6 research outputs found

    Incidencia y distribuci贸n altitudinal de 13 virus en cultivos de Solanum tuberosum (Solanaceae) en Costa Rica

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    A survey was conducted in 30 fields located at three different altitudes in Cartago, Costa Rica鈥檚 main potato producing area. Twenty plants were sampled per farm, for a total of 600 samples with 200 samples per altitude. ELISA was used with commercial reagents to independently test for PVX, PVY, PVM, PVA, PVS, PLRV, PMTV, PAMV, PVV, PVT, APLV, APMoV and TRSV. The presence of the following viruses was determined: PVX (77 %), PAMV (62 %), PLRV (42 %), TRSV (42 %), PVT (39 %), PVV (37 %), PMTV (31 %), PVY (30 %), PVS (19 %), PVM (13 %), PVA (8 %), and APMoV (8 %). APLV was not detected in any sample. This is the first report in Costa Rica of the presence of the viruses PMTV, PAMV, PVV, PVT and APMoV. A high viral incidence in the tuber seed production area as well as a high rate of mixed infections is reported.En Cartago, la zona productora de papa m谩s importante de Costa Rica, se realiz贸 un muestreo en 30 fincas ubicadas a tres altitudes. Se recolectaron 20 plantas por finca y 200 muestras por altitud. Todas las muestras se analizaron independientemente mediante ELISA, para PVX, PVY, PVM, PVA, PVS, PLRV, PMTV, PAMV, PVV, PVT, APLV, APMoV y TRSV, utilizando reactivos comerciales. Se identific贸 la presencia de PVX (77 %), PAMV (62 %), PLRV (42 %), TRSV (42 %), PVT (39 %), PVV (37 %), PMTV (31 %), PVY (30 %), PVS (19 %), PVM (13 %), PVA (8 %), y APMoV (8 %). No se detect贸 APLV en ninguna de las muestras analizadas. Se informan por primera vez la presencia en Costa Rica de los virus PMTV, PAMV, PVV, PVT y APMoV. Se informa la alta incidencia viral en la zona dedicada a la producci贸n de tub茅rculos como semilla y la alta tasa de infecciones mixtas

    PVX and PVY effect on Solanum tuberosum greenhouse yield of the cultivars Floresta and Granola

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    copyright 2004 Revista MIPA, CATIE, Costa Rica Datos y art铆culo incluido por Lisela Moreira Carmona, responsable de dep贸sitos de publicaciones del 谩rea de Pat贸genos y Plagas del CIBCMSe realizaron dos ensayos en invernadero para medir el efecto de la infecci贸n de PVY y PVX en las variedades cultivadas de papa Floresta y Granola, com煤nmente sembradas en Costa Rica. Se sembraron vitroplantas libres de virus, de ambas variedades, en invernadero. Se inocularon 54 plantas de cada variedad con in贸culo de PVX mantenido en Nicotiana glutinosa, y 35 plantas de cada variedad con in贸culo de PVY mantenido en Nicotiana tabaccum. En el momento de la cosecha se evalu贸 el n煤mero y el peso de los tub茅rculos obtenidos por maceta de las plantas inoculadas y de las sanas (control). Las plantas sanas de la variedad Floresta produjeron tres veces m谩s tub茅rculos y de mayor peso que las de Granola. El cultivar Floresta fue m谩s susceptible a la infecci贸n con PVX, que redujo el rendimiento en un 26%. No se demostr贸 efecto de la infecci贸n con PVY en ninguna de las variedades. Los s铆ntomas fueron m谩s severos en las plantas de Floresta que en las de Granola, para la infecci贸n con ambos virus.Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of PVY and PVX on the yield of two potato varieties commonly grown in Costa Rica: Floresta and Granola. Virus-free in vitro plants of both varieties were planted in pots in the greenhouse. Fifty-four plants of each variety were inoculated with PVX maintained in Nicotiana glutinosa and 35 plants of each variety were inoculated with PVY maintained in Nicotiana tabaccum.The number and weight of the tubers obtained from inoculated and healthy control plants were recorded. Healthy Floresta plants produced three times more tubers of greater weight than the healthy control plants of the Granola variety. Yields of Floresta plants infected with PVX were 26% lower than in healthy controls. Yields were not affected by PVY infection in either one of the varieties. Symptoms of both viruses were more severe in Floresta than in Granola.Universidad de Costa Rica/[801-94-905]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[801-99-530]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n::Unidades de Investigaci贸n::Ciencias B谩sicas::Centro de Investigaci贸n en Biolog铆a Celular y Molecular (CIBCM

    Leucocyte labelling with 99mTc-exametazime and polycythemia vera: a casual finding

