17 research outputs found

    A comprehensive understanding of Adhimantha w.s.r. to Glaucoma

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    Adhimantha is considered as Sarvagata Netraroga which is a dreadful disease and possess symptoms of Glaucoma as per modern science. Where there is excessive churning type of pain in the eyes along with the involvement of the particular dosha. The estimated prevalence of glaucoma cases in India is reported to be 11.9 million. The prevalence of glaucoma in India is not the same at every place varying prevalence among different populations and subgroups having rate of being 2.3-4.7%. Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve. This damage is caused due to raised intra ocular pressure this is the leading cause for blindness globally. In present scenario concept of Adhimantha and its management according to Ayurveda and modern science gain much important. Hence this article describes Ayurveda and modern perspectives of Adhimantha along with its treatment modalities


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    Every disease in Ayurveda, the science of life has a different view in understanding a disease in a systematic way. Among the Astangas of Ayurveda, Shalakya tantra is given importance equally by all Acharyas. Acharya Sushruta has explained seventysix eye diseases with their medical and surgical management in detail. Puyalasa, one of the Sandhigataroga can be correlated to dacryocystitis based on the symptomatology which includes swelling in Kaninika sandhi, which later on undergoes suppuration causing thick purulent discharge. Dacryocystitis is the inflammation of the lacrimal sac is not an uncommon condition, which is an important cause of ocular morbidity, both in children and adults. The management constitutes of simple topical medication to surgery and with certain amount of recurrences. Though Puyalasa is due to Tridosha it is considered as a curable disease and the treatment includes Siravyadha, Upanaha and Anjana kriya and internal medication which can reduce the recurrence rate and other secondary diseases in eyes. The clinical features and the treatment of Dacryocystitis has similarities with the disease Puyalasa which has been told by our ancient seers. The drugs mentioned in the treatment of the disease Puyalasa are mainly having Doshahara guna, Vrana shodhaka guna and are Chakshushya. Based on the Yukti of the physician the selection of the appropriate treatment depends and based on this the recurrence rate of the disease can be controlled well

    Comprehensive study of Sheetada, Dantavesta, Upakusha, Dantapupputa

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    According to Ayurvedic perspective of diseases related to oral cavity Acharyas have explained Nidana, Samprapti, Lakshana, Chikitsa of all the Avayava of Mukha in detail. According to Sushruthacharya’s classification of Dantamoolagata Roga, he had enumerated 15 Rogas and among them, Sheetada, Dantaveshta, Upakusha and Dantapupputta are commonly encountered diseases in the clinical practice. Kapha Dosha and Rakta Dhatu are the main factors involved in the pathology of these diseases and management of these conditions includes, Stanika Upakramas such as Pratisarana, Kavala, Gandoosha, Lepa and systemic therapies like Vamana, Virechana and Nasya are advocated. The above said 4 clinical conditions can be co-related to different stages of   periodontal diseases. Gingivitis is the inflammation of gum & periodontitis is inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of the teeth. If left untreated, it may progress to periodontitis (destructive form). In our classics, each Mukha Avayava is described with its clinical features and treatment measures indicating their significance in maintaining Swasthya. In early detection, it is fairly simple to help, treat and prevent

    Role of Rasayanas in ENT

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    The role of Rasayana in the present era is inevitable. As the mankind is suffering from many kinds of diseases, in order to protect himself from them Rasayanas are indicated. Rasayana is a therapy which improves the normal functioning of human body and also enhances the standard of life. In Shalakyatantra, Rasayana therapy gives clarity to the sense organs. In day-to-day life implementing Rasayanas will make the sense organs stronger and prevents from diseases

    Ayurvedic management of Corneal Foreign Body - A Case Report

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    Foreign bodies represent a common cause of eye related complaints for adult and paediatric patients presenting to primary care physicians and ophthalmologists. Corneal foreign body is defined as any microscopic or macroscopic material from the external environment which may lodge in the cornea - the anterior transparent part of the eye that overlies the anterior chamber. Patient of corneal foreign body is frequently self-evident by history that is foreign body sensation, pain, photophobia and lacrimation. Decreased vision may also be reported in few patients. The Lakshanas explained under Sashalya Netra in Ayurveda can be correlated with the Corneal foreign body. Here is a case report of Corneal foreign body which was successfully treated with Ayurvedic treatment principles with Mahatriphaladi Ghrita Aschyotana and Yashtimadhu Ksheera Paka Seka for 6 days after its removal. There was a complete relief in Signs and Symptoms after the treatment. Hence the treatment protocol can be adopted in cases of corneal foreign body

