los depósitos, lo que puede generar una sobrerrepresentación de los pacientes con pseudoexfoliación al presentar una asociación positiva. Incuso en los estudios poblacionales más amplios la variabilidad es relativamente importante. El objetivo general de esta tesis es: Determinar y caracterizar el riesgo de complicaciones precoces (ruptura capsular, miosis, dehiscencia zonular, pico tensivo, desprendimiento de retina y hemorragia coroidea) y las tardías (endoftalmia, sorpresa refractiva, luxación tardía de la lente y la variación de la presión intraocular post cirugía) en sujetos sometidos a cirugía de facoemulsificación de catarata senil en comparación con sujetos sin pseudoexfoliación. Los objetivos específicos son: 1. Cuantificar las complicaciones intraoperatorias más graves, la ruptura capsular desprendimiento de retina, hemorragia coroidea, y la dehiscencia zonular en los pacientes con pseudoexfoliación con respecto a los sujetos sin ella.
2. Analizar la frecuencia y características de las complicaciones correspondientes al pico tensivo y a la miosis.
3. Evaluar el error refractivo (sorpresa refractiva) medido en pacientes pseudoexfoliativos con respecto a pacientes sin el síndrome.
4. Obtener la tasa de luxación tardía de la lente intraocular en los pacientes con pseudoexfoliación respecto los sujetos sin pseudoexfoliación.
5. Valorar la variación de la Presión intraocular pre y post cirugía.
6. Reducir la frecuencia de complicaciones en la cirugía pseudoexfoliativa en pacientes de la población general.Tesis Univ. Granada.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Farmaci
Desarrollo profesional en el sector de la traducción y la interpretación relacionado con el ámbito de los videojuegos
La industria de los videojuegos no ha parado de crecer desde su nacimiento y a lo largo de los últimos años han surgido muchos eventos relacionados con el sector. Por otro lado, la actividad turística ha experimentado una notable evolución a nivel global, aunque concentrada en épocas concretas del año, lo que exige una oferta más diversificada, en la que tienen cabida los eventos como opciones estratégicas para los
destinos. El sector de los videojuegos es uno de los más activos en la actualidad, con importantes citas mundiales y cada vez más ciudades que organizan eventos, lo cual implica también oportunidades de desarrollo para los profesionales relacionados con la traducción y la interpretación. En este trabajo se analiza el crecimiento de los sectores de los videojuegos y el turismo, así como el potencial de los eventos como vía de desarrollo profesional en el ámbito de
la traducción y la interpretación
Eventos vinculados a videojuegos y actividad turística
La actividad turística ha experimentado una notable evolución a nivel global, con
ratios de crecimiento muy significativos. Este crecimiento de la actividad turística supone
un protagonismo destacado del sector en la economía de muchos países, cuyos ingresos
vinculados al sector aportan cifras importantes en el PIB, así como una oportunidad para el
empleo de personas que traducen e interpretan. El sector de los videojuegos es uno de los
más activos recientemente, con importantes citas mundiales en Estados Unidos y Japón, así
como en Europa. También hay ciudades españolas que acogen cada vez más eventos vinculados al sector de los videojuegos. A lo largo de este trabajo se analiza el crecimiento de los
sectores de los videojuegos y el turismo, así como el potencial de los eventos relacionados
con los videojuegos como factores que pueden contribuir a paliar la estacionalidad de la
demanda turístic
Respiratory Management in the Patient with Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) often lead to impairment of the respiratory system and, consequently, restrictive respiratory changes. Paresis or paralysis of the respiratory muscles can lead to respiratory insufficiency, which is dependent on the level and completeness of the injury. Respiratory complications include hypoventilation, a reduction in surfactant production, mucus plugging, atelectasis, and pneumonia. Vital capacity (VC) is an indicator of overall pulmonary function; patients with severely impaired VC may require assisted ventilation. It is best to proceed with intubation under controlled circumstances rather than waiting until the condition becomes an emergency. Mechanical ventilation can adversely affect the structure and function of the diaphragm. Early tracheostomy following short orotracheal intubation is probably beneficial in selected patients. Weaning should start as soon as possible, and the best modality is progressive ventilator-free breathing (PVFB). Appropriate candidates can sometimes be freed from mechanical ventilation by electrical stimulation. Respiratory muscle training regimens may improve patients’ inspiratory function following a SCI
Pharmacometabolomics by NMR in Oncology: A Systematic Review