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    La clasificaci贸n oficial de la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud de los tumores de tejidos hematopoy茅ticos y linfoides de 2016 introduce el concepto de policitemia vera (PV) enmascarada y revela que esta entidad ha sido infradiagnosticada en el pasado. Se presenta el caso de un var贸n de 49 a帽os, fumador, intervenido de fractura de tobillo hace m谩s de 15 a帽os, remitido para valorar un posible proceso infeccioso asociado. Al no producirse separaci贸n previa de los hemat铆es por sedimentaci贸n durante el procedimiento de marcaje de leucocitos con 99mTc-exametazima se revisaron las causas de disminuci贸n de la velocidad de sedimentaci贸n globular. Entre ellas destacan la poliglobulia y el h谩bito tab谩quico, ambas presentes en el paciente. Se recomend贸 realizaci贸n de estudio hematol贸gico que concluy贸 con el diagn贸stico de PV. Las indicaciones del especialista en Radiofarmacia permitieron diagnosticar un caso no identificado hasta entonces, pese a que el paciente presentaba s铆ntomas desde hac铆a a帽os.The official World Health Organization classification of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue tumors introduces in 2016 the concept of masked polycythemia vera (PV) and reveals that this entity has been underdiagnosed in the past. We present the case of a 49-year-old man, smoker, operated on for ankle fracture more than 15 years ago, referred to evaluate a possible associated infectious process. As there was no previous separation of the red blood cells by sedimentation during the leukocyte labelling procedure with 99mTc-exametazima, the causes of decreased erythrocyte sedimentation rate were reviewed. These include polyglobulia and smoking, both present in the patient. A haematological study was advised, which concluded with the diagnosis of PV. The indications of the specialist in Radiopharmacy allowed diagnosing a case not identified until then, although the patient had had symptoms for years

    Diagnostic of viral infections in potato (Solanum tuberosum) in Alfaro Ru铆z, Costa Rica

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    Copyright 2008. Revista Manejo Integrado de Plagas y Agroecolog铆a (CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica). Datos y art铆culo incluido por Lisela Moreira Carmona, 谩rea de Pat贸genos y Plagas de Plantas (CIBCM).La presencia de 13 virus que afectan al cultivo de papa se investig贸 en el cant贸n de Alfaro Ruiz (zona de Zarcero) en Costa Rica. Se muestrearon 14 plantaciones de papa, y de cada una se recolectaron muestras foliares de 20 plantas, para un total de 280 muestras. Cada muestra se analiz贸 individualmente mediante la t茅cnica de ELISA, utilizando anticuerpos capaces de detectar 13 virus que afectan el cultivo de la papa. Se detecto la presencia de 12 de los virus analizados. En ninguna de las muestras analizadas se detect贸 la presencia del APLV. La incidencia de los virus encontrados fue 81,4% PVX; 46,4% PLRV; 47,14% PVS; 43,9% PVY; 27,9% PVA; 20,7% PVM; 17,14% PAMV; 11,79% AMV; 9,28% PVT; 7,8% PVV; 7,86% PMTV; y 3,57% APMoV. 脷nicamente tres plantas se encontraron libres de todos los virus analizados y el 91% de las muestras presento infecciones mixtas, siendo las infecciones con dos, tres o cuatro virus las m谩s comunes. Se detectaron al menos seis virus distintos en cada una de las 14 plantaciones. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de fortalecer el Programa Nacional de Certificaci贸n de Semilla de Papa y de capacitar a los agricultores en el manejo de su semilla.The occurrence of 13 plant viruses known to infect potato fields was analyzed in the area of Alfaro Ruiz (Zarcero) in Costa Rica. A survey was conducted in 14 potato fields. At each field, leaf tissue was collected from 20 plants. Each sample was individually analyzed by ELISA, using antibodies able to detect 13 different potato-infecting viruses. With the exception of APLV, all the probed viruses were detected. The incidence of each virus was 81.4% PVX, 46.4% PLRV, 47.14% PVS, 43.9% PVY, 27.9% PVA, 20.7% PVM, 17.14% PAMV, 11.79% AMV, 9.28% PVT, 7.8% PVV, 7.86% PMTV and 3.57% APMoV. Only three plant samples were free from all the tested viruses and 91% of the samples presented mixed infections. Simultaneous infections with two, three or four viruses were very common. At least six different viruses were detected at each field. These results point out the need to improve the national potato seed certification program and train potato producers in the management of potato seed lots.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a/[Fondo de Incentivos MICIT-CONICIT]/MICIT/Costa RicaConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a/[Fondo de Incentivos MICIT-CONICIT]/CONICIT/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[801-A2-504]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n::Unidades de Investigaci贸n::Ciencias B谩sicas::Centro de Investigaci贸n en Biolog铆a Celular y Molecular (CIBCM)UCR::Vicerrector铆a de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Microbiolog铆