    Ocular injuries - A Review Article

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    Eye being a delicate structure, sometimes even a small trauma may have devastating effects. Due to industrialization, unprotective measures in daily activity the incidence of injuries is increasing, like any other part of the body, eyes are also not exempted from these injuries. A successful patient outcome in the setting of ocular emergencies depends on correct diagnosis, treatment, and disposition of patients with all types of ocular trauma, including pain management and referral. Injuries range from mild, non-sight-threatening to extremely serious with potentially blinding consequences. WHO programmed for the Prevention of Blindness have estimated that some 55 million eye injuries restricting activities more than one day occur each year, World wide, there are approximately 1.6 million people blind from eye injuries, 2.3 million with bilateral visual impairment and 19 million with unilateral vision loss. A significant burden of ocular trauma in the community requires that its prevention and early management be a public health priority. In Ayurvedic classics, Nayanabhighata Pratishedha Adhyaya completely deals with ocular injuries which imply the importance of the immediate measures and management to be undertaken for the injured eye


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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a hereditary group of degenerative eye diseases caused by genetic mutations affecting retina that lead to severe vision loss and blindness. In Ayurveda, the conditions like Kapha vidagdha drushti, Hraswajadya and Dhoomadarshi which has night blindness as the cardinal feature can be simulated to different stages of RP. Certain authenticated therapies are explained in our ancient literature which are time tested such as Tarpana (Nourishing eye bath therapy), Putapaka (eye bath therapy), Anjana (Collyrium), Nasya (Processed liquid instillation through nostrils by drops or powders), Sirodhara (application of continuous stream of oil over the head), Vasti (Medicated enema) etc. through which considerable results are achieved. The drugs and procedures described in Ayurveda have probable mode of action in crossing the blood retinal barrier, a protective measure of cells surrounding the retina. The extent of benefit in alleviating the clinical features of RP happens possibly because of the phytonutrients present in the formulations applied through various procedures crossing the blood retinal barrier. To validate the management protocol explained in classics, a retrospective study was conducted on five patients selected from the OPD/IPD of Dept of Shalakya Tantra of Sri Kalabyraveshwaraswamy Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital & Research centre, Vijayanagar (SKAMCH & RC). The results assessed statistically proved significant in certain parameters indicating a beneficial effect in reducing the subjective symptoms of Retinitis pigmentosa


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    Dry eye occurs when there is inadequate tear volume or function resulting in an unstable tear film and ocular surface disease. It is extremely common condition, particularly in postmenopausal women and the elderly. Although epidemiological studies investigating the prevalence of dry eye disease are rare, published studies indicate that up to 20% of adults aged 45 years or more experience dry eye symptoms. Menopause is permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life which is the natural biological process. During this period there is gradual progressive loss of ovarian follicular activity. The increase incidence of dry eye in males than in females shows a positive impact stating there is hormonal impact on the disease. Androgens are the prime hormones responsible for regulation of lipid production. Oestrogen and progesterone receptors in the conjunctiva and lacrimal glands are essential for the normal function of these tissues. In Ayurveda, the disease comes under Sarvagata Roga and is named as Shushkakshipaka where in there will be depletion of Ashru leading to Shushka netra, which afflicts whole eye in the later stages. In menopausal women there will be Rasakshaya leading to Vata vriddhi. This impairs the normal functioning of the Netra where in the Shushkata will increase leading to many other symptomatology. To elucidate the relationship between menopause and dry eye, a survey study has been conducted in OPD and IPD of Sri Kalabyraweshwaraswamy Ayurvedic medical college, hospital and research centre, Bangalore which is affirmed

    Concept of Swastha Vrutta in Netra Swasthya

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    Acharya Chakrapani clearly says that the condition free from disease is Swastha and regimens followed to keep the individual healthy are Swastha Vrutta. Acharya Sushruta explains Swastha as a condition where there will be Sama Dosha, Sama Agni, Sama Dhatu, proper Mala Kriya, Prasanna Atma-Mana, which is even now accepted by WHO also where they defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Netra being the most important Indriya among all the Indriya, it is very necessary to maintain its health. Creating awareness among the people regarding the concepts of Dinacharya, Rutucharya, Sadvrutta helps to decrease the increasing life style diseases. The concept of Ahara is very much important when it comes to Dosha and Dhatu Samyata. Being Nayana Chintakas, it is our duty to explore the things which our Acharyas explained clearly to maintain Swasthya. In this aspect an attempt is made to gather the information which is specifically explained as a part of Swastha Vrutta in relation with Netra Swasthya