Pharmacometabolomics (PMx) studies aim to predict individual differences in treatment response and in the development of adverse effects associated with specific drug treatments. Overall, these studies inform us about how individuals will respond to a drug treatment based on their metabolic profiles obtained before, during, or after the therapeutic intervention. In the era of precision medicine, metabolic profiles hold great potential to guide patient selection and stratification in clinical trials, with a focus on improving drug efficacy and safety. Metabolomics is closely related to the phenotype as alterations in metabolism reflect changes in the preceding cascade of genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics changes, thus providing a significant advance over other omics approaches. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is one of the most widely used analytical platforms in metabolomics studies. In fact, since the introduction of PMx studies in 2006, the number of NMR-based PMx studies has been continuously growing and has provided novel insights into the specific metabolic changes associated with different mechanisms of action and/or toxic effects. This review presents an up-to-date summary of NMR-based PMx studies performed over the last 10 years. Our main objective is to discuss the experimental approaches used for the characterization of the metabolic changes associated with specific therapeutic interventions, the most relevant results obtained so far, and some of the remaining challenges in this area
Burnout y factores de riesgo psicosocial en el personal de un hospital de larga estancia
Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la relación entre los riesgos psicosociales y el
burnout en un hospital español de media-larga estancia. Se realizó un estudio transversal en 2017, aplicando la versión española del MBI-HSS y el
cuestionario F-Psico 3.1 del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el
Trabajo. Variables predictoras: características sociodemográficas, moduladoras y factores de riesgo psicosocial. Variables resultado: prevalencia de burnout y afectación de sus subescalas. La asociación entre variables se cuantificó
con odds ratio. El cansancio emocional se asoció positivamente a los riesgos
psicosociales vinculados a carga de trabajo, demandas psicológicas, participación/supervisión, desempeño de rol, relaciones/apoyo social y al consumo
de ansiolíticos; fueron factores protectores los hijos, sentirse valorado por
pacientes y compañeros, satisfacción laboral, optimismo y apoyo social. Las
asociaciones halladas para la despersonalización fueron similares, pero más
débiles. La baja realización personal se asoció positivamente a los riesgos psicosociales vinculados al tiempo trabajado, autonomía, variedad/contenido del
trabajo, desempeño de rol y apoyo social; fue la subescala que mostró mayor
número de variables sociodemográficas/moduladoras protectoras: estado civil,
tener hijos, trabajar de noche, sentirse valorado por pacientes y familiares,
ilusión por el trabajo, apoyo social, autoeficacia y optimismo. Según nuestros
resultados, existe asociación entre los riesgos psicosociales y el burnout. Los
individuos con mayor satisfacción laboral, autoeficacia y optimismo, afrontan
mejor el estrés y son menos vulnerables a los riesgos psicosociales y al burnoutThe aim of this study was to assess the relationship
between psychosocial risks and burnout syndrome
in a long-stay hospital in Spain. A cross-sectional
study was conducted in 2017, applying the Spanish version of the MBI-HSS and the F-Psico 3.1
questionnaire of Spain’s National Institute of
Work Safety and Health. The predictive variables
were sociodemographic characteristics, modulators, and psychosocial risk factors. The outcome
variables were prevalence of burnout and the effects on his subscales. Associations between variables were measured by odds ratio. Burnout was
directly associated with psychosocial risks related
to workload, psychological demands, participation/supervision, role performance and social support, and consumption of anxiolytics. Meanwhile,
protective factors were having children, feeling
valued by patients and coworkers, satisfaction
at work, optimism, and social support. The associations found on depersonalization were similar
but weaker. Low personal fulfillment was directly
associated with the psychosocial risks related to
length of workweek, limited autonomy and variety/content of work, and role performance and
social support. Low personal fulfillment was the
subscale with the most modulating and protective
sociodemographic variables included marital status, children, night shift, feeling valued by patients
and family members, social support, self-efficacy,
and optimism. According to our results, there is an
association between psychosocial risks and burnout syndrome. Individuals with greater work satisfaction, self-efficacy, and optimism cope better
with stress and are less vulnerable to psychosocial
risks and burnout