48 research outputs found

    Coleridge’s Revisionary Practice from 1814 to 1818

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    Die Dissertation untersucht Samuel Taylor Coleridges Praxis der Selbstredaktion in den Jahren von 1814 bis 1818 und beleuchtet dabei die zentrale Rolle, die William Wordsworths The Excursion, 1814 als Teil von The Recluse erschienen, in der Herausbildung von Coleridges Œuvre einnimmt. Die Arbeit entwickelt ihre zentrale These zu Coleridges Überarbeitungspraxis durch eine detaillierte Analyse der Verfahren, über die Coleridge aufhörte, durch Wordsworth zu sprechen. Ich beziehe mich dabei in erster Linie auf die Überarbeitungen von Biographia Literaria (1817), Sibylline Leaves (1817) und dem 1818 erschienenen rifacciamento zu dem Periodikum The Friend, das ursprünglich 1809–1810 publiziert worden war. Vor dem Hintergrund von Coleridges in den 1790er- und 1800er-Jahren neu aufgekommener und sich später weiterentwickelnder Rezeption von Immanuel Kants kritischer Philosophie werde ich argumentieren, dass sich die „radikale Differenz“ zwischen Coleridge und Wordsworth, die seit den Lyrical Ballads (1798) und dem „Preface“ (1800) bestand, weiter verstärkte, nachdem es Wordsworth nicht gelungen war, das groß angelegte Konzept eines „first genuine philosophical poem“ – The Recluse – zu vollenden. Insbesondere nachdem Coleridge 1807 The Prelude gehört hatte, enttäuschte The Excursion nach den Maßstäben seiner „vergleichenden Kritik“ seine lang gehegten Erwartungen. Während sein organisches Weltbild einen aktiven Geist kannte, der nach universaler „Wahrheit“ sowohl durch innere synthetisierende Kräfte als auch empirische Naturgesetze strebt, gründete sich Wordsworths Gedicht auf ein obskur-labiles Fundament zwischen Außenwelt und Selbst. Coleridges aus seinen eigenen Theorien zu Sprache und Einbildungskraft erwachsene Enttäuschung über The Excursion und die nachfolgende Loslösung von Wordsworth und ihrem gemeinsamen Werk verschafften ihm letztendlich die notwendige Autonomie, die einerseits einen nüchternen Blick auf die eigene Vergangenheit und andererseits eine dialogische Freundschaft zu Wordsworth ermöglichten, innerhalb derer Coleridge die Bedeutsamkeit erkannte, zu einem Freund zu sprechen.This thesis is an examination of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s revisionary activity from 1814 to 1818, considering the integral role of William Wordsworth’s The Excursion, published as part of The Recluse in 1814, on Coleridge’s conception of his discrete oeuvre. It is via a detailed analysis of the way Coleridge ceased to speak “through” Wordsworth that this thesis unfolds its principal argument on Coleridge’s revisionary activity. I principally consider the revisions at work in the Biographia Literaria (1817), Sibylline Leaves (1817) and the 1818 rifacciamento to The Friend (the periodical originally issued in 1809-1810). Taking into account Coleridge’s newly-emerging and subsequently evolving responses to Immanuel Kant’s critical philosophy in the 1790s and 1800s, I will argue that the already-existing “radical Difference” between Coleridge and Wordsworth ever since the Lyrical Ballads (1798) and the “Preface” (1800) further intensified following Wordsworth’s failure to bring their grand scheme for a “first genuine philosophical poem”, The Recluse, into completion. Especially after The Prelude Coleridge heard in 1807, The Excursion by means of his “comparative censure” fell short of meeting the long-cherished expectations. Whereas Coleridge’s organic view of the world involved the recognition of an active mind seeking universal “Truth” through the inner synthetic faculties as well as the empirical laws in nature, Wordsworth’s poem was founded upon an obscurely precarious ground between the phenomenal world and the inner self. Ultimately, Coleridge’s disappointment with The Excursion on the basis of his theories on language and imagination, and the ensuing detachment from Wordsworth and their joint oeuvre gave him the autonomy to revise his past works in a way that ensured formation of a more sober relationship with his own past and a dialogic friendship with Wordsworth in which Coleridge came to realise the importance of speaking to a friend

    Evaluating the statistics courses in terms of the statistical literacy: Didactic pathways of pre-Service mathematics teachers

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    This study intends to determine the statistical literacy levels of pre-service mathematics teachers and to evaluate the contribution of the statistics courses in the elementary mathematics education curriculum to statistical literacy. A mixed methods research design was adopted. The study group consisted of 202 pre-service mathematics teachers enrolled in the Statistics and Probability course. In the data collection process, a pre-test and post-test was administered to determine the pre-service teachers' statistical literacy before and after the statistical course, and classroom observations were performed to identify the contribution of the statistics course to statistical literacy. The Rasch model was used for validity-reliability analyses, and one-way ANOVA tests were used to analyze the quantitative data. Content analysis was utilized in the analysis of qualitative data, which revealed that statistical literacy levels of pre-service teachers are generally low, generally influencing the competence of pre-service teachers. The pre-service teachers failed in the sample selection component in the pretest and data interpretation in the post- test, while they were more successful with table and graphs in the pre-test and sample selection in the post-test. The comparative analysis of revealed statistically significant differences in favor of U4 in the pre- test, but in favor of U1 in the post-test. It was concluded that practices included in the statistics lessons could be effective on these differences

    Effect of using dynamic geometry software in computer based and enhanced with smart board learnin environments on student's academic achievement, spatial visualization ability and spatial thinking atitude

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı 6. sınıf matematik dersi ?Geometrik Cisimler? konusunda dinamik geometri yazılımlarının bilgisayar destekli öğretim ve akıllı tahta ile zenginleştirilmiş öğrenme ortamlarında öğretiminin öğrencilerin akademik başarısına, uzamsal görselleştirme becerisine ve bu beceriye ilişkin tutumlarına etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmada problem durumun derinlemesine incelemek için karma model kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın nicel kısmında 2x2 lik Split-plot desen (ön test- son test kontrol gruplu desen) kullanılmıştır. Nitel kısmında ise etkinliklerde kullanılan çalışma yapraklarının içerik analizi yapılmış ve uygulama sonrasında öğrencilerle mülakat yapılmıştır. Araştırma, Ankara? da bir özel ortaokulda öğrenim gören 33 altıncı sınıf öğrencisi ile yürütülmüştür. Deney grubunda bilgisayar destekli matematik öğretimi yapılırken, kontrol grubunda ise akıllı tahta ile zenginleştirilmiş öğrenme ortamında ders işlenmiştir. Araştırmanın nicel verileri Matematik Başarı Testi, Uzamsal Görselleştirme Testi ve Uzamsal Düşünme Tutum ölçeğinden; elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 15.0 paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde non-parametrik testlerden Mann Whitney - U Testi ile Wilcoxon İşaretli Sırlar Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, bilgisayar destekli öğretim ile akıllı tahta kullanılarak yapılan öğretim, öğrencilerin akademik başarıları ve uzamsal görselleştirme becerileri üzerinde etkili olurken, öğrencilerin uzamsal düşünme becerisine yönelik tutumları üzerinde etkili olmadığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca bilgisayar destekli öğrenim gören öğrenciler ile akıllı tahtayla öğrenim gören öğrencilerin testlerden almış oldukları son- test puanları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of using dynamic geometry software in computer based teaching and learning environment enhanced with Smart Board technologies on student?s academic achievement, spatial visualization ability and spatial thinking attitude. In this study, Mixed model was used to examine the research problem situation. In quantitative part of the study, 2x2 Split plot factorial design was used. . Research was conducted in 33 6th grade students in a private middle school in Ankara. The researcher was also the teacher at the same time. The experimental group took lessons in computer based learning environments and the control group took lessons in learning environments enriched with Smart Board technologies. On the other hand, content analysis method and interviews were used in qualitative part of study. The different tests including, Mathematics Achievement Test; Spatial Visualization Test and Spatial Ability Thinking Attitude Survey were administrated to both groups before and after the implementation. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS 15.0 software. Mann Whitney- U test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank test was run to test data. The analysis of datas was revealed that using a smart board and computer-assisted instruction in teaching, while the effect on students' academic achievement and spatial visualization skills, spatial thinking skills on their attitudes towards students was not effective. In addition, there is no statistically significant difference in student?s pre-tests and post-tests between experimental group and control group

    Güneşte kurutulan domatesin değişik koşullarda saklanmasının kalite üzerinde etkileri

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    Tomato fruits of RioGrande variety were treated with NaCl (%6-7) or metabisulphite dioxide (4000-5000 ppm) solution and then were dried under sun. Dried fruits in the glass jars were preserved both in cold storage (±4 °C) and common storage (10-26°C) conditions for 10 months. the quality and deterioration of samples were investigated prior, at the 5th and 10th months of storage. Generally the water content of sun-dried tomatoes decreased during storage. However, the water content was increased under normal storage conditions at the 5th month and subsequently decreased at the end of storage. the effect of treatments were limited for the first half of the storage "period, and increased at the end of the storage period. TSS values decreased during storage whereas the TA values increased, therefore TSS/TA ratio was decreased. the colour difference was more pronounced at the end of the storage, as well. the water content, TSS and TA values were lower in salt treated tomatoes than those treated with metabisulphite. NaCl treated tomatoes had significantly more in alcohol soluble colour (ASC) values and the colour was darker than those of metabisulphite treated ones. Cold storage decreased the water content and TA, and increased TSS and TSS/TA ratio; ASC values were lower, and the colour was lighter than the sun-dried tomatoes kept in normal storage conditions.Rio Grande çeşidi domates meyveleri metabisülfit (4000-4500 ppm) veya tuzla (%6-7) muamele edildikten sonra güneşte kurutulmuş ve cam kavanozlarda soğutmalı (4±1°C) ve soğutmasız (normal) depo koşullarında 10 ay süre ile bekletilmiştir. Depolama öncesinde, ortasında ve sonunda alınan örneklerde kalite ve bozulma durumları incelenmiştir. Kuru meyvelerde su miktarı depolama döneminde gerilemiştir. Normal depoda ise 5. ayda yükseliş, dönem sonunda azalış olarak görülmüştür. Genel olarak 5. ayda uygulamalar arasındaki fark sınırlı kalmış, ancak 10. ayda önemli boyutlarda olmuştur. Bu dönemde SKM miktarı azalmış ve TA miktarı artmıştır. Buna bağlı SKM/TA oranı da düşmüştür. Renk değerlerinde de önemli gelişmeler 10. ayda görülmüştür. Tuzla kurutma metabisülfitle işlemeye göre su miktarını, SKM ve TA miktarını geriletmiş ve SKM/TA oranını yükseltmiştir. Tuzla işlenenlerde AÇR değeri önemli boyutta artmış, kırmızı ve sarı renkler gerilemiş ve renk koyulaşmıştır. Soğuk depolama su miktarını geriletmiş, SKM miktarı artırmış, TA'yı azaltmış ve SKM/TA oranını yükseltmiştir; AÇR değeri düşük kalırken, kırmızı ve san renk değerleri yüksek ve renk daha açık olmuştur