881 research outputs found

    Autonomous Vehicle and Augmented Reality Usage

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    With the development of autonomous development technology, the need for additional applications to be used inside and outside the vehicle is increasing. As a result of the literature review, many applications have been developed to display vehicle data directly on the monitor, with reflections on glass, and on hardware devices. These applications have been developed only for a defined problem and for a particular autonomous system. In this study, a basic autonomous vehicle software infrastructure and mobile Augmented Reality application that can work on Android devices have been developed. The Mobile Augmented Reality app serves inside and outside the vehicle. In addition, this application has been shown to support multiple autonomous system infrastructures

    Career Decision Regrets in Faculty of Sport Sciences

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    University education as an important choice shapes the professional career. Career in sport is difficult than the other professional areas. Because the professional career process in sport is different from the classical occupational choices. Sometimes individuals feel career regret in difficult experiences. Then the negative feelings become a depression, loss of self-confidence etc. So, the purpose of this study was to determine the career decision regrets of students in faculty of sport sciences. The most commonly technique in descriptive research models, the survey method is used in the study. The study group consisted of 400 students from the four different departments in Bartın University, Faculty of Sport Sciences. In the study, individual information form which had developed by the researchers and ‘Career Decision Regret Scale’ was used. Descriptive statistics, t-test for independent groups and one-way Anova tests were used as statistical methods to analyze the data. As a result, it was determined that the students who are studying at the Department of Sports Sciences in Bartın University had a little regret of career decisions and the scale scores of the students differed significantly according to their age, departments, grade, place of birth, academic average, residence place, part time working, fathers’ working statute and educational level. The fact that the study group consists of only one university is seen as a limitation. Therefore, for future studies it may be suggested to increase the number of participants by joining the different universities’ students in the Departments of Sports Sciences

    Effect of configuration of shear walls at story plan to seismic behavior of high-rise reinforced concrete buildings

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    In developing countries, the need for shelter, working area, shopping and entertainment centers is increasing due to the increasing population effect. In order to meet this need, it is necessary to turn to high-rise buildings. Significant damages have been observed as a result of insufficient horizontal displacement stiffness of high-rise buildings in major earthquakes in previous years. It is known that as the height of the structure increases, the displacement demand of the structure also increases. Since it is accepted that the structure will make inelastic deformation in the design of the structure, these displacements increase to very high levels as the number of stories increases. For this reason, damages can be much higher than expected. In order to limit the level of damage that may occur in high-rise buildings, the horizontal displacement of buildings is limited in many regulations in our age. This limitation is possible by increasing the rigidity of the structures against horizontal displacement. In recent years, the use of shear wall has increased due to the horizontal displacement limitation in the regulations. The use of shear walls in buildings limits the horizontal displacement. However, the choice of where the shear walls will be placed on the plan is very important. Failure to place the shear walls correctly may result in additional loads in the structure. It can also lead to torsional irregularity. In this study, a 10-storey reinforced concrete building model was created. Shear wall at the rate of 1% of the plan area of the building was used in the building. The shear walls are arranged in different geometric shapes and different layouts. The earthquake analysis of 5 different models were performed. Equivalent Earthquake Load, Mode Superposition and Time History Analysis methods were used for earthquake analysis. The results were compared and a proposal was made for the geometry and configuration of the shear wall

    Out-of-Plane Vibration of Curved Uniform and Tapered Beams with Additional Mass

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    As there is a gap in literature about out-of-plane vibrations of curved and variable cross-sectioned beams, the aim of this study is to analyze the free out-of-plane vibrations of curved beams which are symmetrically and nonsymmetrically tapered. Out-of-plane free vibration of curved uniform and tapered beams with additional mass is also investigated. Finite element method is used for all analyses. Curvature type is assumed to be circular. For the different boundary conditions, natural frequencies of both symmetrical and unsymmetrical tapered beams are given together with that of uniform tapered beam. Bending, torsional, and rotary inertia effects are considered with respect to no-shear effect. Variations of natural frequencies with additional mass and the mass location are examined. Results are given in tabular form. It is concluded that (i) for the uniform tapered beam there is a good agreement between the results of this study and that of literature and (ii) for the symmetrical curved tapered beam there is also a good agreement between the results of this study and that of a finite element model by using MSC.Marc. Results of out-of-plane free vibration of symmetrically tapered beams for specified boundary conditions are addressed

    The British public atitude survey regarding inflation and interest rates

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    The importance of achieving the price stability objective consists in remaining the inflation expectations close to the inflation target in the medium term. As part of its price stability objective, the Bank of England has the task of achieving a 2% inflation target, measured by the annual change in the consumer price index. Regarding these facts, the inflation expectations play a key role in the household and business decision because the inflation expectations are very important for the wage negotiation, and because inflation expectations play an important role in household’s savings decisions. In this article we focus upon the Bank of England / GfK NOP Attitude Survey. The first section deals with some aspects as: the random location, the sample design, the selection of the respondents and the confidence limits for observed survey data. The second section debates the latest trends in household inflation perceptions and expectations. The final section summarizes the public’s attitudes to interest rates and the conduct of the monetary policy.price stability, inflation risk, inflation expectations

    Kur’ân Dilinde Yemin Üslûbu

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    In this study, in particular, the subject of what qasams mean in the integrity of the Qur’ān is discussed in the context of the Surah. In the introduction of the four-part study, the subject was examined in terms of scope and method. The first chapter focused on the sameness and difference of concepts such as qasam, oath and hilf within the conceptual framework. In the linguistic framework, the letters used for Qasam are explained; the oath with him (muqsamūn bih) and the answer to the oath (muqsamūn alayh). Again, in the first chapter “zahir” and “muzmar” were explained from the types of vows. In the second part of the study, the Qasam tradition in Arabic language and culture in the pre-Islamic period was examined. Among the subjects of the oath in ignorance are Allah, the Kaaba, idols, time and many natural beings. In the pre-Islamic period, poets, wizards, oracles, along with expressions of vows to obtain material benefits, said mysterious words that made people believe and turn to themselves. In particular, oracles left their oaths in mystery because they expressed what was sworn with them according to their beliefs and cultures but did not say the answer. In the third chapter, the forms of qasam in the Mekkī-Madanī Mekkī and Madanī surahs were compared, and in this context, it was found that the qasams in the Mekkī surahs are an example of open vows in general. In this chapter, it is also stated that Allah swears by his person and adjectives, as well as by oath to both observant and exchange beings. In this context, it has also been determined that the qasams in Madanī surahs constitute an example of closed oaths. It is certain that the oaths constitute an introduction to the answer to the oath, as well as noting that the matters that are sworn with it are important for people. Because vows are only completed and understood by their answers. An unanswered oath turns into an action that is unclear why it was sworn. In the third chapter, there are also related examples of those who are sworn in the Qur’ān in the style of “qath and those who constitute answers to the oath. In addition, examples of vows in Qur’ānic stories are also discussed in this section. In the fourth chapter the possible causes, goals, consequences of the bowl, and the oath of Allah were thinned, and in this chapter, the fiqh dimension of the bowl was also pointed out. Those who believe that Allah Most High will not swear by beings have suggested that this cannot be considered for Allah, since the oath aims to glorify only those who are sworn. Allah's oath to beings is to draw attention to the benefit and harm of the beings who are sworn. In addition, it means that Allah swears to different beings and swears to him over those beings. Because those who say that there is the word “Rab” at the beginning of the objects swore understood the oath to fig as “by the Rab of Tin”. As a result, it was concluded that the oath was a means of linguistic communication and interaction to inculcate trust and trust between people and societies from the beginning of its history. In the period of ignorance, people swore an oath to anything they considered sacred, while in the Islamic period it was requested that the oath be made only to Allah. During the Islamic period, provisions on oaths were made, they were asked not to swear unless necessary, and Muslims were not welcome to swear unnecessarily. In this context, a false oath was considered a great sin.Bu çalışmada özelde sûre bağlamında genelde Kur’ân bütünlüğünde kasemlerin ne anlama geldiği konusu ele alınmıştır. Dört bölümden oluşan çalışmanın giriş kısmında konu; kapsam ve yöntem bakımından incelenmiştir. Birinci bölümde kavramsal çerçeve içinde kasem, yemin ve hilf gibi kavramların birbiriyle ayniliği ve farklığı üzerinde duruldu. Dilsel çerçeve içerisinde kasem için kullanılan harfler; kendisiyle yemin edilen (muksemun bih) ve yeminin cevabı (muksemun aleyh) açıklanmıştır. Yine birinci bölümde yemin çeşitlerinden “zahir” ve “muzmar”ın açıklaması yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde İslam öncesi dönemde Arap dili ve kültüründeki kasem geleneği incelenmiştir. Cahiliyedeki yemin konuları arasında Allah, kâbe, putlar, zaman ve birçok tabiat varlıkları bulunmaktadır. İslam öncesi dönemde maddi menfaatler elde etmek için yemin ifadeleriyle beraber şairler, sihirbazlar, kâhinler gizemli sözler söyleyerek insanların kendilerine inanmalarını ve yönelmelerini sağlıyorlardı. Özellikle kâhinler, kendi inanç ve kültürlerine göre kendisiyle yemin edilen şeyi ifade ettikleri halde cevabını söylemediklerinden yeminlerini gizemlilik içinde bırakırlardı. Üçüncü bölümde Mekkî-Medenî sûrelerdeki kasem şekilleri mukayese edilmiş ve bu bağlamda Mekkî sûrelerdeki kasemlerin genel itibariyle açık yemine örnek teşkil ettiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu bölümde ayrıca Allah’ın zat ve sıfatlarıyla yemin ettiğine dair örneklerin yanında hem müşahhas hem de mübhem varlıklara yemin ettiği hususu belirtilmiştir. Bu bağlamda Medenî sûrelerdeki kasemlerin kapalı yeminlere örnek oluşturduğu tespiti de yapılmıştır. Yeminler, kendisiyle yemin edilen hususların insanlar açısından önemli olduğuna dikkat çektiği gibi, yeminin cevabı hakkında da bir giriş oluşturduğu muhakkaktır. Çünkü yeminler cevaplarıyla ancak tamamlanır ve anlaşılır hale gelir. Cevapsız yemin ise niçin yemin edildiği belli olmayan bir eyleme dönüşür. Üçüncü bölümde ayrıca Kur’ân’da yemin üslûbu içerisinde yemin edilenlerle yemine cevap teşkil edenlere dair ilgili örnekler yer almıştır. Ayrıca Kur’ân kıssalarındaki yemin örnekleri de bu bölümde ele alınmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde ise kasemin muhtemel sebepleri, hedefleri, neticeleri, Allah’ın yemin etmesi incelenmiş olup bu bölümde ayrıca kasemin fıkhî boyutuna da işaret edilmiştir. Yüce Allah’ın varlıklara yemin etmeyeceği düşüncesinde olanlar, yeminin ancak yemin edileni yüceltmeyi hedeflediğinden bunun Allah için düşünülemeyeceği görüşünü ileri sürmüşlerdir. Allah’ın varlıklara yemin etmesi yemin edilen varlıkların fayda ve zararına dikkat çekmek içindir. Ayrıca Allah’ın değişik varlıklara yemin etmesi, o varlıklar üzerinden kendisine yemin etmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Zira yemin edilen nesnelerin başında “rab” lafzının olduğunu söyleyenler incir’e yapılan yemini “Tîn’in rabbine yemin olsun” şeklinde anlamışlardır. Sonuç kısmında yeminin, tarihin başlangıcından itibaren insanlar ve toplumlar arasında güven ve itimat telkin etmek için dilsel iletişim ve etkileşim aracı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Budan Buradan hareketle şunu söylemek mümkündür: Ccahiliye döneminde insanlar kendilerince kutsal saydıkları herhangi bir şeye yemin ederken, İslâmî dönemde yeminin sadece Allah’a yapılması istenmiştir. İslami dönemde yeminle ilgili hükümler konmuş, gerekmediği sürece yemin edilmemesi istenmiş ve Müslümanların gereksiz yere yemin etmeleri hoş karşılanmamıştır. Bu bağlamda yalan yere yapılan yemin büyük günahlardan sayılmıştır

    Immunohistochemical investigation of caspase-3 in neuronal apoptosis after experimental closed head trauma

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the caspase-3 activity in neuronal apoptosis after experimental closed head trauma model in rats. Twenty adult male rats were randomly divided into two groups: control and trauma groups. In trauma group, a cranial impact was delivered to the skull from a height of 7 cm at a point just in front of the coronal suture and over the right hemisphere. Rats were sacrificed at 12 hours after the onset of injury. Brain tissues were removed for histopathological investigation. In the trauma group, the neurons became extensively dark and degenerated into picnotic nuclei. The number of apoptotic neurons in frontal cortex tissue of trauma group was significantly more than control groups. In conclusion, the caspase 3 immunopositivity was increased in degenerating neurons of the frontal cortex tissue following trauma. The present results indicate that closed head trauma caused degenerative changes and increased caspase 3 immonupositivity in neurons. © 2011 OMU All rights reserved

    Kur’ân Dilinde Yemin Üslûbu

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    In this study, in particular, the subject of what qasams mean in the integrity of the Qur’ān is discussed in the context of the Surah.In the introduction of the four-part study, the subject was examined in terms of scope and method. The first chapter focused on the sameness and difference of concepts such as qasam, oath and hilf within the conceptual framework. In the linguistic framework, the letters used for Qasam are explained; the oath with him (muqsamūn bih) and the answer to the oath (muqsamūn alayh). Again, in the first chapter “zahir” and “muzmar” were explained from the types of vows. In the second part of the study, the Qasam tradition in Arabic language and culture in the pre-Islamic period was examined. Among the subjects of the oath in ignorance are Allah, the Kaaba, idols, time and many natural beings. In the pre-Islamic period, poets, wizards, oracles, along with expressions of vows to obtain material benefits, said mysterious words that made people believe and turn to themselves. In particular, oracles left their oaths in mystery because they expressed what was sworn with them according to their beliefs and cultures but did not say the answer. In the third chapter, the forms of qasam in the Mekkī-Madanī Mekkī and Madanī surahs were compared, and in this context, it was found that the qasams in the Mekkī surahs are an example of open vows in general. In this chapter, it is also stated that Allah swears by his person and adjectives, as well as by oath to both observant and exchange beings. In this context, it has also been determined that the qasams in Madanī surahs constitute an example of closed oaths. It is certain that the oaths constitute an introduction to the answer to the oath, as well as noting that the matters that are sworn with it are important for people. Because vows are only completed and understood by their answers. An unanswered oath turns into an action that is unclear why it was sworn. In the third chapter, there are also related examples of those who are sworn in the Qur’ān in the style of “qath and those who constitute answers to the oath. In addition, examples of vows in Qur’ānic stories are also discussed in this section. In the fourth chapter the possible causes, goals, consequences of the bowl, and the oath of Allah were thinned, and in this chapter, the fiqh dimension of the bowl was also pointed out. Those who believe that Allah Most High will not swear by beings have suggested that this cannot be considered for Allah, since the oath aims to glorify only those who are sworn. Allah's oath to beings is to draw attention to the benefit and harm of the beings who are sworn. In addition, it means that Allah swears to different beings and swears to him over those beings. Because those who say that there is the word “Rab” at the beginning of the objects swore understood the oath to fig as “by the Rab of Tin”. As a result, it was concluded that the oath was a means of linguistic communication and interaction to inculcate trust and trust between people and societies from the beginning of its history. In the period of ignorance, people swore an oath to anything they considered sacred, while in the Islamic period it was requested that the oath be made only to Allah. During the Islamic period, provisions on oaths were made, they were asked not to swear unless necessary, and Muslims were not welcome to swear unnecessarily. In this context, a false oath was considered a great sin.Bu çalışmada özelde sûre bağlamında genelde Kur’ân bütünlüğünde kasemlerin ne anlama geldiğikonusuele alınmıştır. Dört bölümden oluşan çalışmanın giriş kısmında konu; kapsam ve yöntem bakımından incelenmiştir. Birincibölümde kavramsal çerçeve içinde kasem, yemin ve hilf gibi kavramların birbiriyle ayniliği ve farklığı üzerinde duruldu. Dilsel çerçeve içerisindekasem için kullanılan harfler; kendisiyle yemin edilen (muksemun bih) ve yeminin cevabı (muksemun aleyh) açıklanmıştır. Yine birinci bölümde yemin çeşitlerinden “zahir” ve “muzmar”ın açıklaması yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde İslam öncesi dönemde Arap dili ve kültüründeki kasem geleneği incelenmiştir. Cahiliyedeki yemin konuları arasında Allah, kâbe, putlar, zaman ve birçok tabiat varlıkları bulunmaktadır. İslam öncesi dönemde maddi menfaatler elde etmek için yemin ifadeleriyle beraber şairler, sihirbazlar, kâhinler gizemli sözler söyleyerek insanların kendilerine inanmalarını ve yönelmelerini sağlıyorlardı. Özellikle kâhinler, kendi inanç ve kültürlerine göre kendisiyle yemin edilen şeyi ifade ettikleri halde cevabını söylemediklerinden yeminlerini gizemlilik içinde bırakırlardı. Üçüncü bölümde Mekkî-Medenî sûrelerdeki kasem şekilleri mukayese edilmiş ve bu bağlamda Mekkî sûrelerdeki kasemlerin genel itibariyle açık yemine örnek teşkil ettiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu bölümde ayrıca Allah’ın zat ve sıfatlarıyla yemin ettiğine dair örneklerin yanında hem müşahhas hem de mübhem varlıklara yemin ettiği hususu belirtilmiştir. Bu bağlamda Medenî sûrelerdeki kasemlerin kapalı yeminlere örnek oluşturduğu tespiti de yapılmıştır. Yeminler, kendisiyle yemin edilen hususların insanlar açısından önemli olduğuna dikkat çektiği gibi, yeminin cevabı hakkında da bir giriş oluşturduğu muhakkaktır. Çünkü yeminler cevaplarıyla ancak tamamlanır ve anlaşılır hale gelir. Cevapsız yemin ise niçin yemin edildiği belli olmayan bir eyleme dönüşür. Üçüncü bölümde ayrıca Kur’ân’da yeminüslûbu içerisinde yeminedilenlerleyemine cevap teşkil edenlere dair ilgili örnekler yer almıştır. Ayrıca Kur’ân kıssalarındaki yemin örnekleri de bu bölümde ele alınmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde ise kasemin muhtemel sebepleri, hedefleri, neticeleri, Allah’ın yemin etmesi incelenmiş olup bu bölümde ayrıca kasemin fıkhî boyutuna da işaret edilmiştir. Yüce Allah’ın varlıklara yemin etmeyeceği düşüncesinde olanlar, yeminin ancak yemin edileni yüceltmeyi hedeflediğinden bunun Allah için düşünülemeyeceği görüşünü ileri sürmüşlerdir. Allah’ın varlıklara yemin etmesi yemin edilen varlıkların fayda ve zararına dikkat çekmek içindir. Ayrıca Allah’ın değişik varlıklara yemin etmesi, o varlıklar üzerinden kendisine yemin etmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Zira yemin edilen nesnelerin başında “rab” lafzının olduğunu söyleyenler incir’e yapılan yemini “Tîn’in rabbine yemin olsun” şeklinde anlamışlardır. Sonuç kısmında yeminin, tarihin başlangıcından itibaren insanlar ve toplumlar arasında güven ve itimat telkin etmek için dilsel iletişim ve etkileşim aracı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Buradan hareketle şunu söylemek mümkündür: Ccahiliye dönemindeinsanlar kendilerince kutsal saydıkları herhangi bir şeye yemin ederken, İslâmî dönemde yeminin sadece Allah’a yapılması istenmiştir. İslami dönemde yeminle ilgili hükümler konmuş, gerekmediği sürece yemin edilmemesi istenmiş ve Müslümanların gereksiz yere yemin etmeleri hoş karşılanmamıştır. Bu bağlamda yalan yere yapılan yemin büyük günahlardan sayılmıştır