    Occurrence of Potato Powdery Scab Caused by Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea in Costa Rica

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    copyright 2002 The American Phytopathological Society (APS) Journals. Datos y art铆culo incluido por Lisela Moreira Carmona, responsable de dep贸sitos de publicaciones del 谩rea de Pat贸genos y Plagas del CIBCMPowdery scab of potatoes, caused by Spongospora subterranea (Wallr.) Lagerheim f. sp. subterranea Tomlinson, is important worldwide due to its effect on tuber quality and transmission of Potato mop-top virus. Although powdery scab-like lesions have been observed on potato in Costa Rica (1), the presence of the pathogen has not been confirmed. During a survey in 2001, powdery scab-on was observed from a field and a greenhouse in the high elevation zone of the main potato-producing area of Costa Rica. Commercial potatoes with scab-like lesions were also obtained at a farmers' market. Scraping the lesions, and observing spore balls or cystosori with a honey-comb-like structure under light microscopy confirmed the identity of S. subterranea. The identity of the pathogen was also confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using monoclonal antibodies specific for S. subterranea (BioReba Ag, Reinach, Switzerland). Pathogenicity of S. subterranea was confirmed by a bioassay on tomato plants grown in nutrient solution culture (2). Tomato cv. Supermarmande plants were grown from seed in pots filled with quartz and watered with nutrient solution. Three weeks after planting, the roots were trimmed to 60 mm, and the plants were transferred to the nutrient solution for additional growth. After growing for 1 week in the nutrient solution, tomato seedlings were inoculated by replacing the nutrient solution with nutrient solution containing cystosori (20 mg/liter, wt/vol) that were scraped from the scab lesions. Zoosporangia of S. subterranea were observed in root hairs and epidermal cells of the seedlings 2 weeks after inoculation. To our knowledge, this is the first report that confirms the presence of S. subterranea on potato in Costa Rica.Universidad de Costa Rica/[801-A2-506]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n::Unidades de Investigaci贸n::Ciencias B谩sicas::Centro de Investigaci贸n en Biolog铆a Celular y Molecular (CIBCM)UCR::Vicerrector铆a de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Microbiolog铆

    Incidence, Distribution, and Association of Spongospora subterranea and Potato mop-top virus in Costa Rica

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    Copyright 漏 2008, Plant Disease, American Phytopathological Society Datos incluidos por Lisela Moreira Carmona, responsable de dep贸sitos para el 谩rea de Pat贸genos y plagas de plantas del CIBCMA survey was conducted in 39 potato (Solanum tuberosum) fields in Costa Rica to determine incidence and association of Spongospora subterranean f. sp. subterranea and Potato mop-top pomovirus (PMTV). The fields were located in Costa Rica鈥檚 two major potato-production regions and were further characterized by their altitude. In all, 633 paired samples of leaf tissue and corresponding tubers were collected, assessed visually for disease, and subsequently assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). S. subterranea presence in tuber tissue was tested by double-antibody sandwich (DAS)-ELISA and PMTV presence in leaf and tuber tissues was tested by triple-antibody sandwich (TAS)-ELISA. Moreover, soil samples were collected from 10 fields surveyed and were evaluated for both pathogens via ELISA and bioassay. The incidence of both diseases ranged from 0 to 100% within individual fields, with incidences lower than 40% occurring in more than 70% of the fields. Higher incidences were found in fields located at higher altitudes. Of the 633 paired samples, 179 and 146 were positive for PMTV and S. subterranea, respectively, according to ELISA in either the foliage or tubers. A low correlation was found for PMTV visual symptoms and ELISA test results. Only 14 of the 81 foliar samples testing positive for PMTV had visual symptoms; the remaining 67 samples were asymptomatic. Conversely, comparison of visual evaluation with detection of S. subterranea by ELISA on tubers showed that 70% of the results were coincident. S. subterranea was detected in 4 of 10 soil samples tested by ELISA. Soilborne PMTV was detected by ELISA in roots of bait plants sown in these soil samples. Co-occurrence of both pathogens was detected in 64 samples. A significant but low degree of association for vector and virus was determined, and data suggests that S. subterranea is participating in the transmission of PMTV in Costa Rica in low frequencyUniversidad de Costa Rica/[801-94-905]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n::Unidades de Investigaci贸n::Ciencias B谩sicas::Centro de Investigaci贸n en Biolog铆a Celular y Molecular (CIBCM