22 research outputs found

    Improved Epstein-Glaser renormalization in x-space versus differential renormalization

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    Renormalization of massless Feynman amplitudes in x-space is reexamined here, using almost exclusively real-variable methods. We compute a wealth of concrete examples by means of recursive extension of distributions. This allows us to show perturbative expansions for the four-point and two-point functions at several loop order. To deal with internal vertices, we expound and expand on convolution theory for log-homogeneous distributions. The approach has much in common with differential renormalization as given by Freedman, Johnson and Latorre; but differs in important details

    A nonperturbative form of the spectral action principle in noncommutative geometry

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    Using the formalism of superconnections, we show the existence of a bosonic action functional for the standard K-cycle in noncommutative geometry, giving rise, through the spectral action principle, only to the Einstein gravity and Standard Model Yang-Mills-Higgs terms. It provides an effective nonminimal coupling in the bosonic sector of the Lagrangian.Comment: 12 pages. LaTeX2e, instructions for obsolete LaTeX'

    Remarks on the Formulation of Quantum Mechanics on Noncommutative Phase Spaces

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    We consider the probabilistic description of nonrelativistic, spinless one-particle classical mechanics, and immerse the particle in a deformed noncommutative phase space in which position coordinates do not commute among themselves and also with canonically conjugate momenta. With a postulated normalized distribution function in the quantum domain, the square of the Dirac delta density distribution in the classical case is properly realised in noncommutative phase space and it serves as the quantum condition. With only these inputs, we pull out the entire formalisms of noncommutative quantum mechanics in phase space and in Hilbert space, and elegantly establish the link between classical and quantum formalisms and between Hilbert space and phase space formalisms of noncommutative quantum mechanics. Also, we show that the distribution function in this case possesses 'twisted' Galilean symmetry.Comment: 25 pages, JHEP3 style; minor changes; Published in JHE

    Spin-Hall effect with quantum group symmetry

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    We construct a model of spin-Hall effect on a noncommutative 4 sphere with isospin degrees of freedom (coming from a noncommutative instanton) and invariance under a quantum orthogonal group. The corresponding representation theory allows to explicitly diagonalize the Hamiltonian and construct the ground state; there are both integer and fractional excitations. Similar models exist on higher dimensional noncommutative spheres and noncommutative projective spaces.Comment: v2: 14 pages, latex. Several changes and additional material; two extra sections added. To appear in LMP. Dedicated to Rafael Sorkin with friendship and respec

    Metric Properties of the Fuzzy Sphere

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    The fuzzy sphere, as a quantum metric space, carries a sequence of metrics which we describe in detail. We show that the Bloch coherent states, with these spectral distances, form a sequence of metric spaces that converge to the round sphere in the high-spin limit.Comment: Slightly shortened version, no major changes, two new references, version to appear on Letters in Mathematical Physic

    Finitely-Generated Projective Modules over the Theta-deformed 4-sphere

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    We investigate the "theta-deformed spheres" C(S^{3}_{theta}) and C(S^{4}_{theta}), where theta is any real number. We show that all finitely-generated projective modules over C(S^{3}_{theta}) are free, and that C(S^{4}_{theta}) has the cancellation property. We classify and construct all finitely-generated projective modules over C(S^{4}_{\theta}) up to isomorphism. An interesting feature is that if theta is irrational then there are nontrivial "rank-1" modules over C(S^{4}_{\theta}). In that case, every finitely-generated projective module over C(S^{4}_{\theta}) is a sum of a rank-1 module and a free module. If theta is rational, the situation mirrors that for the commutative case theta=0.Comment: 34 page

    Cosmological perturbations and short distance physics from Noncommutative Geometry

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    We investigate the possible effects on the evolution of perturbations in the inflationary epoch due to short distance physics. We introduce a suitable non local action for the inflaton field, suggested by Noncommutative Geometry, and obtained by adopting a generalized star product on a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker background. In particular, we study how the presence of a length scale where spacetime becomes noncommutative affects the gaussianity and isotropy properties of fluctuations, and the corresponding effects on the Cosmic Microwave Background spectrum.Comment: Published version, 16 page

    Schwinger Terms and Cohomology of Pseudodifferential Operators

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    We study the cohomology of the Schwinger term arising in second quantization of the class of observables belonging to the restricted general linear algebra. We prove that, for all pseudodifferential operators in 3+1 dimensions of this type, the Schwinger term is equivalent to the ``twisted'' Radul cocycle, a modified version of the Radul cocycle arising in non-commutative differential geometry. In the process we also show how the ordinary Radul cocycle for any pair of pseudodifferential operators in any dimension can be written as the phase space integral of the star commutator of their symbols projected to the appropriate asymptotic component.Comment: 19 pages, plain te

    D-branes, Matrix Theory and K-homology

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    In this paper, we study a new matrix theory based on non-BPS D-instantons in type IIA string theory and D-instanton - anti D-instanton system in type IIB string theory, which we call K-matrix theory. The theory correctly incorporates the creation and annihilation processes of D-branes. The configurations of the theory are identified with spectral triples, which are the noncommutative generalization of Riemannian geometry a la Connes, and they represent the geometry on the world-volume of higher dimensional D-branes. Remarkably, the configurations of D-branes in the K-matrix theory are naturally classified by a K-theoretical version of homology group, called K-homology. Furthermore, we argue that the K-homology correctly classifies the D-brane configurations from a geometrical point of view. We also construct the boundary states corresponding to the configurations of the K-matrix theory, and explicitly show that they represent the higher dimensional D-branes.Comment: 53 pages, corrected a few typos, version published in JHE

    Noncommutative Induced Gauge Theory

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    We consider an external gauge potential minimally coupled to a renormalisable scalar theory on 4-dimensional Moyal space and compute in position space the one-loop Yang-Mills-type effective theory generated from the integration over the scalar field. We find that the gauge invariant effective action involves, beyond the expected noncommutative version of the pure Yang-Mills action, additional terms that may be interpreted as the gauge theory counterpart of the harmonic oscillator term, which for the noncommutative Ď•4\phi^4-theory on Moyal space ensures renormalisability. The expression of a possible candidate for a renormalisable action for a gauge theory defined on Moyal space is conjectured and discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure